Aren't you glad you prepped?
Aren't you glad you prepped?
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Why are people panicking so much over toilet paper of all things?
>6 week rations of frozen burritos and Hungry Man meals but forgot about toilet paper
I'm not gonna make it bros
lmao these people are fucking retarded
tp factories are in green bay not across the country
shit gets pumped out like a clogged toilet daily
tp is one commodity that is always in production
Is he right?
I guess they think it's a "hide in a bunker" type of situation?
>Go to another store
>Buy TP
is it that hard? You know you can just wipe with magazine paper or some shit right?
Hide in muh bunker i bet these retards dont even know what irrigation is.
Why do Americans fight over toilet paper if they don't wipe their asses anyways?
So there just going to shit in their bunker?
fucking kek is that lee lin chin?
It depends on how easy it is to fuck up production. Soviets took farms from actual farmers and couldn't run them so everyone starved. The only things that will be made are things that are easy to make, with slow degradation over time as infrastructure and existing factories get worse and worse.
90% of westerners are psychotic
peppers should be shot desu.
week rations of frozen burritos and Hungry Man meals but forgot about toilet paper
>I'm not gonna make it bros
You'll be fine. Take your shit, then take a shower, wash off any mess, never buy toilet paper again.
Why are the boomers the one's doing all the hoarding? They do fuck all yet have bought all the hand sanitizer at my local shop and were even fighting over it.
All stores are full here. Not gonna prep like some fucking Amerimutt.
Other stores sold out days ago, i guess id rather these hambeasts and ethnics fight over TP so they can wipe their asses and dont smell like shit, instead of buying up and hoarding all the food. Which no doubt will be the next phase of this literal shitshow
Is that Australia or the US
>$220 heist
>not $220 million
>not even $220 thousand
>just $220.
>flushing your freedom and social credit score dowwn the drain for $220 worth of shit tickets
the absolute state.
Subo vs Spectre
Looks like coles ay
Some day I'll be able to tell my wife's son that the President of the US taught me how to clean my ass
don't you have toilet paper manufacturers down there? the fuck is wrong with you cunts?
I just took a shit without toilet paper. AMA
We're heading into winter and using the garden hose wouldn't be a viable proposition.
>been toilet paper prepping since the 90s
It's non perishable you tards. If your garage isn't full of the stuff in Trump's economy, I don't know what to tell you.
We always have a large stock of toilet paper. And we use a bidet anyway. Love that thing.
I'm beginning to think the TP producers have a shill army now. To think TP is what you need to survive Coranachan is fucking insane, and can only be the result of memetic engineering.
You need a gun, retards.
the revolution will not be two ply.
Why is it almost all women both hoarding toilet paper as well as fighting over it?
>waiting outside a costco
>some old white bitch and her pld as fuck husband walking their shit back to they car
>at least 700$ worth of groceries
>knock both of them the fuck out and haul that shit into my car
>take off laughing
Mate it's us. They should have security at the registers shooting these cunts on site.
who was manning the register, Ranjesh?
Americas finest, our brave men and women in the military I personally want to thank you for your service!
christ australians are even trashier than americans. Those don't even look like niggers or abos either...
>be me
>working out of state on a multi month long project, staying ina hotel.
>all the corona happenings, preppeing madness
>strong urge to increase preps myself
>but deep down know ill have to load it all into a pickup and drive it 900 miles home in a few months.
hold me.
Mart Wars: The Toiletpaper War
TP is the trending status symbol.
>Not having a bidet
Yea we do, theyre workin 24/7 to meet supply apparently. But boomer cunts and ethnics keep buyin trolley loads and clearing the shelves as soon as it comes in. Then going to the next store and doing the same. We had city people coming down and buying all ours.
Snow is the perfect tp, at least when its new and haven't compacted and turned into a bunch of ice crystals.
I'll wipe my dirty arse with my left hand if I have to like our Indian friends here in NZ who serve food to us do....
what do you dry with? is there a community ass towel like how people have a hand towel by the sink?
Walmart Magoos: starting bugalooo
The video is from Australia.
people are stupid
They have a dryer.
Imagine not stocking up on toilet paper before we got to this stage and selling it to the goyim at 10p per sheet.
