It's literally healthy for you
It's literally healthy for you
Chronic pot as a teen use lowers IQ by 8 points
All these factoid tablets are a bit weird though...
Prove it without citing a jew paper you dont understand
It ruins teenagers when it becomes habitual or a coping mechanism, and seems to wreck their ability to learn. For adults with stable lives its better than booze, which is just poison.
They didnt get 99 herblore
>prove it but dont cite anything
anecdotally, even if the shitty IQ stuff is left out, the stoners in any shared environment are cringey pieces of shit, and you know this to be true.
Last fifteen presidents all blazed up fagit
Government is legalizing it as a mild sedative for the populous. DUDEWEEDLMAO offers a false feeling of content and the powers that be are using it to keep you placated.
It was made illegal as a reverse psychology tool, and the thesis for this tool was proven with the prohibition and subsequent re-institution of alcohol.
Lots of arabs smoke this shit in public. It smells like shit. Anyone who smokes this in public should be gassed.
Sure thing, schizo
And pumping kids full of Ritalin doesn’t? fruitcake.
this. Had a friend who started smoking daily as a teen. Turned into the most retarded piece of shit I've ever known
Ask him any simple question and it takes him about fifteen seconds to think of an answer
By keeping it illegal, it allows us to weed out the niggers of society and keep them in prison where they belong.
Every software engineer I've ever hired has smoked weed, it is harder to find one that doesn't than one that does. These aren't stupid people, your friend was just destined to be a retarded piece of shit with or without the weed.
>X is bad?
It's possible to disapprove of both, user.
For the same reason liberals hate anime and pepe. The weed is a symbol of the left, just as smug lolis are symbols of the right.
I think a good test of mental health is to smoke weed. I smoked with a girl once who started freaking the fuck out and throwing up all over her car. Like out of a movie dude. Ends up she was diagnosed with some kind of mental issue and I didn't know (we recently met) she only told me after she was trying to explain away why she exorcist vomited all over the dash of her car. I walked home. I wish I could remember what it was called.
I don't think any besides Clinton did, and he doesn't really count anyway because he didn't inhale when he did it.
W-who told you about my smug loli collection?! Uh, I mean, 'smug lolis'? What are those??
>smug lolis
which party has all of the above?
The shit they make nowadays has high thc levels and can make you insane
Smoked daily for 12 years. Trust me, you need to ween off it and quit. It is not a DRUG but it's maybe worse as it is a LIFESTYLE which takes up your whole being.
You are CONTENT while high, therefore you never seek to accomplish more. You can't face adversary, and any critique against you/your use is promptly discharged as "they don't know, they're dumb sheep. My feelings and knowledge is superior because I spend time thinking."
There is no other goal in your life than to have pleasant feelings and being high. That way of thinking will bite you in the ass for sure. Just hope you realize why, and don't think "It happened because the world sucks and people are fags. I should get high and work through it."
I sincerely hope you manage to quit, as many of us have. A few months and you won't look back.
Good thing I started smoking and doing drugs after being in my teens
You only need to have reached 20 to have seen this happen to people around you.
As a grown up however, if you are able to control your consumption, it has some benefits for example it can help against depression, but of course it also has drawbacks, lets not pretend. It makes people tired, if you smoke early in the day you're very unlikely to be productive. Smoke is detrimental to your lungs. You might develop a mental addiction. You can't really drive.
Also different strains have different benefits. My favorite makes my body relaxed and my head calm so I can focus on certain thoughts and I can have an inner monologue with my self like I remember I could when I was a child. I think maybe the modern lifestyle stuffs our heads with to much to think about.
If you're already have engineer tire IQ then -8 IQ points is not the end of the world
Fucking hell, you're a bag of laughs. I can imagine you sat at any table during a social gathering, seething at the indignity of just existing. Your Mum squirted out a right miserable little turd with you, didn't she?
Yes, goy. Weed is completely harmless.
>My favorite makes my body relaxed
Then there is some weed that just makes you feel trapped and wishing the effect was over already.
I'm conservative and I like it. Economic conservatives shouldn't really give a shit, and I can kind of understand why social conservatives don't want it in the society but I can't really comprehend why they would want it outright banned. And obviously people have their petty personalreasons against it: wahh it stinks, I know a dipshit who likes weed therefore weed is for dipshits etc
It's definitely not healthy though, it has a few medical benefits (none of which are 'cures') yes, but smoking causes cancer. No-one would describe chemotherapy as 'healthy'
AND BESIDES, why would anyone take drugs when they can just mow a lawn?
i got a date yesterday after two weeks of nofap. the last time i dated was in 2012.
