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>he received no medical care

sure, but you sure as fuck did you dumb bitch

im not even against universal care but this is just retarded

She's lying, insurance covers newborns for 30 days before even adding them to insurance.

Source: been buying company insurance for over a decade for many people.

Sad when these people have to lie to even have an argument. Her bill was her co-pay for the medical stay which sounds like really good insurance as she paid maybe 10%-20% of a one or two day stay. Had nothing to do with her son dying.

Why I keep wishing ill upon America. 1 of many, many reasons why. Channel the energy from all around.

>insurance covers newborns for 30 days before even adding them to insurance.
What about stillborns or what would be considered a miscarriage in OPs case

>wahhh wahhhh we have to pay medical professionals for their work wahhh


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The bill wasn’t for the baby the bill was for her birthing process, it was a bill for her stay in the hospital and for the doctor to deliver her defective baby

Kek, must be fake tho. No way they would charge their own worker

she waited too long to have that baby

Sure they would, this is America where you pay for your shit. It’s fair, you don’t get free treatment just because you work at a hospital.

Imagine INTERNALIZING that you’re dirty and inferior, thus making you wish to tear down bright lights that shine a light on this dark truth.

Id buy this if it were for disposal costs.

Medschool takes like 8 years or something lol

>maybe 10%-20% of a one or two day stay
Are you trying to say 3k for two days stay?

Stop posting poorfag shit dude

The problem is the vast majority of US citizens are living paycheck to paycheck and can't really afford even a 500 dollar crisis.

>inb4 well don't be poor/don't have children/etc

Then don't complain about white birth rates being below replace you fucking mongs.



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no one likes this bitch
she is gender quota anyway

It's just a late abortion.

I’m not upset about white birthrates I’m upset about immigration. The best possible scenario would be a white society with whatever the fuck birthrates we please and poorfags die and get eliminated from the genome because they are useless losers who bring everyone down.

>Kek, must be fake tho. No way they would charge their own worker

You're assuming that corporations have morality and that bosses view their employees as anything more than cattle.

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Taking bets before i google

Nothing moral about giving free services to your employees, wtf, almost no businesses do that. Sure maybe Chikfila but that’s just like a fucking sand which not a full clinical procedure

He’s just a retarded Russian but he is better than being a gay ass communist like you

this is the one thing i just cant see eye to eye with americans on. getting ripped off by greedy medical industry and defending it baffles me. even if you dont want universal healthcare i dont see how you justify these prices. all insurance is a scam and i can think of no exceptions.
now correct me if im wrong but dont you pay more through medical insurance than you would for tax funded universal healthcare?
if it were up to me helthcare would only be available to tax paying citizens and the truly vulnerable (children/severely disabled/elderly)

>Why no, I don't want to pay for healthcare through taxation, I much prefer to pay a significantly higher amount to finance the lifestyles of the vultures and middlemen, how could you tell?

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>The best possible scenario would be a white society with whatever the fuck birthrates we please and poorfags die and get eliminated from the genome because they are useless losers who bring everyone down.
You are a genuine retard lol there’s layers to your idiocy like an onion

fake banking

land of the free

did they still chop off his dick ?

>Twitter Checkmark

This is how you know it's a load of bollocks.

All I’m trying to get across is that I want you to die

Why do you think God gave you the satanic trips?

I though white women loved killing their babies

Idk why?

>the bill wasn’t for the baby
>it was for the birthing process
The birthing process IS TO DELIVER A BABY, whats with this workaround youre coming up with. They charged her for having a child which is barbaric in nature

It's a classic case of people not caring about something if it isn't affecting them personally. I wouldn't be surprised to find out all those Americans that got their dick mutilated are sociopaths thanks to the trauma

>It’s just a clump off cells

>complaining about a $600 bill when you are a doctor and likely to earn 300k a year

So brave

Now THATS. Autism

Most people who are useless losers are caused by various sources of braindamage that are entirely treatable. The most common of which is diet related. Most people are pre-diabetic and suffering from hypertension which completely fucks them up, especially their perception and judgement.

This isn't their fault, even. Everyone nowadays is born into this shit. It is probably true that there's genetic factors which lets some people more capable tolerate such shitty diets and thus function like normal but a large portion are perfectly fine besides.

If your idea of a superior people comes down to "can they shovel deadly levels of sugar and salt and still function normally?" then you're a fucking retard.


Yes I know, the bill wasn’t for treatment of the baby, it was for delivering the baby which falls under the mother’s insurance not the baby’s insurance. It wasn’t a procedure for the baby it was a procedure for the mother... that’s why her whole post is retarded

>sure, but you sure as fuck did you dumb bitch
>im not even against universal care but this is just retarded

It's possible
>Already know your kid is going to die
>Mother receives care
>Gives birth squatting, on knees, standing
>Catches baby
>Baby dies

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don't get pregnant at 40 y/o roastie

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And im saying youre retarded gumby lol

Good thin COMMUNIST Bernie Sanders won't be the candidate. I don't want America to wake up too much. Better that they remain sliding downhill.

