What Will YOU Do?

I can't wrap my head around this coronavirus situation at all. I don't know what to do.

Pretend there is a coronavirus case confirmed today in your city. Do you continue going to work? Do you continue going out in public? Most people can't just self-quarantine indefinitely to avoid infection. People have jobs, people need money, things need to keep operating. And even if you do self-quarantine, chances are the virus has been spreading locally for weeks before a test-confirmed case presents itself.

I don't see how anyone avoids getting this thing, except for shut-ins, NEETs and agoraphobics.

Tell me, what is your plan when this thing hits your town?

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Even the concept of "prepping" doesn't really make sense. Prepping for what, exactly? You're going to quit your job and self-isolated indefinitely? No one's gonna do this.

The only thing it makes sense for is if you are directed to self-quarantine by the govt after being suspected of having the virus.

Corona is the excuse for the upcoming mega economic crash.
When it is all said and done, millions will have been jailed and executed. The rights of survivors will be eroded, travel will be banned and a new one world government will be instated.

Take your meds schizo

Just focus on being healthy and building your immune system. Stop listening to the fear porn. If you get it then you get it and as long as you're not a genetic peice of garbage you'll probably be alright. Genetic purges happen and this is what natural ones look like.

There is one and I’m on my way to work now. I’m strong. I’ll be fine. If shtf I’m gonna go around killing boomers and taking their daughters in Minecraft.

>probably alright

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You will be fine idiot
t. Live and work in Milan, Lombardy

I got it already, will update on how it goes

Source : my ass

Makena vlog with proof or LARP

I will if it gets bad

I find it a bit alarming that with all the /cvg/ doomers, prepper and happeningbros on Yas Forums, not one can tell me what their action plan is once there is a confirmed case in their city. All I've heard so far is basically "continue my life as usual and pray I don't get it".

What a boneheaded take.

You're retarded and will probably get the virus.

You won’t have much interest in raping when you’re drowning in your own lung fluid

What has life been like for you and your friends / family these past few weeks? Are you self-isolating? Are people still going to work, going out to eat at restaurants, etc?

>Arkansas can only test five patients for Coronavirus per day.
>Maine can't test any yet.
>Washington State has a backlog of tests it hasn't gotten through.

there won't be any warnings.
you won't see it coming.
one day, you'll wake up and suddenly it's all gone to shit overnight.

i'd go in and purposely try to catch the virus, but first id get infected with bvll nigger aids to compromise my immune system prior to

Thanks for the schizo post retard

If you don't already have it and don't want to get it, you must get out of the city immediately and self-isolate.

Why would you have to leave the city? You can't self-isolate in your own home?

Jokes on them, I'm already a neet in voluntary self isolation.

>not one can tell me what their action plan is once there is a confirmed case in their city. All I've heard so far is basically "continue my life as usual and pray I don't get it"
Yeah, good point. I've prepared reasonably if there is a quarantine for a while. I haven't thought about what would be the line crossed where I would start self isolating on my own. Right now I'm just avoiding crowded venues when I go out and keeping my outings to a minimum and only when necessary.

Like most leafs I'm probably waiting for the government to tell us when to quarantine, which is stupid, I know, but habits and culture, ya know?

Any thoughts on what your threshold will be? I've got some thinking to do today.

No plan, just go on with life as usual until the government says stop

Because somewhere remote you could self-isolate more pleasantly I suppose. Staying in your flat for 100% of the time should work, but sounds horrible.

>there won't be any warnings.
>you won't see it coming.
>one day, you'll wake up and suddenly it's all gone to shit overnight.
Agreed. From what I've seen on how it's being handled in the US and here in Canada these people are incompetent. It's been completely bungled and you absolutely have to be planning this for yourself. No one is going to be able to do better.

Watch the daily Peak Prosperity updates on youtube. They are pretty on top of what is really going on given the information available. They cut through a lot of the crap people in charge are throwing out. Gives you a better chance at making the right decisions for yourself.

>Any thoughts on what your threshold will be?
Exactly why I made the thread. I've got no idea what criteria should be met before going into self-isolation mode.

It's a big fucking step -- I'd have to leave my job (assuming there isn't a voluntary shut-down - no one's said anything like this yet). I'd be subsisting off my meager savings for god knows how long.

There's already confirmed cases in my province 150km away from me confirmed a day or two ago. Which tells me it's probably been here for a week or two. Should I already be in isolation???

