Manlets as we all know are detrimental to our genepool. Yesterday I had some 5'6 manlet seethe so hard when I mentioned his height. I'm 6'2 at ten o'clock at NIGHT so I would be clearly taller than him. He claimed that I was only 5'10. I literally took my shoes off to show that I still towered above his ass. Still didn't believe it. I've been remarked of how reasonably tall I am. I've been measured by doctors and my height is on my drivers license. Why are manlets so insecure?
Fuck manlets
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this. Try to post some manlets who did anything of relevance
>pro tip: you can't
Alright, at least I'm not a potato nigger.
Probably a refugee.
It sounds like you're the one seething mick
>Why are manlets so insecure?
It wasn't a manlet that made this thread.
>Projecting this badly.
Why do you hate on your fellow manlets? Potato-manlet.
I’m 5’7
high quality troll right here
inb4 300+ replies
I think voicelets who dont sound like movie trailer announcers are worse
>Look! I can use this arbitrary figure to one-up you because everything is a dick measuring contest!
Nothing is worse than gloating something that you didn't even earn.
>inb4 t. seething manlet
Also sage this Côte d'Ivoire nigger
Feels good to be dutch, fucking dwarfs
Almost great leader, innovator or actor has been shorter than 6’
Why are you so concerned about the height of other people when our countries are being dragged into hell?
6'4" guy here
manlets are a threat to national security
>tfw actually genetically danish but only 5’9”
>third world immigrant kids are taller than me
I legit hate myself because of this no meme
Even if a girl seems interested in me for some unknown reason I don’t make a move because I feel I’m disgusting
What a waste of the 1 shot at life
Height don’t matter when You have a gun in your hand
this. op went around the office trying to claim he was 6'0'' and flipped out when someone called him out on his 5'10'' manlet physique, embarrassing himself in front of all of his coworkers.
What does being tall do besides help you reach the top shelf? We arent living in fucking caves hunting anymore and we have laws that will fuck you up. I dont get this world anymore.
>dad is 6'0
>mum is 5'2
>me 5'5
Its time that we keep lanklets accountable for making us manlets. Im legit so wide in body that I look like I got my legs cut off.
>Why are manlets so insecure?
potato nigger
Just made it.
>I've been measured by doctors.
being a manlet is a tactical advantage in modern warfare
if you're tall as a flagpole you will get shot
>Fuck manlets
thus how they reproduce u asshole
Me but 5'8
Grow harder.
>Manlets as we all know are detrimental to our genepool
*begins slow migration to a mountain somewhere*
genghis khan
Anti-manlet b8 disguised as anti-tallfag b8 disguised as anti-manlet b8. I like it.
>Grow harder
but do not shit urself
I'm 6'4/193cm and feel pretty short these days
You sound obsessed with your height. Is that all you have going for you?
lmao I bet you think he had a deformed micropenis too right? hitler being short is another jewish lie he was well known to be over 6ft tall. napoleon wasn't short either and mussolini and khan are non white so it doesn't count.
Going by Yas Forums's definition of a manlet, which is anyone under 6'0", most of the notable men throughout history would qualify.
Lincoln was 5'4".
Yes I'm 5'8 but tell others dwarves im 5'6. How did you know?
>which is anyone under 6'0", most of the notable men throughout history would qualify.
no they used to measure shorter back in the day so when they said someone was 5'5 they were really about 6'2 by modern measurements.
I'm sure he was pissed because your faggot was came up out of nowhere to make a comment on his height.
Bare in mind the period of time, they weren't short
lol OP btfo
Based. Now imagine be 5’6”. I would kill to be tall like you.
OP got bullied by a manlet
>Manlets as we all know are detrimental to our genepool.
>Why are manlets so insecure?
who knows?
5'5" here and never had a problem with women or being in fights.
Just stay fit.
im 6`0 noooooooooooooooooooooooo
divide and conquer
not Yas Forums
Actually height is mostly a trait inherited from the mother side.
at least you don't have far to move
i had to stop going to bars because of seething drunk manlets trying to fight me all the time because i'm tall. i don't really i understand why they try and take their shortcomings out on everyone else just trying to have a good time.
many such cases, SAD!
Ooooh, you're a little cutie, would love to tickle you and pat you on the head like a good little boy.
it gets you lots of pussy
What a cope.
Not so sure about that one buddy
He said of relevance.
Making boring music for retarded quasi counter culture boomers is not relevant.
tolkien's books were history books...
That's it? Your greatest attribute is that you are tall? That's all you got? "Hey man, I am taller than you. haha."
Gets you tons of pussy. Women love taller men, as long as it's not freakish, so 6'2 to 6'5. We may not be living as cavemen, but we are still cavemen psychologically.
Tee hee hee.
*smashes you in the jaw with a hammer*
*Tries to smash my face with a hammer, but he can't reach*
being tall is all you really need. haven't you noticed people treat you better when you're wearing your lifts like a big boy?
also a reality check to manlets. height is literally the only thing that matters in a fist fight. a drunk 6'2 fat slob would destroy a 5'6 pro mma fighter everytime.
Lanklets can’t fight. You throw all your weight behind your skinny beta frames and can’t shake the notorious C O R E of superior manlets as they uppercut you into oblivion. Your done faggot retard.
Whenever I see a manlet, there's just this instinctive urge to bend him over, cum up his ass, then beat the fuck out of him (to show him who's boss)
Not worth the few decades in prison, so I stay far away from where manlets mingle
Lankets btfo
*Stands on a copy of the yellow pages*
why are tall people the gayest faggots alive?
hitler was 5'9 in boots. it isnt the length the shins its the strength of the spirit
Based er det dig?
height is literally the only thing that matters. it has been proven that tall people are seen as more attractive and get better raises/promotions at work. If you are under 6ft you will not be successful period.