Does Nick Fuentes realise that Michelle Malkin is not white? What the fuck is he doing promoting this grifter as the leader of the "America First" movement
Does Nick Fuentes realise that Michelle Malkin is not white...
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We have to tell the Commander about this.
The American right has been kicking supremacists to the curb for years now. No one gives a fuck about racial purity you inbred anglo faggot.
wait she is not white?
Ben Shapiro drunk and shitposting again. Hey Ben, he's better than you and you know it. Kike.
What possible good do America Firsters believe in if non-whites can become leaders in their movement?
shes a filipino anchor baby
>having contempt for a chink nigress is kosher
they absolute state of "American nationalism". there is no hope of you guys anymore
nice trips my man
They are both mestizos.
>Does Nick Fuentes realise that Michelle Malkin is not white?
thats the point, hes neither. We are making Civic nationalism great again and you wignats arent part of it.
Wingnats are gay and cringe. Asians are usually as intelligent as whites. They are able to fit into our societies.
does anyone at this point doubt that AmNats are bunch of civnat faggots?
no blacks pls
Yet. I bet at some point Nick will date a black catboy. You know, ironicaly, to own the wignats.
civcuck nationalism is faggy. this is your mind on burgers
how is kicking nonwhites out working out for you so far?
You all act like he's going to be our leader. He's just here to open the gates for him.
>you got principles and you keep losing huh cringe
kicking out nonwhites is the point you stupid faggot gypsy
theres a difference between having them as civilians in your society vs promoting them as your leaders
>it's just a gateway bro
no it isn't, he hangs out with malicious civnat gatekeepers
Herschel, this angle is really exhausted. Of course you want all right wingers to curse and abandon any potential allies that aren't white, so whites single themselves out and also make themselves the guy that nobody likes even to people who would otherwise try to help them.
This shit isn't working anymore and you're out of tricks.
You honestly think we can go full out nazi? You have to start somewhere.
This is really incredible. The powers that be don't seem afraid of a racial struggle, but unite the races and make it a class struggle of poor and middle class against teh rich and everyone loses their minds!
>You have to start somewhere
like I said, he hangs out with malicious altilite gatekeepers and washed up e-celebs like fatfuck ralph. You can pretend he was a gateway if he didn't countersignal everyone to his right, stupid grifter faggots
and you'll never do it because you're an absolute imbecile
i said nothing about cursing or abandoning. merely, the face of "america first" should not be non-white
>muh middle class
you stupid faggots are just GOP drones with edgy frog memes, it's like the 2016 election didn't happen
it is a racial struggle, that's what fuentes is doing, explicitly, but braindead 60 iq wignats can't do 2+2
She's an honorary Aryan you faggot.
ok little guy
yeah, let's sucumb to the jews because cringe wignats don't like them, please fuck me harder Schmuley, I bet richard spencer will be mad
you know how i know youre not white?
>Asian milfs are my weakness
Uh huh, you're not as clever as you think, Herschel. Whether you said it or not, that's ultimately your hidden point and goal. The subtext to your faux outrage.
This. Allies that can help us are more important than being racist just to be racist.
the point is to stop with the dogwhistling shit, the right wing has been dogwhistling for the last 30 years, gathering white support but in the end with plausible deniability kicking whites in the ass. But you cattle just keep getting coraled.
You realize that if "diversity was a strength" you wouldn't have to repeat it like a mindless drone right? Nobody walks around repeating "air is good."
she called herself a "white majoritarian" and these faggots are attacking her, pretty incredible how stupid these people are
She's an ally. There's no fucking doubt about it to me.
you people pretend like Nick is hanging out with Ann Coulter and Tukcer Carlson. While he hangs out with malkin and cernovitch, what an absolute joke
what is even your goal then if its not racial security?
He probably wants to screw her. I would, too. Filipinas are wife material
inb4 leaf
I say class struggle and your mind instantly goes to communism? Why is that?
Who cares. Your opinion on it doesn't even matter if you aren't from the U.S.
Not an argument.
nah, hes gay, it's pretty clear
that's not true tho, what class struggle? it's about white people, nothing else, fuentes says that explicitly every day
yes the ultra rich are traitors right now but nobody is doing any communist bullshit
also fuentes attacks "capitalism" in the sense of the money interests of big players running society
>minorities have never grifted a movement to get special treatment before
>we gotta reach duh normies the normies can be reached, they can reason! just we need more frog memes
yeah, in several months wait till she doxxes those niggers, it will be glorious
ok beaner
It is racial security. That's just has to come later. The amount of push back we are receiving is fucking biblical. They know once this house of cards starts falling it's over.
I love Nick
>The amount of push back we are receiving is fucking biblical
you know how many alt-righters went to jail, lost their families and jobs? you seen nothing you pozzed up zoomers
Cant wait till antifa start crashing your events. It will be glorious.
Nick isn't even white so why do you care?
every gay guy I know is attracted to Asian women.
Yes it will. That's when the real fun starts. Unironic btw
we hate grifters
lol thats because your nation always cucks out. just look at the state of it with the jews you weak dog
you people will get beaten up and railroaded, like people before you, who will you blame then? dickie spencer? mike enoch?
Pussy thinking. Fighting with antifa is inevitable. Same thing happened in the lead up to ww2.
Jews always hire the weakest foot soldiers. We will win in the end.
yeah, seeing that nickers are mostly pencil neck zoomers, it will be funny, many wignats are bluecollars or veterans, still didnt help them