Until Centrelink calls

choke on poutine

16cases in my City and i keep working

Maybe that works in Australia, but Canada has been completely lackadaisical about this whole thing. They haven't even stopped flights from infected countries yet. So I doubt they'll be giving quarantine orders, and even if they do, it'll be way after the cat is already out of the bag.

You don't care if you get infected or not?

>Should I already be in isolation???
Objectively once there is a case in your area then with the 2 to 3 week asymptomatic spreading then it's almost surely well established. It will be just a matter of weeks before it starts exploding. I live in the Vancouver area so tonnes of chinks and fucking Iranians.

Any way to see your doctor and get time off work for some bullshit reason? Claim depression or anxiety that is making your life impossible and you're unable to work. I'm saying this because with a doctor's note you'd be able to get EI while you're off work and you'd still get just over half your regular income. This could be good for 8 months or so. Just an idea.

it is a meme faggot. no one is dying, it is used to create hysteria and make vaccines mandatory in the future.

Unless your 95 you shouldnt worry. Its like worrying that the common cold hit your town. The media is just overhyping the virus to make trump look bad.

i don't get why it seems so hard or expensive to make masks. Governments just need to force their people to wear something that covers the whole head with an opening on top to avoid coughing contamination. Then there will be no mass extinction and we have time to study the virus.

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Are you brain-dead man? When has China ever shut down half their fucking country over a common cold?

All 'nothingburger' posters should piss off and go back to posting in /cvg/. This thread is for people who are soberly assessing the facts and want to act pragmatically.

>Unless your 95 you shouldnt worry.
Yeah, but that seems to hold only if you have access to intensive medical care. Once the hospital system is swamped the fatality rate is going to increase dramatically for everyone. Lots of younger to middle age people with chronic conditions. Also, the hospitals are already full up with people being treated for accidents, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. Those people will now be turned away and they'll be dying from conditions that would otherwise be treatable.

It's gonna be a shit show.

>When has China ever shut down half their fucking country over a common cold?
Exactly. Watch what people fucking do, not what the say. For fuck's sake.

If you get the virus you shouldn't go to the hospital. You're more likely die of a staff infection then the corona virus. Not to mention its a complete waste of money. Let the doctors treat the real patients and just stay home a few days.

I've already greatly reduced my interactions outside.
Once confirmed cases start popping up in my town I'm more or less gonna isolate myself by just being home and going to the stores I need to go to when the least amount of people are there, so either the minute it opens, or a little bit before it closes.

I'm lucky to have a mom who works in health stuff so I'm already stocked up on masks, antibac and general first aid stuff that she's taken from where she works.
I'm fully stocked up on vitamin C and vitamin D(and a bunch of other vitamins, I take vitamins daily, done it since I was a kid), like over a years worth in terms of intake when I'm not sick, if I get sick I should have enough to help me recover.

I'm already surrounded by confirmed infected cities, so won't be long from now.

Good time of year to not be a wage slave I guess.

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>If you get the virus you shouldn't go to the hospital.
LOL. I'm older and grew up in rural areas. No one goes to the doctor for a fucking flu. When I first moved away from home I couldn't understand why people I got to know and worked with were always running to the doctor. Fuck, if you broke something, sure, fine. Makes sense. But you've got the sniffles and a temperature? Are you kidding me?

The last few weeks has surprised me a lot.
The amount of people who go to their doctor because they have a flu or a bad cold is kind off insane to me.

I also grew up in a rural area, like a you need your own tractor, snow-plowing equipment for the tractor, etc. to be able to live there kinda rural, I've never gone to the doctor for this kind of stuff and no one I know except for a few weak people in cities like Oslo or Tønsberg who do that.

Seattle area reporting in.

Life is still pretty much going on as normal besides stores being cleaned out of certain items and a noticeably less amount of traffic with the local big tech companies having people work from home. They're starting to close schools too.

I've been ready for many years in the prep department, so no worries here. I'm curious to see how the next week plays out.

>like a you need your own tractor, snow-plowing equipment for the tractor,
Same here. Ontario, Canada.

You need to decide if you believe the 'airborne aids'/re-infection theories swirling around.

If you put that aside, this is a new flu that kills off a portion of the elderly. That's it. So unless you are or live with an elderly person or someone immunocompromised, this is likely not a fatal virus to you.

