Haha, that ain't your kid dog. You dun gone got cucked
Chinese Australian here
So countries, ethnicity, and nationality DO mater? You have zero credibility, you subversive fuck.
Lol if the chicks find out if your gonna have your paychecks gutted. Have fun with that white trash.
Go back to Wuhan , lick some pavements and KYS
Punches my first Chinese kid in the face today, felt good, still on a high!
the chances are so low it's basically negligible if you do it right I get you're probably a virgin but the big boys are trying to discuss bleachkrieg here
pick one you yellow jew
at least I'm white.
also fuck you are fucking based man
And enjoy when your wife eventually finds out and leaves your ass and never lets your kid see you. This stuff is gonna come back to fuck you later in life. I’m plenty happy with my monogamous relationship.