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All women are whores who will lie to others and themself about what they want

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>All white women are whores who will lie to others and themself about what they want


The basedgoy at the bottom of the comments not understanding reality always gets me.

stop trying to fix things you have no clue about
all women are whores. white, brown, black, asian, sand, your mom, your grandma, your sister


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And then he molested him before they both killed themself


Michael Jackson's stinky hot doodoo fart

Someone post the original where they fuck in the last panel

do "trans parties" happen?

you can TELL she wanted to have them rape her

and then the kid was medically railroaded for the rest of their life

Yes. Read the first line in the comic again, and keep in mind how homosexuals reproduce.

White men don't do that. Niggers and spics do that. Every chick who complains about white men doing that actually had it done to them by niggers and spics but blamed whites because she is afraid of getting cancelled for telling the truth.

>respond positively to catcalling
>shocked and appalled when they do it more
Modern women

I get laid all the time
all women are sluts

I don't get it, if you're dressed like a cop, people are going to react to you like they would a cop.
If you're dressed as a paramedic, people will react to you as if you're a paramedic.
So why would dressing like an attention grabbing slut be any different?

there is certainly veracity to the "recruitment" method used by many homosexuals but i'm having difficulty imagining a party in which Comfortable in Skin individuals are barred; a list of trans people is collated and they are the only ones invited. do keep in mind that my flag is geographically relevant and i avoid urban areas

does this shit really happen?

So the meme was true

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Someone post the edit where she gets fucked

Degenerates will still get overstimulated with all the wokeness in these comics, they're that desperate for scraps of self validation even if its fictional

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>White man thirsting over half-negro
Yes, I agree, absolutely disgusting.

>shes good for the Team
we gang bang her after the game

instead of the "2 years later" bit, you could just make a front page about one raping the other

Now that's something i haven't read in a while, the author shouldn't have rebooted it


I like the right wing version where she is smiling at the end and says "They were nice boys."

what a nice ass

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Post it

>White men wolfwhisting a brown 'woman'

That's the most unrealistic part of the whole thing.

Fags must be purged

I don't get the comic
Is out saying that social pressures are making her a whore
Or that she loves being a whore, but just puts on a public face against it

i hope that dumbass feels the full weight of his actions down the road. dumb cunt ended his genetic lineage for a look

I don't remember this powfoo comic

> girl of color walking through neighborhood
> 2 white guys sitting on porch catcalling
How out of touch with reality do you have to be to not realize this is almost exactly the opposite of what actually happens. Its usually a handful of black guys, or a handful of mexicans sitting on the porch in a city drinking who are catcalling white girls, or really any girls for that matter. I challenge the creator of this comic to find me a single documented instance of 2 white guys sitting on a porch catcalling a woman of color as she walks by.

>Or that she loves being a whore, but just puts on a public face against it
If you have sex with an sjw you will find out

It comments on the duality of Man.

How is it still alive?

.. is that Fred Durst?

> tfw jerking off to the last panel
I wanna fuck a blue haired libtard whore who simultaneously decries misogyny and the patriarchy while also wanting to be completely degraded in the sack

This has got to be the dumbest thing the lefties have ever put out, whoever made this degenerate shit is obviously off their meds and out of touch with reality. What normal person would look at this and say hmmm ya know this person has a point?

Dave Chappelle logic, it was true though

You forgot to include the last panel where she masturbates vigorously to the thought of being forcefully taken by her white conquerers

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This never happens. Why do leftists project?

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You really think older white boomers are like this?

You're living in a a fucking bubble if you don't think white trash exist

Are you a womans?

Are you a nigger?

Why does she talk like a retard

>yee haw

got him there bro

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Oh I see, this guy is actually a fucken racist.


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The second one

So is that supposed to be tranny down there or are flip chicks that hairy

kek, men don't talk that way. We sit in silent awe and just take it in, idk about muds though


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excuse me what the fuck, we need to stop this shit

Fat Nigger roastie spotted, fuck nigger roasties, all roasties are whores.

>lying and not giving accurate food service
just like a nigger to do

>not a tranny

Checking my own post because you faggots won't

but... that guy is also white?

For the rest of his time here

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bernie sanders was right.

At least the girl is cute here.

>konichiwa, dude!


Goku working part time chef huh?


The female main character is clearly a self insert. I'm willing to bet the bitch who made it looks NOTHING like that and is actually a fat little ogre troll thing.

Not that’s some raw uncut WE WUZ

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This is funny though.


Damn if only these hyper advanced ice age african kingdoms left one iota of a trace of their existence! Then we could really turn things around!

My brain hurts

That's still a western style of drawing.

guy doesn't want to cuck to another race
nothing wrong with that

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I don't get it.
>bitch dresses like a whore
>men treat her like a whore (still being relatively civil)
>bitch gets sad