The reason it's making the news and drawing government-level attention is because of it's potential to overwhelm health facilities. If that happens, the number of dead raises higher and that's not a great outcome.

But that's pretty much it, unless, as I said at the top, you are prepared to entertain the re-infection theories.

So on that basis, what are you supposed to do? Accept that you might get it. have enough food and water arrangements in place that a quarantine period would not be unduly harsh. Avoid gatherings and close contact with people where practical, but don't do OTT shit like quit your job or completely isolate, unless your life circumstances permit it.

Fuck off dog eating chink shit

Shitalian subhuman. That's why so many Italians fall sick

>Accept that you might get it. have enough food and water arrangements in place that a quarantine period would not be unduly harsh. Avoid gatherings and close contact with people where practical, but don't do OTT shit like quit your job or completely isolate, unless your life circumstances permit it.
Good advice.

>if you believe the 'airborne aids'/re-infection theories swirling around
Its not a theory. It's confirmed. It also attacks your nervous system. Cofirmed today

Do you have any idea/impression of how many people(family/friends for example) in your area are completely ignorant about the entire situation, in terms off not getting checked if they have actual corona symptoms, not bothering to wash hands or caring about hygiene that should be normal no matter if a virus is going around or not, still going to tightly packed public events, etc?

>I find it a bit alarming that with all the /cvg/ doomers, prepper and happeningbros on Yas Forums, not one can tell me what their action plan is once there is a confirmed case in their city
In my city? Yeah, once that happens it will be too late. But a city or two over, that is when I either fuck off into the woods, or shut myself into my room while waiting for everyone to die.

The daughters of boomers are in their mid-30s to 40s. Enjoy your post-wall hags

M8 it's already wildspread, of course quarantines will happen, which is comfy af. Working and studying from home and supermarkets will be free to roam. If anything this is a great happening

>Do you have any idea/impression of how many people(family/friends for example) in your area are completely ignorant about the entire situation,
Vancouver here. The chinks know but honestly, everyone is out and about like usual. A bit extra busy at the super store the other day. Toilet paper is almost all sold out, hand sanitizer the same. Nothing exceptional otherwise.

Things will change in a matter of days, though. Something will trigger and the herd will all move together.

The majority of people that I've heard talk about it are the naysayers. It's almost like those that are worried keep their mouths shut so they don't seem crazy.

That's the American way though. We've had it pretty good over here for generations so it's easy to deny the possibility of something going wrong on a large scale until it does.

It is in the next state. I have prepped enough that I could self isolate for a month. I’ve stocked up on things like OTC meds that I think will run out. I have started washing my hands a lot more and doing things like disinfecting the doorknobs, leaving my shoes at the door.

Today will be the last large group event I attend. When they close schools that will be the sign that it is time to stay at home.

well dont do what i did and panic too early. ive had my family and i locked down since start of february. i was about to give it up because wife and kids going crazy and my next job site was coming up when suddenly theres a bunch of confirmed cases in my town and the job got cancelled because of corona. i really thought japan would be wuhan by now because they havent done shit and have had rampant cases from the very start but either lack of testing or luck its been slow. that being said wife now says fucl that we arent leaving our little quarantine yet.
for anyonw wondering im not talking bricked off in a basement somewhere. i bought three months of food in jauary and i stopped all visits to the park, or doctor, or eating out, or extended family or friends visits, and casual shopping. quit work temporarily too. cut dow about 99% of our interactions outside this house. we still go out to the mountains every other day to hike, go fishing, and check out bug out spots as a last resort. i was too early though. too paranoid. everyone else is going on with their lives like normal around me and i look insane.

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>Tell me, what is your plan when this thing hits your town?
repent nigger

Atanas you have to understand that not everyone has a village they come from. I'm sure you can find some abandoned village somewhere in the mountains of Bulgaria where all the eldery have died out, but not everyone can.

It's prepping for If you manage to not get infected long enough for millions to die and society to collapse because no one is willing to go out of their house and get infected and die
Not government mandated quarantine you Dummy
In that case the electricity and water would no longer be maintained and cease to function
In this scenario preppers come out on top

Do preppers actually believe this will happen?

This hasn't even occurred in Wuhan, the epicenter of this fucking thing. Why would it happen in North America?

Fuck off leaf

Schizo's and nothingburger-posters begone

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it's allready in my village.

I avoid everyone except i visit my parents three times a week

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