Men are being phased out of the economy

Have you noticed young men aren't getting jobs any more? That they aren't going to college?
College is now a predominantly female institution. Workplaces are now predominantly female.
It's over.

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Must be why everyone is so stupid and why the economy is going to shit

That's why feminism was invented. Most women were too stupid to understand what that entailed.

White Western males are the biggest threat to the globohomo hegemony. Down with the globohomo hegemony. Except white Western males cannot fight back now. That is because they are too attached to the "benefits" of feminism--easy sex. That's it. That's the only "benefit."

Yeah this is true. Women are automatons with their dumb pea brains and think theyre superior and independent because they have 200k in student loans and a "prestigious" job that pays them 60k a year. Fuck the whores. American women will die childless and alone. Let us marry eastern euro/ slav cuties and start orthodox families.

That is probably an unintended consequence of all these movements; it would be very bad for Western economies if men were phased out. They are the net contributors.

I left work for the university meme and then realised I was getting into 60k worth of student loadn debt yet some roasties were getting the degree for free because muh vagina. Literaly sitting at home with tendies as a neet right now with maxed out credit cards and no assets because this is what the jew wanted.
I've also noticed that whenever something corona virus related is shown on the (((news))) its usually a woman scientist they show. fuck this, if they want females to run the show fine, bitches better pay for my gibs

Women do pontless jobs like hr accounting ect. Women are like unicorns in the trades and any job that requires knowledge of abstract concepts eg engeneering. Why would you post this ive never worked with a female in a professional setting.

I'm a man and I got my first job with no issues last year

traditional male jobs that pay well are still 99% men
the fact that they arent getting these jobs proves they arent even men

That's how it is here.

I have many female friends who instantly got jobs, and kept them. While myself and other males have to jump through multiple hoops. Literally read in some job applications that it's preferable if you are a woman.

trans women aren't men. period.

I guess my engineering school didn't get the memo. 95% of women can't into math and science at all so you're really giving them too much credit here

Phased out of wagie office jobs maybe. Anything in construction, computers, engineering, trades are overwhelmingly men and show zero signs of women coming in

high paying men hire females because they want to fuck them or just have eye candy around. females make great underlings since they are submissive

Is this why men are becoming women?

>gap in STEM is increasing
>angry men can just force you out of a job anyway

Imagine being female

Just lower the standards on what classifies an engineer.

Reminder to call all jews Metzitzah B'peh. It drives them insane and can never be banned for hate speech. Also if normies look it up they will see it's when rabbis suck baby dicks.

same here, OP
>be me
>work at uni
>when it comes to permanent hires there's a blatant bias towards females
>most male hires are for temporary contracts only

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Every comment in this thread makes me laugh at the insecurity of the men in here.

Is it because women are taking over because of feminism and progressive shit or is there just enough pussy fucking faggot men out there that would rather come here and bitch about women in the workplace then workout, study, work hard and buy a house and meet and fuck women. I work in a male dominated industry. It's simple, women can't do my job nor would they want to. It's far too physical and far too dangerous. They'll never be able to compete with men because there are just some things most women would rather not do. Like drive around repairing telecommunication towers. If you're having issues competing with women, kek,

that's on you, you fucking clowns

Ggwp nice bait faggot op

>if they want females to run the show fine, bitches better pay for my gibs
Don't be naïve, only wahmens and cultural enrichers get the gibs.

Let’s say I have a penis that is around 7.5 in but probably a 6 or 7 in looks. Would it be easy to find a workaholic women where I can be a stay at home husband/ father? If the sex roles are switching might as well take advantage of it and play vidya all day

and importantly - after about 10 yrs, many women retire to start a family or just stay at home and do something easier - this thins the recruits of people who need to be elevated to partner or profit-sharing status. the boomers built in a way that they could stay on top of the boardrooms and keep sucking up all the wealth into their 70s and 80s. if they had been hiring men they'd have to pass on more of their comfy jobs. this has been ongoing and ever increasing for 30+ yrs

STEM degrees are still sausage fests over here. Don't know what you're talking about.

i can't pronounce that.

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Modern problems require modern solutions

IT used to be a male domain now we have a class of female middle managers who can't do the technical work but manage the males who do, and it fuhhhhhh-king sucks. Get ready. They're coming if you don't keep your guard up.

If you only knew how bad things really are.

That sounds like the product team
They actually don't need tech skills and only exist to put pointless deadlines that piss off everyone only to get fired when they constantly launch failed projects.
For some reason they like to hire Jews in these positions though

Because they're all doing trades.

Ever thought of that?

