USA ineptitude towards coronavirus

>several people at my college are telling me “it’s just a flu bro”

>CDC barely testing people, possibly thousands of cases in USA already

>LA marathon still going to happen

Why the fuck are we reacting so poorly to this shit ameribros?

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>If we pretend nothing is wrong the stonks will bounce back!

Who gives a shit? Even if the test is fully available in every single corner in the US, you think average nog or spic who has a slight coughing will run to testing and get charged by 30,000 later on or just party around until he will infect 100 more people and said people will spread even more and repeat til it's physically impossible to get tested due to 100,0000 of lanes?

CDC are criminals

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Now that CV is lose and spreading in the general public, testing isn't that important. Everyone is going to get it. Plus, test accuracy is questionable and we don't have enough of them anyway. Best to only use them where necessary.

We should be cancelling public events, though, and FEMA should be building field hospitals and commandeering factories/materials/labor to make medical supplies.

Commiefornia is going through with the marathon. This is beyond retardation, 50k+ people attend. I can only imagine what will happen if Boston does theirs too

Us gov wants a boomercaust to thin out the ranks of the oldies, and lo China delivers. China likley wants the same thing only the risk of total destabilization of the country is too high so they cant .

usa cannot do nothing, the bioweapon is out for free, any enemy could use it and will, the spread is inevitable

Ok puto

fag retards

Because it’s a nothing burger and we’re just going to plow ahead accordingly. In two months nobody will be talking about corona Chan outside the dems latching on to it to score some much needed orange man bad points

Democrats have fostered a system of anarchy in this nation. Theyve directed oir government agencies to address the feelings of faggots, leeches, retards, and the mentally ill rather than being prepared to face a true crises. As such they are completely blind to the fact that an actually cisis is occurring.

>>several people at my college are telling me “it’s just a flu bro”
so they're on the same opinion with drumpf?

Never be complacent. People die when complacency exist. All forms.

Pretty much. Uni is an echo chamber, and if you dare to speak out you will be burned at the steak

Don’t think so user, due to our lack of testing it could be bigger.

The same is happening in Spain
>first death happened on February 13th and only known 3 weeks later
>no temperature checks in airports
>government keeps saying nothing burger and advising against using masks
>if you have symptoms, call 112, they will never pick it up
>not getting tested unless you came directly from China, Italy or Iran, or were in close contact with someone who did that and was tested positive

Thousands of people have probably had it, recovered and never knew. It’s a nothing burger in the sense that this is nothing more than a nasty flu bug in terms of damage it will do. The biggest problem is economic damage

We're a capitalism based economy with none of our basic needs met through our government. We pay taxes for practically nothing in our own vested interest. Our pandemic response team was dissembled and fired for budgetary reasons. Our hospitals haven't been briefed because of it. We're one of the few countries, not first world countries, one of the few out of literally all of them, without any sort of pandemic response plan or units. And we won't have one for awhile because funding was just allocated to it today. Why do you think it's happening?

It is a game of fears
we saw through all their terrorist bull shit
this is their biggest magic trick

You fuckers are gonna get it bad.

Lots of people with jobs where the risk of infection is high have no paid sick days = people go to work sick, infects others.

No people will get testet because the test alone cost a gazillion ameribucks.

Nobody at risk but not showing symptoms will quarantine themselves without a gun to their head.

Trump lying out of his ass and his retarded supporters eats it up.

You will get it as hard as third world countries.

poor burgers =(

The Spanish flu started out like this. It killed old and very young, then it mutated and disproportionately killed young and healthy. Our biggest concern should be eradicating it. I agree though, economically, a loss in production will be devastating.

Equality meant elevating morons to the same status as competent and intelligent people. This will only continue to happen as our society promotes inclusivity, diversity, and give grants and participation trophies to the average idiot.

>get charged by 30,000 later on or just party around until he will infect 100 more people and said people will spread even more and repeat til it's physically impossible to get tested due to 100,0000 of lanes?


Norway is getting fucked right now too if I’m correct

Yeah, it could have been contained to the point of eliminating it if we kept the chinks and vacationing boomers out but now its everywhere. The only hope is to slow the spread so medical infrastructure doesn't get overwhelmed as bad.

It doesnt help that you kiss people to greet them

We deserve it, hopefully it'll act as a wake up call to our retarded medical system. Although more likely it'll just be used to instead push draconian measures that remain even after the pandemic is over.

Most Americans have atrocious hygiene practices as is and I'd estimate half of them don't even was their hands after exiting a public restroom. Couple that with some of the worse cases, like people who're also constantly touching their faces and high traffic surfaces, you have a recipe for epidemic. Doctors can't treat bad habits and neither can PPE.

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The Spanish flu still largely killed elderly, young and immune system compromised. The spread was also compounded by WW1 and sanitation standards were way lower. Corona isn’t going to rip through middle class white communities and even if it does hit disproportionately harder than the flu, it won’t be a blip on the radar.

>you will be burned at the steak
a delicious way to go

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We have a lot of infected. As per yesterday evening 86 of 120 got infected in Italy. Fucking Italy. But we are enacting strict self quarantines and actively tracking sources of infection, trying to pin down anyone who might be infected.

None are very sick though and none of the infected is known to be in a risk group.

Several big gatherings of people have been cancelled too.

