I wouldn't say I'm depressed. I'm 30, college educated, avid psychonaut...

I wouldn't say I'm depressed. I'm 30, college educated, avid psychonaut, people who know me would say that I'm successful. I have friends, I have a life that is going somewhere. But honestly? I'm over this whole life thing.
About 2 years ago I snorted a half gram of DMT. Ever since life has had this weird artificial, pointless feeling. Since that experience I've traveled all over, met a lot of people, done a lot of 'big' things but that feeling of pointlessness is still consuming. I've decided that in the near future I will kill myself.
I don't want people to worry about finding my body. My plan is to clean my house, leave a will, and leave behind everything. I want to go camping somewhere remote for a day or two and end it by OD of either powder heroin or fentanyl.

Which American location would be paired well with suicide?

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get help and stop doing drugs for gods sake

Without children life is a pointless self serving hobby. The biological imperative is the key, but since you fucked yourself up with drugs.... so whatever, change or don't

Yeah it's pointless when you think about it. Just grinding IRL so you can indulge in hedonism and escapism as you get old and sick then die.
The best I feel is when I don't think or feel like I exist. Like that moment as you drift from a barely conscious state into sleep. All the burden is gone. I am looking forward to death as well.

>man with no social virtue, duty, or purpose overdoses in the woods
every man chooses his own path

Do it faggot

Get hobbies, serve others, take a very long break from drugs, and stop being such a massive faggot. Your family and friends don't deserve it.

pathetic. also pnw.

Yeah so the thing about these type of suicide goading posts , we're gonna line you up against a wall and Paint it Red

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If you kill yourself in a holiday spot you will ruin someones holiday and traumatize some kid who finds your body..

Just get it together mate...you just have to hang in there. Its that simple...just hang in there

>Which American location would be paired well with suicide?
Choose any black neighborhood

Swim into the ocean until you can't anymore and sink into the abyss.

What's day to day life like in Afghanistan?

This. The point of life is to continue it. The point of being is to pass your life, knowledge, genetics on to the future. In scoffing at tradition, family and religion, the world has forsaken their future. So many have bought into the idea of self being most important to the sacrifice of everything else. It's completely backward.

Stop doing drugs and go get a wife and have kids. Then you will have meaning.

"The fatal flaw of the Neosapiens is very simple. We do not have children. Because we reproduce artificially, Neosapiens do not feel a part of the endless cycle of life. Without parents, grandparents, family, the past is meaningless. Without children, the future is only darkness. Without tradition to guide us, without posterity to judge us, we live in a moral void as empty as space itself. We are desperate for something to give our life purpose."

this isn't Yas Forums faggot

Why go out that way? It sounds so lonely. Why not take a vacation to clear your mind. California has nice beaches. Go see Hollywood, LA and San Francisco. While you're on the coast, go north to Portland, then Seattle. Make sure you see all the sights. It is key that you are around people. Being alone can take its toll on your mental health.
Next, take a road trip to Chicago. Visit some nice Jewish restaurants. Again, visit the tourist attractions.
By now, you will be feeling tired, but in a good way. Ignore the aches and pains of travel to hit your final destination: New York City. The Jewish food here is excellent. I would recommend visiting a few temples as well. If you still feel like you can't go on, just relax on the public transportation. Breathe deep and relax.
Please share travel photos.

I second this user's plan

Not as bad as you'd think

Death will be more satisfying if you don't force it and instead wait for it to come for you

the existence you have described is indeed pointless. life is not

I don't really do drugs on any regular occurrence. Ive had periods of exploration but pretty sober. I dont even drink

I have 0 drive to procreate. Sex is fun, I have it regularly

I actually have a lot of hobbies. I keep myself overly busy with activities if anything

Yea no desire to be found. Somewhere remote is ideal

To I understand how some people get meaning from things like passing on what you know and raising the next generation. But I have this feeling that no matter how you live your life you're still bound by societal expectations, rules, restrictions etc. Maybe this line of thinking is evil? To want to be your own god in a sense - having total agency.

can i have your stuff?
im a poor faggot and i need a computer/laptop and a better phone.
also send me money.
and a car if you have one.

>Why not take a vacation to clear your mind. California has nice beaches. Go see Hollywood, LA and San Francisco. While you're on the coast, go north to Portland, then Seattle.

LOL. OP will DEFINITELY want to kill himself after visiting the sidewalk-shitting, shoplifting-legalized, Antifa-loving shitholes of America.

>I have 0 drive to procreate. Sex is fun, I have it regularly
Sex is fun because it gives the drive to procreate

Quit being a faggot. Suicide is for cucks. Mass shootings are for chads


so live your life outside those bounds. gonna end up dead either way might as well REALLY LIVE

I've done this. Been lots of places including california coasts. I've lived in cities from chicago to los angeles and Brooklyn.

Life is pointless because the only purpose of this level of existence the point is to just procreate - to be the reproduction system of tech/ai

+1 for DMT.

10/10 lol'd

I have been. I work in entertainment and have done and seen....a lot

Read a book dumbass

>college educated
>Avid psyconaut
>Taking drugs
>Wants to kill themself

Dude this shit right here is what's wrong with you. I've met so many people exactly like you. You all think you're unique and above the natural drives of humanity which is why your life feels pointless. You're constantly wrapped in self-serving hedonism looking for meaning and connection to the world. You know how you connect with it and find meaning? You go out and do things with your hands. You make something. You find a relationship. You build and grow things with that person. You stop being a useless waste of space by giving yourself something to do. Carl Jung basically talked about neurotic-ism as your mind trying to tell you that your brain is unable to reconcile things in your life that stand in opposition to each other. That if you explore what stresses you out or makes you feel unhappy or worthless you can heal this rift inside yourself. Basically within you are things you are meant to do which you don't get to decide. It's the things written into your DNA. If you fail to complete them along with achieving a sense of self actualization you will remain in this state of worthlessness.

