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Le NPC face

That guy is an attention seeking faggot.

Seethe memeflaggot who has never had a job besides what Bloomberg paid you.

>former marine

>because of how fucked the system is i have to live this way
>stop blaming the system
>also just because i havent needed healthcare everyone shouldn't need it

>60-70 hours/week
>haven't had 4 consecutive days off in over 4 years
Do milfags really consider this impressive?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Keep working for jewish system who finance your genocide, my amerimutt friend

We need more of This!!

stockholm syndrome

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I will, but I keep almost all of it, which is 200x what you make shilling like a faggot. Do you have any idea what the standard of living is in the US compared to your shithole?

He looks like a guy I knocked out and left naked in a ditch in Kingdom Come Deliverance once

Lol working 60-70 hours a week just to remain in borderline poverty and acting smug about it? Humble bragging about having no vacation days? Don't think that college education helped if he's stuck with low paying jobs that don't offer vacation pay.
Either way good lad for perservering and not just an heroing after coming home from Iraq

Bernie 2020

If you burgers really want to remove the establishment, Bernie is the only choice to actually start that process.
Cucked trump will only make the zionists great again and do le epic reddit tweets.

>b-but muh talking points that Yas Forums fed me!!!
>b-b-but he's a jewish person himself!!

do research and get over it basturd bitches and vote bernie or I will shit on all your streets.

I am voting Bernie
He has alot more support than the media would have you believe right now

>98 hours a week
>face that screams JDIMSA
Jesus what a waste of a life.
There's 168 hours in a week. Sleep for at least 6-8 hours a day.
As little as 14 hours of free time a week BEFORE taking commute time and preparation for work into consideration.
Why work to live to keep working?

Good on ya, cobber. Fuck commies. Fuck 'em.

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Listen fat, the Bernie Brothers are a bunch of malarkey-filled jumping jacks who can't compete with the real power of the jumbo donors. Me. I am the one, the guy with the the how, the know how, the how of the whole thing, the shabang. Thank you. My time is up.

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>look at me bro look how much I have to slave away to make ends meet in the most powerful and wealthy country in human history.
>Somehow this is something to be proud of
This is what Jewish brainwashing looks like

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>im a slave to the jew
>and im happy about it


Joe, really quick, whats 9×12?

That guy in the picture is the perfect wage-slave.

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all that instead of "it could be worse"

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He looks like he needed someone to write this for him

>former marine
kike puppet

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Firstly we discovered fire long before caveman homo sapiens/neanderthal times and secondly giving women voting rights was an absolute disaster for everyone including women

>please god kikes don't free me from my debt prison and wage slavery your boots taste so good unnhgh

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Navy vet here. I was in the same situation for years, but kept it up. I'm now earning a combined over 100k a year and am a full time grad student with a 4.0 GPA. Due to the workload of having a full time job and being a full time grad student I don't have any free time, but it has and continues to pay off. Screw the Democrats, screw socialism, and screw the whiners. I agree, God bless the USA. Trump 2020!

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You volunteered to go shoot babies. You were compensated and given a generous benefits package that included tuition assistance. Not all jobs have pay and benefits that are as good as professional baby killer. Even after all that effort (and baby killing) you're living what sounds like a rather mediocre life. And you accept it without complaint because you've been conditioned to follow and not think. Your time in military made you into a willing retard that will opt to lay down and take anything from authority. Sad.

Standing up for yourself isn't whining. Wanting a portion of the unbelievably massive gains in productivity isn't wrong.

>I am the 53%!

You don't "blame wallstreet" or "whine" but I bet you do no end of bitching about the browns.

Congrats on being apart of the biggest socialist group in america. Hows all our tax payer money feel?

What a retard. How badly do you have to fuck up at life to work 14 hours a day 7 days a week? How many baby daddies abandoned this stupid bitch?

He earned you commie Euro faggot.

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>How's all our tax payer money feel?

It feels good. After all that nightmarish hell I went through to join the navy only to be kicked to the curb after barely two years of service due to manpower cuts, it's great that the taxpayers are paying for me to get my master's degree due to an earned benefit. Granted, I'm no socialist; I'm a greedy capitalist; the socialists want to know how to get the benefits I have without having to do any of the hard work and sacrifice I did. Screw them.

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This, it's so sad how brainwashed working class right wingers are.

>Thank you for being so gracious Mr. Goldberg! God bless you for these scraps!

The problem is, Bernie would make me pay them twice. I’ve payed off my loans, they weren’t that bad because I wasn’t a retard and finished my core at a community college, and now I have to pay them again through heavily inflated taxes.

That’s literal wageslavery lol what a fag suffering through injustice doesnt make you ‘tough’ it makes you a retard

Everyone puts in effort you brainwashed army retard. Everyone works hard. Not everyone gets the perks. That's the problem. You assuming everyone else is lazy or not putting in that effort is only because you've spent years under indoctrination designed to build you up into thinking you're a hero so you're willing to run out and get shot someplace.