But Tromsø might be very fucked as they until yesterday took tourists from Milano.

Fuck autocorrect

Nor that they didn't cancel Las Fallas, the women's strike March or the holy week processions. We are fucked

Corona is going through super rich Norway and spreading slowly but exponentially. The war also ended in 1918, but the virus persisted for 2 more years thereafter

i assure you it isnt as bad as here. however, this place wont be as bad as usa if it does get serious

Do you expect people to panic like releasing the burros?

>fucking italy

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You better snuff it out before the Olympics or it will grow 10 fold

I expected the government to cancel all that shit instead of allowing the virus to spread like wildfire

I expect nothing less from a bunch of bureaucratic hacks

Philadelphia did the same shit in the Spanish Flu pandemic with a parade. Following week after, thousands dead. Obviously worse hygiene and no medicine back then but still history repeats itself.

Why so many people in this thread pro-supporter of small republican government, but then fucking bitch and moan when a more centralized government is a more socialized country is able to outperform them on mass scale response?

I mean, you guy literally repeatedly vote to lessen the powers of government, then complain when it cannot provide adequate response. Trump himself gutted the pandemic response arm of the CDC in 2018, and now you moan that the CDC cannot provide decent response to a pandemic?

I don't get it.

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Ripping through as in young and healthy people dropping dead in droves or people getting sick and the elderly/immune system compromised dying?

can't wait for the plague to kill half ameritards

Covid-19 patients are big money for health systems, so long as they're research novelties and not large fractions of populace.



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everyone has been shitting on china with "muh leaking hospitals" and act like hospitals here are perfect, we aren't testing people, there is no real effort to contain or control spread by distributing disinfectants or anything all we will get is told to wash our hands, a hospital bill and maybe if we're lucky we'll get a few tents in the wal mart parking lot where victims can get motrin and gatorade... this country is a fucking joke

the govt should have some responsibilities, yes. Obv something involving borders and intl travel would be under their purview and should be expected to respond accordingly.

On the same note the feds snatch more and more power, we all take issue that they secure all this power and then fuck up/ do nothing/ enrich themselves.

At least you know the fatality rates are bullshit if like a third of more of all infections aren't even included

The world is mostly run by retards, Burgerland is certainly no exception.

Why do you care about commiefornia?

That and the fucking Arnold, I unsubscribed form Nick's Power and Strength because his retarded ass posted "Been going tot the Arnold for 11 years, corona virus can't stop us!" I almost hope these people get infected even if it ultimately puts me at greater risk

>Commiefornia is going through with the marathon. This is beyond retardation ...

They'll die. And that's a good thing.

>mfw my cell service provider changed my ringback tone to the sound of a person coughing, followed by a coronavirus awareness message


a lot of people are gonna ignore this comment but it's worth debating.

Debate it, faggots.

>"And here's why that's a good thing!"

just like World War II.

Its actually much worse than many other developing countries.

Honestly, this. Containment was impossible by mid January. Mitigation would have needed to be done by the start of February. At this point, all you can do is prep and try to keep the waves of infection from overwhelming the medical system by shutting down public events, utilizing forced quarantine periods to break infection waves, and nationalizing a variety of productions to allow for prolonged quarantines and medical system functioning.

Bunch of fucking pussies. Never had the flu before?

Because it is a racist hoax invented to increase prejudice towards asians for being the most successful minority.

>gutted the pandemic response arm of the CDC in 2018
>coronavirus suddenly crops up
Wow, it's like this entire epidemic wasn't organic. Just like every other time Trump has been caught off guard. Remember when California spent the past 10 years defunding CALFIRE, only to bitch and moan when wildfires began happening annually? They did it to extort money from the federal government to fund their pet projects. Anything that can be used against this administration is in play and that includes this virus, too many sellouts bending knee to the CCP. I don't blame orange man for not wanting to cause a panic that chinks used a bioweapon.

It's easy you dumb nigger, disease management has been a government responsibility since the god damn bronze age. It doesn't get much more fundamental duty of government than that.

Where is user who linked me Chloroquine info. Im running an anaylsis for you. Since that study was doing in Vero e6 cells im seeing if the african green monkey ace 2 overlaps with homo sapiens at the critical receptors.

Here is my blast results so far. I need to dig in and see if they overlap at the critical areas. I need to figure out which transcript to use too (Bleh )

Attached: watch these residues.png (536x853, 371.88K)

There's no point in bugging out about it. It either kills us all or things go back to normal once it passes. There's really no middle ground.

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Just say "Jews".

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>10% of the human population is quarantined and Chinese economy takes a 1.1 trillion hit while trying to hide it before it spread to almost 2/3 of the world in a little over a month
>asymptomatic aerosol spread for three weeks, stays viable on surfaces for up to nine days with reinfection possible and CNS spread/viral encephalitis confirmed
Is the conversion in yuan for shills still worth it as China's economy melts?

Remember the response to hurricane katrina?
Neither do i.
Thanks obama.. There's your big government for you.

Yeah. In 1918

critical residues*

You can thank conservatives for the usual weak response towards a large crisis in the US.

The US is not good at containing things like this because too many of its people advocate strict decentralization and weakening of the government, therefore when a crisis does actually occur where the government is needed it's too weak to act effectively.

You can also thank conservatives for the weak ineffective healthcare system in the US which also serves as an inefficiency.