Which is the worse concept?

1. We live in a random universe that simply is.

2. We live in a universe created by an all knowing all seeing God and this shit is intentional.

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Obviously 2 because they could just pull the plug on us at any moment

Is he dead?

I can assure you, nobody intended for niggers to happen.

2 is more probable as of 2020. Maybe the answer will change in 2120 or 3020

It used to be accepted that suffering was less bad than not suffering at all. Suffering tempered the metal of the spirit. That was until Judeo-Christcuckery emasculated generation after generation of humans until certain groups became domesticated like the animals they claimed dominion over.
Zen Luciferianisim is where it's at. Jeebus was a better Jew than others I'll concede, but that's like saying poop X is less smelly than poop Y or Z.

I lean more towards 3, a random universe that was created by a godlike being. I actually suspect that this universe is a simulation designed to create true AI. I bet they just created a random universe and waited for life to develop, let us mature and gain knowledge in our natural environment, and once we die they use us for whatever they need.

Your choice are limited by your narrow perception. Think bigger

A universe with a God is not less random user. The only difference is there is someone to blame

there's no God and the supposed reward of eternal life doesn't even make sense.

can you imagine how bored you would become after living for millions of years? it would drive people insane and they'd be begging for God to end them.

He's only mostly dead which is partly alive... That's a profoundly retarded person, they are born like that. They can live for years as meat bags, I used to work with them. You have to carry them around stuff food in them and clean their shit off them. When you look into your eyes you see nothing. A pet hamster is more responsive.

It could be God's will that your children come out like that.

Also, the only difference between an Atheist who believes in simulation theory and a theist who believes that "god the almighty" made everything is theology and dogma. The structure is the same. The creator or force behind the existence of the simulation takes the throne and vantage point of god. Simulation theory is atheist cope. If the most advanced tech we had was clockwork gears, we would have a "clockwork universe" hypothesis. But that would beg the question, "who's the clock maker"?. Same with the simulation, same with the theist. It's a logical mistake to assume that something we would call a "maker" is necessary.

enlighten me... please present the other options.

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2 is the superior option. Heavenly Father knows us all personally, we were with him in heaven before we attained a mortal form. However, the innate sin of our humanity excluded us from rejoining Him. So that He might be with all His children He gave unto the world His only son, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived as a mortal man would, spreading His Father’s works wherever He trod. However, Jesus knew that He must view your sin and consume it, take it into Himself so that you might join Heavenly Father in heaven once again. That is the depth of love God shows to you, that He would allow His son to die for you.

That is a world I can believe in.

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Ever see a 70's sci-fi movie called "Zardoz".. It's about immortal people who want to die.

I’d rather be ruled by randomness than by a jew

Or in other words, you fell for jewish mind tricks.

God has a plan for you... You are going a suffer needlessly and then go to hell because you never heard of Jesus Christ.

>Ever see a 70's sci-fi movie called "Zardoz".. It's about immortal people who want to die.

Ah yes rings a bell. Sean Connery?

It's obvious that the human brain simply isnt designed for infinity. At a time when people died young I suppose eternal life sounded great, but really it would be hell, even in heaven.

Reminder to call all jews Metzitzah B'peh. It drives them insane and can never be banned for hate speech. Also if normies look it up they will see it's when rabbis suck baby dicks.

I think it more like this.... ties into parallel time lines... humans are more like a patch of fungus in the woods... some have abundant food fungus colony gets big... some don’t fungus colony is small and weak... different types of fungus (blacks, Asians, sand people, etc) some fungus thrives off other fungus.. on its on it struggles... fungus has a similar blueprint for colony... doppelgänger people...

Gods and angels were actually Aliens, the rapture was an abduction. They found the least retarded species on earth, neanderthals, and fucked them to create humans. This is why we are able to conceive things in our minds like dyson spheres, black holes, FTL travel, wormholes etc. They have come back to check up on us every now and then, one time they fucked a more evolved human and made jesus but it started freaking us out, so to avoid crucifixions it's recently been more quiet.

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If I want to troll jews I talk about cutting aid to Israel. That really freaks them out. Lot's of good reasons to dump Israel that have a fucking thing to do with religion so they cannot ban you for being a bigot.

god has no place here in 2020
all is lost

Physics fag, it's 1.

I mean lots of reasons to dump Israel that DON"T have anything to do with religion.

>be God
>create the universe
>make sure to sprinkle in some awful things like niggers and deadly viruses

God is a complete piece of shit.

3. We live in a universe, created by God, which is directed by a mixture of free and permissive will. Some things happen for a reason beyond our comprehension and others happen for no reason.

Nothing is cut and dried, faggot.

>oy vey King Rabbi will reward you with the carrot goyim!
>don’t listen to those non-jew worshippers, that carrot isn’t on a stick!
>now destroy the memory of your ancestors and burn your roots to the ground! Also, let go of your instincts, pride, judgement and virtues and worship and obey only King Rabbi! He knows what’s good for you!
>also, let in those refugees, don’t resist them goy! In fact, you should love them as they destroy your whole society! In fact, you should literally bow down and kiss their feet, goyim! King Rabbi will reward you for this!