Gotta love these types.
Take getting fucked in the ass as a point of pride.

Doesn't your military give your soldiers free college?

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I do wonder how foreigners feel about him since they’re unbiased

Even with socialism the majority of people have to work to provide benefits that they can enjoy fagoot.

>worked a few years on a boat
>muh hell
>muh entitlements
I've never met somebody in the military that DIDN'T go through HELL and SACRIFICE. From cooks, to mechanics, officers, women - all of them. Stationed at home or abroad every day was the beaches of Normandy. AMAZING, STUNNING AND BRAVE.

It’s very sad how much his mental condition has declined since 2016 it honestly reminds me of my mortality and how easily i could forget myself and my loved ones. Dementias a bitch

That and the possibility of killing some raghead is the only reason those faggots join in the first place.

t. 2004

More like "I am the 56%" lmao

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Get a job at Boeing and do nothing for 40$ an hour. Stop working so hard

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Youre such a faggot i bet you joined the military because of its lucrative social programs not because you give a shit about America and i bet if they took those programs away or made them universal itd make your suffering fruitless and in vain

>2 jobs
>no health insurance
more like 53 iq

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What a loser lol.

>steady paycheck
>the 1%

American soldiers are unironically having socialism, yet are the loudest opposition to it.

Most people in the military are in non-combat roles and are only enlisted for professional and social mobility. The military realizes this and caters to the disenfranchised

Serious question: why do Americans obsess over work so much?
Why is suffering such a stable in American life?
Nearly every American I've met outside of a Liberal area has bragged openly about how much they work, all the things they buy, and how "tough" they are.

Is this a protestant thing or???????

So fucking hard to understand the obsession of devoting your life to toilsome labor.

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Free college, discounts, and tons of other benefits

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You'd be the same if big businesses have been brainwashing you your whole life how you WILL be rich one day, but you need to give up your life and be a slave. Surely, ONE DAY, you'll be wealthy.

>why do Americans obsess over work so much?
Because in America the general idea is “if you work hard you’ll make money and your success is driven by how much money you make” its interesting and part of the reason why americans won’t take sick days or vacation days or will choose to work extra hours
>Why is suffering such a stable in American life?
Essentially the general public believes that suffering is instrumental in achieving “the american dream” where they too will become rich/successful.

Because were not Canadian or anyone else that's why.

We work because someone needs to build the roads and man the ports so you 47% commie faggots can get your iPhone xr 53s on mommy and daddy's dime.

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>What is free riding, the meme
Commies are all convinced no one EVER has tendencies to free riding common resources.

>success is driven by how much money you make
Self worth not success my bad

You need to make over 140k in the US to be within the 5% of earners. Over 299k to be within the top 1%. And yet these idiots will go to bed every night think that commie socialists are coming after their $18 dollar an hour night security paychecks.

Bernies policy made india a shithole

Amazed that he somehow hasn't ""accidentally"" died yet while campaigning for the most powerful public job in the country with free speech.
Not sure whether foreigners would agree with him on everything but I do know that they would love how he has been man who does what he says. And the things he does is always for the people. Not a phony who campaigned on cutesy story like m*di.

I am inspired by him to find gems like him in my own country and will actually vote from now. Just need to enroll for aadhar so I can give up all my data to big brother first though.

politicians like bernie are rare and should be cherished.

>I work 10 hours a week for free
She could be a janny here as her third job

Fucking everyone is in the same boat you fucking dumbasses. Excuse us for wanting more of the value we create so we don't have to slave away the little bit of life we were given. Jesus fuck these people are sheep.

i am goyim the image

he is a communist retard like nehru who doesnt know economics

Kys retard

Where the fuck are they getting this 53% number?


When I get my business idea off the ground I want my company staffed with loyal people like her who will dedicate her whole existance to earning me money and being proud and thankful for the opportunity! Maybe that's why you're out of a job commie faggots?

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Also being able to afford food for you and your family as well as maintaining their health requires money

i too enjoy being a wageslave

From reality. We are the 53% who pay for the welfare checks you 47% faggots live off of. You're welcome commie faggot.

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Seems like a "If I work REALLY hard, it'll pay off one day!" mentality then eh?
Shit's fucked, Bezos made bank doing half the work these wagies are doing. Bud just got a big lump of cash from his parents and got the ball rolling
But whatever, good on em, wish em the best and all that

Go to bed bud, you got a long shift tomorrow!

Christ you should come work for me with that can do attitude
Ill be sure to pay you exactly what you deserve, down to the penny

The only noncucked way of life is being homeless, Being rich or being a neet. There is no in between. If you choose anything other than these options you are a slave and are being forced to do something you don't like.

Nobody ever got rich by not going to work.