Eat better, frozen chicken from a grocery store is cheaper than Big Macs, potatos are basically free, rice is basically free, beans are basically free

Stop blaming the world and start taking responsibility for your own life.

Noooo! You're supposed to be thankful for more medical bills, aren't you a conservative.

>a rest of the world let thinks his brain dead opinion matters

Despite being 4.4% of the population the US is responsible for 63% of medical innovation, parasite.

I make 170K a year being a retard

Noooo, you have to want to pay for this dumb bitches miscarriages as a team, don’t you have empathy?

>About Bob Gorrell
>Born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, Bob Gorrell attended the University of Virginia as an Echols Scholar and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1977
You unironically posted a literal fucking boomercomic

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for all you Bernie loving commies, this would never happen under national socialism

we are both anti capitalists and hopefully you have learned about the JQ and been redpilled on that.

as much as you hate NAZIS, they were the good guys. don't be willfully ignorant like your slave master want you to be, don't be a house nigger. we just want to be free from this hell of a system.
also you want to forces blacks to live with whites and deal with white cops and white laws
but we want them FREE to chose their own destiny so which one of us is the real racist?

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>all those Americans that got their dick mutilated are sociopaths thanks to the trauma
So, almost all Yanks? I honestly think this is the case. Having such a lack of control over your body because of your jealous dad not wanting you to feel pleasure either must do some emotional damage

Sorry sweaty, that's just a clump of cells, not your son

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At least you'll never have to experience a miscarriage, incel :)

No takers?

>being pregnant
>not having coverage for sick baby
I bet it was an ACO plan sold on the gubment exchange.

Foreigners: still jealous of the US
>literally can’t ever stop talking about us

You aren't paying any attention to what I have explained to you, have you?


Nevermind that fucking pure god damned sugar is as addictive as any drug and is EXPLICITLY pushed toward consumption by children to get them hooked at an early age.

I fucking hate call it out like this, but this is legit victim blaming you colossal faggot.

>Dude it doesn't matter you've been injected with heroin since you were 3 just like stop taking heroin bro it's ez stop blaming the world for your problems.

i hate our fucking lawyer kike jew healthcare system

I raped your mother 9 months before your birth so I’m technically not incel

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Great so they have retard parents on now that is my responsibility? Why the fuck should I care?

>victim blaming
Go back

>muh boomer
fucking kys wannabe netherlands

its still fucking shit healthcare.

Haha yeah get cancer and let's see how you raise the several million dollars you might need you fucking faggot

Women are charged separately from their babies when they give birth because they are not the same person you ignorant Leaf fucker. Her insurance covered her costs. Now hop on a leaf pile and set yourself on fire

Imagine having the undivided attention, for several hours, of at least two indispensable professionals who spent a combined 10 or more years of their lives studying and training for your care. They have to look at your stretched out hairy cooch for much of this time and probably see stuff come out of your butthole. And you are pissed off you have a $600 copay.

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I’ve got insurance, besides they always treat you, it’s the law. Stop being such a fucking leaf.


You’re our retarded brother which speaks the same language you utter cockwomble, of course we talk/care about you

What is cringe is when non-Anglo countries obsess over you are guzzle down your media

Pretty hard to imagine how entitled useless retards can be

>muh boomers

The baby isn't the one receiving medical care numbnuts, the parent is. They charged her for the labor that they performed in providing that care. It isn't the hospitals fault that her baby was a sign from god that children aren't in her future. And if the hospital did cause the child's death, then they'd be pretty willing to offer a generous settlement, at the very least, there would be plenty of lawyers lining up to ass rape their malpractice insurance policy.

Its like complaining that you had to pay for a tow when you crashed your car.

>rest of the worldlet thinks his opinion matters

>my baby died but I had to pa $600 for it woe is me

You are my retarded brother though and I do care about your wellbeing, just mind your own business your country sucks dick and we don’t want to be like that, let our country suck dick in its own unique American way please and thank you.

Itt: ameritards defend giving shekels to dr nosenstein and shekelburg pharmaceuticals . Again.

>Great so they have retard parents on now that is my responsibility? Why the fuck should I care?

>The best possible scenario would be a white society with whatever the fuck birthrates we please and poorfags die and get eliminated from the genome because they are useless losers who bring everyone down.

Good job you played yourself.

Christ those trips are wasted on you.

>posting fake news
as usual

>point and laugh at the downie
>t-theyre just jelly


Right you are, lad

He lived for 9 months and 3 minutes you fucking whore.

>you get everything for free where you work
>my battery died and i was charged for a new battery
>at my work where we sell batteries

Also she got treatment + insurance covers newborns

If she doc she could have just delivered her own baby herself for free... But why should I pay for it now?

ugga ugga why doc no take own babby from tummy burger burger ugga walmart