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If everything was good then nothing would be good.

We will all meet the creator in our pure forms upon passing to be judged.

everything is a cycle or pattern, time is and doesn't stop, everything is supposedly made of atoms, but not every thing is alive. What causes life to be?

>What causes life to be?


Sins of the father is a literal thing. Your dad smoked too much? Birth defects. Your mum did drugs during pregnancy? Birth defects. Breeding with someone who has fucked themselves up or who's parents grandparents etc did? Birth defects. And this shit keeps going. You carry that in herited shit in your dna. God doesn't do this to us we do this dumb shit to ourselves.

>Nothing is cut and dried, faggot. So we have a universe with a god but no moral absolutes.

God exists, he just doesn't care.

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Were in the dreams of a sleeping butterfly

God punishes individuals for things that happened before they were born?

>God punishes
No God doesn't do it. Our defects are inherited because someone in our family line did something they shouldn't have done or fucked someone who did.
God rewards those who accept Christ and has a love of those who suffer in life.

Let me know when scientists create the mini universe in a lab with workings just like our universe

Sounds fair,, you let me know when a God turns up. Something more than cracker and glass of wine, please.

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Arrogance at its best. Can't grasp the concept of higher morality so you say there's no morality.

I didn't say there was no morality,, I just said no absolute morality. We all do what we believe is right and good, sometimes we disagree and occasionally kill each other over it.

This explains most of human history don't you think?

Interesting. I lean towards 4:
* A god like being or beings came to this universe from another universe.
* This being/beings created life in this universe.
* Life was created/upgraded in stages. Create some life, see how it does within the limits of its adaptability, then build the next iteration off what was learned. (I differ from you here because I don't think something like the Cambrian explosion could be natural or random. Basically I don't buy evolution outside small changes within a species. I think anything greater is designed/deployed.)

Not sure as to purpose. I sometimes wonder if something is trying to jump from a dying universe to our universe, but can't exist here (or exist here for long) in its current physical form due to some variance in physical laws. So it had to develop new physical forms over time, trying to learn everything it needed to learn in order to create a world here where it could exist and would be happy. I wonder if this is why religions talk so much about possession (good or bad), your body being a temple, god/gods dwelling among men, etc.

Assume for the moment that Christianity is rooted in truth if you're not a Christian. I wonder if the Christian good/evil divide between God/Satan came down to a fight over how to best proceed. Humanity is made sentient ('in our image') and God wanted to not just use humanity, but make humanity a partner as a reward. Perhaps Satan thought that was moving too slowly or a waste or resources and just wanted to use creation as quickly and brutally as possible to insure the migration into this younger universe. You see this divide in the two philosophies ('love thy neighbor as thyself' vs. 'do as you will').

Or maybe I just think too much idfk....

O.5 retarded comment. KYS. You are about 30 years away from basic wisdom. You are a lost cause.

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You have to go back

Stop inbreeding OP.

Neither is true. We live according to karma life after life and we all created all the evil and goodness too.

Okay that's fair, I'm not even Christian though.


Both, all at once simultaneously.

I.e. a severely retarded person who blames god for his sufferings?

>good and evil
epistemology is not your strong suit, eh?

Are you Forrest Gump?

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>god is good

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>god love everyone
>his creation
>his beast

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Dude,, I don't think a severely retarded person is capable of forming those thoughts,,,

I did work with one who constantly screamed and always tried to dig his finger nails to the staff's arms...

But since that was entire extent of his behavioral spectrum, I have no clue as to his motivations.

Why the fuck would a person be born like that? To give me the opportunity to show the virtues of kindness and patience I suppose.

God is evil. If you know how to read the New Testament this is clearly what Jesus was saying. Yahweh the Creator God is the "god of this world" who is Satan, the Devil.

Imagine waiting 12 years for that defective mass of meat to finally die.

>god loves children more than anyone

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I bet pic gets more pussy than you.

this is sad af
parents are self righteous pricks
you let this thing barely live just so you can feel better about yourself instead of aborting

Are you retards this fucking incapable of seeing a possibility between the two extremes?

Maybe a fact that some thing (whether you'd like to refer to it as a god or not) created the whole universe, either by accident or intentionally, without any intention or knowledge that life would be a bi-product of it, and that it has no idea we're even here, or that we even matter in the sense we think we do.

For all we know, a 5th-dimensional monster spat into a puddle and formed the universe for what amounts to a 5th-dimensional 30-seconds.

God sees all, knows all and does nothing.

You would like HP Lovecraft's Azathoth the Blind Idiot God.


I'll have to check it out; cheers.

This is more likely than grand-design surely?

Just because an entity can create something of immeasurable power and complication, it doesn't mean they are of equal power and complication, or that they can even comprehend or control what they have done.

Yea, don’t take responsibility for the messes we make....magic being will fix everything.

If there’s a god he’s doing it right by letting us suffer the consequences of our mistakes.