Women arent even minorities why the fuck do they get special treatment?

because feminism is a powergrab

I don’t mind, my wife is gonna pay all the bills and I’ll stay home and raise the children. Wife gets career, I get progeny that’s paid for on her dime

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trades are slave labour and you're retarded if you don't see the massive shift in power occuring

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I've been in monk mode and I will tell you that it,'s not sex that is holding men back. It's the fucking police

Nice try, what usually happens is the woman isn't attracted to the dude, sees then as a leech and cheats on them and leaves them.

go sit down libtard. the only people who think the economy is going to shit are NPC democrats and the failing EU

I work in an office setting on the lower rung. I can't do anything physically demanding because I suffer from arthritis at a very young age. You think dealing with emotional ethnic women is a cakewalk? Consider yourself lucky, punk.

Meritocractic Polygamy is evolutionary superior

hypergamy won’t allow this

Young me gave up a long time ago, in the 70s and 80s. Those young man didn't become successful until the late 90s early 00s.

Men don’t want to support women anymore, so now we have to secure an education and career ourselves. Men failed us and wanted to fuck around instead of starting families. Don’t blame us for not wanting to starve.

>mfw the sex that will take less money and be more submissive are getting hired by Goldberg
> these bitches are so far the kool-aid they don't see an issue with the current structure of things
>will suck Goldberg so hard they will leave their children behind during infancy and expect the father to work as well often leaving the child to a black nanny that will abuse them
>never question how fucked things are where children can't be taken care of by at least one parent for the first 6 years.
>brainwashed into taking pride in being a "working mom"

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Teach yourself skills. There is help but you have to do it on your own. The new world is online.

freenode IRC
infinite tutorials and guides

Haven't you made this thread before? Fuck off with your demoralization tactics kike

This. Police do not serve the purpose they were created for

I work with scientists and have for about 4 years now. Before this I was a homeless retard clawing my way up the hierarchy because my entire family died when I was a teenager.

It's 100% true. All the labs I've worked at, it's female employees, female managers, female heads. I got a real job at a research lab, and the majority of my coworkers are women.

Women in STEM are twice as likely to be hired than men are. And when the person doing the hiring is a woman, that advantage shoots up even further. What annoys me the most is that they refuse to admit it. These women, who are scientists, will look at this data and call you a misogynist. When I was a homeless teenager, these girls were off to college starting their careers. One woman, who made fun of me in high school for working at a dollar store, had a master's degree while I only had an AA. We worked together briefly, and I would bet you she never once understood her privilege.

I won't go into too much detail. But one place I worked at was founded by a woman who graduated college just after 1945. She created this lab, it was made by a woman, run by women, and staffed almost entirely by women. Do you know what happened to the men who had dreams of becoming scientists before 1945? They were killed by Germans.

Out of the nearly 20 interns at this place, 2 were men. And they celebrated this. It's insane.

OP is actually correct. Boys (they aren’t men) that go to university in 2020 are weak minded bitches that are indoctrinated with the idea that they are inferior to females now

I once heard them referred to as tardwranglers, replacement mothers for Manchild autists who can code

The system is designed against men and for women. You're basically saying "Wow, you men can't individually compete with an entire country's systematically unfair laws and customs? Weak."

Furthermore, most the men in this thread are accustomed to being shamed and abandoned for no reason. Nobody cares what you think

Men got into professions that actually matter.

This is called Freedom

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Imagine unironically thinking women had anything to with their transition from home to workforce.

FemBots have taken over. FemBoys live only to serve them.

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leave the office jobs for the ladies and fags

I willingly make 40% less money as a factory worker, even though I have a degree in teaching science and math, because I will never willingly be an underling to women and backs ever again. Colored women make the worst bosses.

>Workplaces are now predominantly female.
as it should be.

t. stay at home chad

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That's being too generous to them. They're just busybody middle management types who insert unnecessary tasks to justify their existence and they give the occasional power point presentation. to get the occasional shot of male attention they need. They can't help but be women.

How'd your family die?

Sue them then

based and homepilled

feminism, the ideology which seeks to minimize female responsibillity while maximizing the female share of the loot

"Hey fellas, we hired a new floor manager to show how inclusive and diverse we all are, meet Taquisha."

This is the best time in history to learn how to pimp, and its perfectly legal to pimp someone out if it's not for sex work

>Be me
>Was broke
>7 figure income now
>All I have to do is replace daddy for an insecure whore

Yes please don't work in an office, I already have my pick of hundreds of attractive women at my office, please make my ratio even better!

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fucking blue hair harpy detected, HAVE SEX

>Do you know what happened to the men who had dreams of becoming scientists before 1945? They were killed by Germans.
This is true german woman did this in the manocaust.

Take your meds gramps

> >
It's over, goys. Give up.

They already have. Most (all) engineers are functionally retarded.

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Women will always be incapable of real work.

One after the other

Parents drank themselves to death, dogs died, grandparents got old, aunts died of various diseases

>Bro, bro, bro I’m soooooo horny rn

Let's just return to the Bronze or Iron Age where men were the warriors and women did the 'sit, chat and read' stuff.

Can't be bothered to sit around all day.


Yees gals, go and get your precious careers and pay the taxman, so I can get my gibs, sit at home and play vidya all day long.

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Lol user those aren't your kids