Greeks are currently fighting for Europe with tooth and nail for the past week

And no one speaks about this. Situation is dire and escalating, but Greeks hold steady for now.

160.000 and counting at the border with 3.5 million on the way, bused by Turks who help them cross with the help of teargas and shooting at Greek forces across the fence.

Write to your politicians for support because this WILL affect you sooner than later.

They also just passed a new law on Greece: All those who are granted asylum (10% of the immigrants) are free to do whatever they want but will receive no more EU money. The others get deported. Faster examination of asylum applications.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stand with God and fight.

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Surely Turkey's actions would constitute a declaration of war? Why is the EU so scared of doing the right thing?

>Write to your politicians for support because this WILL affect you sooner than later.
Haven't you already heard many Municipalities pledged to take the "orphans" here and "shelter" them here.
There's no writing politicians anymore, there's waiting for war and killing them in minecraft only.

Roach'd lel

Who cares? Politicians let well over a million immigrants into the European countries every year.
Politicians love niggers and refugees

>And no one speaks about this
except for us

Because the elites are about to crash the global economy hard.

You guys hold power for change. Politicians only want one thing, to be reelected. You can change and threaten that.

Just knock-out Turkey's air defenses and bomb their 'schools,' yo.

That video is true redpill material

Europeans should also start boycotting turkey
We could even get leftists on this for the sake of humanity or whatever.

Based turks taking back their clay with a ship of fools.

I and many other german civilians are thankful to the greek for saving and protecting the border and us from the ongoing invasion and the enemies within the european governments.

Thank the Greek for their bravery, courage and fortitude!

Ο Θεός μαζί μας

#IstandWithGreece #GreeceUnderAttack #GreeceDefendsEurope

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sweden's right-wing party leader is visiting greece handing out pamphlets to the shitskins saying SWEDEN IS FULL DONT COME

We need to as Europeans spend a little bit of money and make visa requests and residency requests to Greenland.
State in the request sick of liberal multiculturalism and invasion and want a white ethno state.
When the wage cucks move out, they won't afford more niggers

Finally Romania does something as well.
Sending a few boats and around 30 riot police to help Greeks.

>no women, children nor elderly
>all fighting aged men
every fucking time
Turkey is just dumping their homeless and undesirable leeches at the border
shoot them all

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Why doesn't the Greece just shoot them all?
They are literally invading their borders. Any sane country in any timeline would do this without question. Show no mercy against these subhumans.

Women and children are even worse, it's like saying that fucking a girl with HIV is better than staying close to one.

This cant be. German media talks all the time about how hard this is on the poor childrens.

Look at your flag again you fucking idiot

I bet they also claimed the cuck rafts from north Africa were also full of women and children.

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Against the turkish propaganda:

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Doesn't change what I said.

He was arrested by turkish military police by the way. I think he is already deported. They also arrested a german crew for DW, a greek crew for, and a Ruptly crew.

Turkey is breaking laws and burning bridges left and right, but EU doesn't seem to care and NATO obviously doesn't care.

NATO doesn't due to Turkey buying dog shit American equipment, though that may change given the S-400 deal. But the EU needs to man the fuck up and give Turkey hell for this.

How do migrants already in Greece walking around collecting welfare without getting chopped up in the street? I'd be beating their worthless asses to death and taking their money.

Can confirm. Seems like he's banned for life, which could be very interesting if his party remains the largest in the next election and he becomes the prime minister.

>Not sure exactly what's going on here, but I'm being escorted here by a gentleman, and maybe ten more
>I won't ever be allowed to travel to Turkey, which I don't particularly mind, but, but for some reason they don't want me here
>You are allowed to hand out pamphlets in Turkey with political messages if you want, but you have to first ask the government for permission
>And, uh, that's what democracy is they say, and I respect their rules so if I now am a hardened criminal here in Turkey I will have to respect that
>Turkish media also suddenly showed up here, and there were an awful lot of TV and photographers which was a little exciting, and they didn't want to say where they came from but just said "Turkish media"
>Yeah, so that's how much fun I'm having
>We'll see what happens, I'll record a little more here

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We should send them a bomber or two. That would calm them down a bit.

>all these subhuman amerimutts that have been acting like they are gonna join in when europe starts fighting back
lmao no one wants your help you fat fucks in fact you are just as much of an enemy as the mudslimes invading. in fact if you subhumans weren't constantly starting wars in the middle east we wouldn't be in this problem to begin with.

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reminder that the real enemy is in EU and UN headquarters and in human-trafficking """NGOs"""

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yeah they even said that buch of these invaders had turkish papers - plenty of opportunists trying to get on geman gibs

Boycott? Their actions warrant declaration of war and invasion of their country. We can easily destroy them with combined european forces.

Πόσο κακό θα πάρει?

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They're so powerful!

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Based Greeks, get shit on constantly but when it’s time to hold the line they instinctively form the phalanx

Trusting German media in 2020.

Shut up turkofag

1 upvote = 1 prayer for greese

literally a fake quote
kalergi was based

EU is based but only if you use it for free gibs

Literally every fucking opener on the news about the invasion starts with kids, either playing in some Muslim slums or crying for the camera, followed by an interview with a low IQ mudshit about how bad things are.

Nice D&C. But there was wars in the Middle East long before the United States existed. But you know that. Which means you’re retarded or a traitor.

>how bad things are
if only they knew how good things really are

Nice memeflag, Moshe.

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>wars in the Middle East long before the United States existed
and they were actually starting to build a functioning society for once and then muttland stepped in and destroyed it just look at pictures of pretty much and countries in the middle east before and after amerimutts showed up. We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for muttland bombing the shit out of them leaving us no choice but to accept the refugees. When the times comes europe will wipe your fucking shitstain of a country off the map.

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yeah and hordes of 'refugees' and suppression of any nativism are imaginary too

A reasonable society without dumb roasty politicians would just shoot them on the border for this shit. God damn it really is a clown world. God speed you Greeks.

Kalergi never wanted that though. He wanted a unified Europe based on strong socially conservative Christian values.

Shut the fuck up spic

the pic is a lie im fat and not a native israeli

women are the root of all evil we must kill all women

israel is an illegitimate country same as muttland

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i agree
we must go back to our countries

implying this isnt in preparation
they are talking here about growing corona fear despite it being ridiculously low percentage infected and it seems there are only insignificant reinfections
while they pull this up the state already declares they will support people when they go on half pay because of the shortened work hours doue to corona
imagine what this has an impact on the whole economy
if this happens countrywide all kinds of jobs will be simply laid off because there is simply no demand anylonger because people stay at home i wonder how long anyones reserves will last until people will have to stand in line for their government oatmeal handouts

>Finland is sending its border guards to Greece to help...

amerimutts don't have a homeland they don't deserve to be anywhere. and jews homeland is hell

You are delusional. Greeks "fight" because they have no other choice cuz their country already full and the economy in deep shit. Losing tourists and feeding more leeches are simple not an option. Greeks dont give a single fuck for the European future or common interests. They are just fighting their own fight.

yeah proibably to spy and sabotage the greeks and poles
they should kick them out like the fucking dane captain of that patrol boat
finland is among the nations that fund the so called "ngos" that donate money and aid toward the whole refugee crisis

nords are gay