Because people who smoke it and treat it like a defining personality trait are the most annoying retards on the planet.
K, enjoy being placated as your country is overrun with shitskins.
Can't mow your lawn every day
>healthy for you
It turns you into a retard and is addicting over longer periods.
I think it should be semi illegal. Available enough to crowd out of the market that synthetic shit that really fucks you over.
I don’t think it should be widely available though. I certainly don’t think we need to jail people in prison or civil forfeiture homes over it.
Every person doing a drug you aren't doing is cringe.
I find people who willing alter their consciousness' functioning for entertainment to be repulsive. It is a gut feeling, people who do drugs for entertainment, who forsake their self control for a few moments high are disgusting. It must be the self-harm aspect of it, which is also alien and repulsive. Imagine being so anti-life, anti-nature, to willing trade you sanity in exchange of insanity? Because that's what you are doing, you're giving up your sanity to get crazy, that's self-harm, you're just as bad as faggots, anti-nature, anti-life, maybe worse, because you give up the gift of consciousness, while they need to stay awake to rip their own intestines out.
They don’t. I can’t think of a single person I know. Why? Because when you have a real, high paying career, it’s nice to be able to relax.
This is pretty much how I feel about it. In the UK it's always been illegal but treated very lightly by the law - if you're caught with it they just confiscate it and unless you have large enough amounts that it's obvious you've intent to sell they won't even take you to the station for it. I don't think doing drugs should be punishable, frankly, as people's bodies are their own business, but it shouldn't be available to buy legally and it certainly shouldn't be encouraged.
people need to learn to mind their own business
Just makes a lot of people lazy.
I had personal experience with it but I never could control it in moderation and was basically high all day every day for 10 years straight, basically when Colorado made it legal.
That happens with any drug. The addicts ruin it for us all. Do us all a favor. When you can no longer check yourself, it's time to check in.
Fucking meth would be legal if it weren't for fucking meth heads.
Pothead cope is so transparent and pathetic. At least alcoholics have the intellectual honesty to admit its killing them. Potheads literally try and delude themselves into believing its actually a miracle 'herb' lmao. Like fucking drinking tea.
You're hopelessly addicted to a softkill psychoactive DRUG that keeps you in a constant state of addiction, short time preference and makes you extremely passive and stupid. Holy shit these replies.
It used to be funny pre-legalization cuz at least back then it was still considered subversive, but now you're literally being encouraged to smoke by the fucking establishment, you smooth brained motherfuckers.
this guy gets it
you can if you set the blades real high
I don’t hate it, I hate the stoners who revolve their whole identity around it. > Duuuuude weed brooooo
herbs are not healthy for you, marijuana including
Never ending generalizations with no basis in reality.
Fall down a well and break your legs, OP.
idk my boss has basically been permastoned since he left the military 9 years ago and managed to climb from minimum wage to about 150,000k a year. Weed is just incredibly random as a drug when you compare it to how addicts behave on other drugs.
>right wingers are totally in the pockets of big corp
>leftists literally pay journalists to shill their latest start up
>set the blades high
>get high
>mow the lawn high
Sounds like a good time.
I didn't understand half of what you wrote fagget. Do you smoke in public or what? I don't want my newborn to brethe in this shit when we are out for a walk.
I love weed and smoke it every day. I hate stoner faggots though that make weed their whole life. I grew up in a very rural area and I am pretty sure pretty much every redneck and hick smoked weed. Hell I knew 3 that had their own grow fields or barns. People don't hate weed, they hate faggots.
People under 23 shouldn't be smoking it.
I smoke every single day. the last two times weed was on the bill to be legalized in my state. it was the most poorly written monopolized piece of legislation I've ever f****** scene. it gave the US government complete control over all weed that went through my state. so I voted no. I want it but I want it on good terms.
The joke party that only exists to draw people away from the one scheduled to win?
Weed is dangerous and additive. I'm in recovery from daily weed use for 7 yes. It rots your brain, makes you lazy, literally lowers your IQ but this can be recovered with abstinence, don't buy into the hype.
I ended up seeing a psychiatrist because I thought I was losing it and the o my thing that helped was the weed bit it was the cause.
I gave up alcohol and using weed,now I don't use any drugs at all.
It's not the amazing cure all it's being saged as.
Treat it with respect.
It literally demotivates you to do anything besides eat get stoned.
At my peak I was about 1 ounce and half a month on primo Cali fire .
I spent about 20 grand on it alone o we 7 yes.
It's defo dangerous.