I had to line up behind roasties and boomer mums just so they wouldn't have a panic attack and rape me, the coles staff was nervously stacking the shelf. Girl at the register asked me if there was anymore left, i should have said i'd clean her ass for free but that would have been RAPE.
maybe next time when the pandemic hits.
Imagine not pooping in the shower.
I love how takeaway fastfood shitholes here employ attractive white NZ girls and boys to take orders and serve food while literal niggers, arabs and poos make the shit all of you eat...keep eating those pizzas homos
holy shit. what they plan to do with these amounts? hodl and trade when TP moons?
I genuinely don't get this whole freak out about toilet paper when people should be stocking up on things like food
If a quarantine is put in place, essential services like water will still be running. If you run out of TP just wipe your ass with a damp rag.
Me and my wife try to avoid giving money to the kikes through the use of disposable products, so we don't buy baby wipes to clean our daughter. Just use a whole bunch of squares of cheesecloth, soaked in lavender water. If the poop is particularly sloppy, blast it off using a bidet hose that I installed on the toilet. Then all the rags just go through the washing machine like regular laundry. Same system could easily be used for adults and in all likelihood we will eventually use it once we get our own property and can start becoming truly self sufficient.
You were right the first time. Fuck peppers.
>all those non-whites
Melt it down and smelt masks with it. Sell those.
imagine not eating your own shit
>they thought it was funny to ride in carts instead of walk
imagine when these cunts aren’t able to get their SSRIs
All the military now is just a jobs program for minorities
Meanwhile in China I took this picture this morning while buying water.
After 1 month of quarantine we still have supplies. Westerners are retarded.
Chinks don't use toilet paper.
We also have options for people who like square boxes.
Stop being a faggot and go outside, this virus only kill boomers.
buy now
>buying water
>a product that comes out of a pipe in your house so cheaply that it may as well be free
And you call us retarded?
In Europe only handycapped people use these. I already bought shit load of toilet paper, but otherwise a sponge and some soapy water goes a long way.
Wow looks like a shithole without any reference.
4 weeks ago the leftie media said the Chink quarantine werks, dont buy
2 weeks ago they said there is absolutely no reason to prepare
1 week ago they laughed saying that the prep wave didn't hit stockpiles
Today the weekend truck ban is lifted to supply demand
Good fucking thing I bought my necessities a month ago, old cunts already swarming the markets with their 'shin annihilators' the love to block public transports with.
Why not both?
Not all "asians" are like you Edward Khan.
>imagine not eating your own shit
Australia was a mistake.
Fort Plops
You cannot drink the chink water it's not proper for human comsuption.
When i am in Europe I drink tap water.
These fags played too much videogames thinking Bernie is some fucking character with a toilet paper production buff or some shit?
Yeah, it has mostly been media induced panic. Articles telling boomers there's a shortage so they all went out and bought as much as they could. Plus there's ethnic scalpers buying it up and selling it online at marked up prices. When the media start telling these people there's a shortages on food, they'll start buying all that shit up too. These aren't preppers worried about corona, they're reactionary media sheep. There would've been plenty for everyone if they didnt freak out
Mind if i use that line, I'll send pics
You want picture proof? I am going to go outside to take my food delivery.
I can do a timestamp.
>220 will stay 220 when demand increases
>Except that it won't and people may pay more.
>calling someone who hesitates to drink Chinese tap water retarded
I bought a pack of toilet paper yesterday. Teehee.
Again - you call us retarded? And yet you can't even figure out how to create a municipal water system that delivers palatable safe water?
Just buy couple of bottles of thin bleach then. Costs like couple of cents and you can clean thousands of liters of water with it.
>"Shuts down"
>Carries on spreading the virus
I hope China dies a fiery death.
>woke combat
The chink tried to do the same in China by buying all the masks to sell at a higher price. The government started to open the postal package and seize the masks so they were fucked lmao.
How is the bat, dog, and cat supply?
>stupid english teacher who can't read between the lines
I love the animal that comes out in us when we fight over scarce resources. It's beautiful.
>checks flag
but it will be 1000% worse in your country because you actually have mutt niggers