Do something usefull for the country and take your self out in a way that destroys a full crack house

Oregon or washington, my friend. In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines. Rest easy

who is that?

You're American right?

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relatable, ive tried ending it before, once my dad dies im gonna cut open his gunsafe and go into the dense forest behind the house and not fail ending it again

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I do read...but that doesn't make life have more importance. Not lives are equal in terms of importance to the universe. Some people aren't meant for much

you mean drug addict?

Did you see your shadow?

>I wouldn't say I'm depressed. I'm 30, college educated, avid psychonaut, people who know me would say that I'm successful. I have friends, I have a life that is going somewhere.
Stop the endless self-defining.
Clearly, you live your life for other's approval; once you start living for yourself you'll be OK.

I’m kinda like you, but I’m 24 with having tried dmt in that same timeframe. Also been planning my suicide and having the same thoughts about leaving my body in nature somewhere. Who wants to be trapped in a box 6 feet deep? I’d probably do it wherever I could get Nembutal

>Visit some nice Jewish restaurants. Again, visit the tourist attractions.
>By now, you will be feeling tired, but in a good way. Ignore the aches and pains of travel to hit your final destination: New York City. The Jewish food here is excellent. I would recommend visiting a few temples as well.
The fuck?

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>I have 0 drive to procreate. Sex is fun, I have it regularly
If you are a white male, financially stable and have the means to create a healthy white family unit and are not doing so - you should kill your fucking self and you should get the fuck off this board. You are a waste of oxygen and a detriment to Europeans and western civilization(if you are a white european male and doing as you say).

Either get with the fucking times or fuck off this board and go cry on pleddit where you belong yoy absolute faggot.

>avid psychonaut

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You’re asking for: “Best spot to kill myself?” As if it’s a restaurant recommendation. You want to litter a National park with your corpse and be someone else’s problem and have to be a huge piece of paper work.

Your narcissism knows no bounds.

Already alerted the authorities, user. Help is on the way.

>Carl Jung basically talked about neurotic-ism as your mind trying to tell you that your brain is unable to reconcile things in your life that stand in opposition to each other.
based Jungian psychology. Reading Watercourse Way by Alan Watts right now.

>The fuck?
He speaks of spreading the warm embrace of coronachan via the holocough....

>Which American location would be paired well with suicide?
Don't force your fucked up half eaten corpse on some hiker.

Hello soldier.

if you die you won't be able to take dmt again. the machine elves would be fuckin pissed. they taught you better than that, faggot.

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i like how people automatically assumes op is a lazy enough cunt to off himself on a trail. theres plenty of space outside the beaten path to rot away in

>avid psychonaut
>I don't really do drugs on any regular occurrence

lol what cunt

This user gets it

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This 2bh

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Become a serial killer of only jews.

to be fair, this is an easy assumption. But the point is to just go back to earth the most direct way. The point is to not get found

Leave me your money. If your gonna be a pussy and an hero, I will tell my daughter that a man with honor paid for her college and you can leave a legacy behind and still be a faggot.

Kys kikes

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op said he didnt want people to find his body, or am i reading this wrong

Ive done drugs, I don't do drugs. At this point in life I trip yearly. I also do float tanks and practice lucid dreaming. I smoke weed maybe once a week or two in social settings and don't drink

top kek. you got talent, kid.

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>I don't do drugs
>admits to doing drugs in the next sentence

holy shit kys lol ur dumb af cunt

Am OP. Dont want my body found. But understand how people could assume i'd be lazy and just die on a jogging/hiking path

read back the paragraphs you just write.

you will realize: you are a drug addict.


>do psychedelic drugs
>life immediately becomes fake and plastic to you

This is the result of "having an open mind": intense desire for suicide. That's to be expected after you give yourself permanent brain damage, or allow yourself to be possessed by demons, or whatever. Either explanation works.

im rejecting the connotation thats comes with being a Drug User. The point of even bringing up drug use was to say that I'm not currently a junkie or burnout whos death could be accidental

I'm almost 10k in debt, unemployed and no good references or degree. Still not thinking about suicide. Stop acting like a faggot weed junkie.

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Sounds like lack of mission OP.
Since you seem to be well of financially, why not go explore the world. Maybe you will find meaning.

You get one chance of being sentient. Why cut it short if you are not in severe pain?

>im rejecting the connotation thats comes with being a Drug User.
then why label yourself as an "avid psychonaut"
just makes you sound like a pretentious drug addict

>All the spoiled 1st world fags that want out.
Fucking hell, if you lucky cunts want out of your at the very worst average lives I might as well just get up and jump out of my balcony rn.

Listen to the anons, find purpose in life, cars and bikes are GOAT rewarding hobbies, find a decent girl, have children, pass on your genes before you pass on, teach them what life taught you and raise them right, then happily fuck off.

If you're still adamant, I wouldn't want my corpse mauled, defiled, pecked and rotting in the open air, nor to be found by any passing cunt, take your phone with you, post coordinates or share you location with the local PD then proceed with your plan.

This. Grow up fag.

>avid psychonaut

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>just continue the endless cycle goy