I smoked every day for about 10 years. Then one day for no reason at all I stopped. I recently came down with a bout of diverticulitis which transitioned to an impacted bowel. I don’t go to doctors so I tried to fix it homeopathically. I ended up smoking some weed. First time in a looong time. I was shocked at how much it relaxed my colon and mitigated the pain. For a few days getting high was the only way I could sleep. The reason weed is legal is that it would destroy big pharma.
I smoke weed and run a business and make 150k maple bucks at my job
fuck off if you think you're better than everyone else if you don't smoke it, dumbasses
They don't. That's why it's legal in total red states like Oklahoma.
Yeah I agree. It's the best pain killer and insomnia cure there is, but daily use over a long term is not good.
People shill for it because muh hedonism not muh medicine
If you eat it there's no damage done to your body. There's no reason for it to be illegal. Do you really believe that most retards need a drug to be apathetic cattle?
They are retarded. Any full blown nat soc understands weed and other drugs are foos.
I just wake and baked on this Beautiful Saturday morning.
This post is the best example of weed does to you, it makes you incredibly narrow minded and ignorant.
It blunts all your emotions and makes you are arrogant dick.
Please don't stop smoking it, I will take great pleasure in you're eventual downfall.
You are a prick.
You smoke da Herb? You’re just so edgy and bad ass. Gotta real hard core motherfucker here.
People who dont smoke weed talk about football and sex. People who smoke weed talk about cosmology and philosophy.
>not a cry for help/intervention at all
The psychological damage is immense. Be aware it rots your brain.
Abusing any drug will do that. I used in moderation before I got a job that requires random hair follicle testing and never had any problems. Sugar is worse for you than weed and there are zero regulations on it.
>dude what if there were like universes inside our atoms and we're like in another universes' atoms
>you can't really drive
Fuck off and fuck you. Your shit is stupid and you should feel bad:
Researchers are correcting a widely covered study that suggested chronic use of pot might not put users at risk of problems later in life.
It turns out that initial, unexpected finding — covered by Newsweek, The Washington Post, Quartz, and (of course) The Stoner’s Cookbook (now known as HERB) — wasn’t quite right, and a reanalysis found users had a small uptick in risk for psychosis. The authors have issued a lengthy correction in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors that includes some supplemental analysis, too.
Not surprisingly, the study’s findings engendered some controversy, which prompted the authors to reanalyze their data, collected from 408 males with varying levels of marijuana use, who were followed from their teens into their 30s.
Now, an American Psychological Association press release that accompanied the initial findings in August contains an editors note explaining why those aren’t quite correct:
The study referenced below has been corrected because of a statistical error that affected some of the findings. The article reported that chronic teen marijuana use did not appear to be linked to several physical or mental health issues later in life, including psychotic disorders. However, a re-analysis of the raw data found that teen marijuana users did have an increased risk for psychotic disorders compared to non-users, while the other findings remained unchanged.
> it takes him about fifteen seconds to think of an answer.
Does he actually think to create an answer instead of pulling the first thing out of his ass, or does he think if he even should talk to you at this point? Does he pull out something deep?
It's also not recommended to begin smoking before 18, otherwise no mental problem is ever detected.
>If you eat it there's no damage done to your body.
Abuse of your cannabinoid receptors alters your brain.
>Do you really believe that most retards need a drug to be apathetic cattle?
No but it helps.
It makes people complacent.
That is why conservatives also hate porn, alcohol, video games, etc. All opium for the masses.
I wish weed was legal in this shithole. Fuck Mongolians and Mongoloid politics
I have a friend that smoked weed since he was in highschool. He turned into a lethargic idiot.
Inb4 just anecdotal experience
>all this cope for wanting to be high
I feel bad for nerds like you, missing out on social interactions with normal human beings. It's funny to hear how you think drugs work though, almost cute instead of hilarious. Do you think acid melts your brain too user?
Because it makes retarded shit tolerable instead of just improving your life. That's the liberal way, just lower your standards.
I don't hate the herb, I hate you.
Because the dude weed lmao faggots are the reason my shithole country is circling the drain right now with prime minister fuck face.
And no matter how bad it gets they are there to point out "buh he made weed legal though".
so what?
I can second his experience - run my own online business and made $142000 last year while high as fuck 65% of the time. Just because you’re poor and can’t figure it out doesn’t mean others can’t BITCH.
It's not engineer tier IQ that's just a title they give code monkeys to hide the fact that they're easily replaceable. Now imagine if he hired employees that didn't smoke weed how much more productive his department would be.