Happening: white supremacists in black-face stomp negro to death


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Was it a white girl?

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Is that cancer on his face?

America will not last like this

When this generation of niggers has niggers good god they will have absolutely no morals instead of stomping that kid they will light her on fire

The chaos is here

Hell is here

I have seen many, many vids... of nogs doing this shit...
But this one did it...
This one showed that they can not discern right from wrong.

There were many chance for one, just one fucking nigger to show restraint... not one did it...

I officially hate all blacks... all are niggers... the ones that hide it well have not encountered the opportunity for their niggerness to come out.

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>Was it a white girl?
Yes, Bernie. It's a good thing. A source of our strength.


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Just get rid of nigger lovers and tell the police to shoot more of them.

Damn dude, few street sweeper rnds into the crowd.. do this earth a favor.

that's very convincing blackface

send them back to afica

>believing J. Edgar Hoover

his good-luck tumor

Great. Cities are degenerate shitholes. Feral packs of niggers will do wonders for them.

pick one

>pack of wild animals jump her for the shoes and her phone
there are like twenty of them, what are they planning to do with those?

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how beautiful would it be if a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN just rolled up on those guns and dispensed some justice.

>picture it in your mind
>she is on the ground, pleading for her life
>hoping someone will save her
>can you see it now?
>now imagine she is Jewish
>jury convicts, all niggers get the immediate death penalty
>Hollywood makes new Schindler's List
>February changed to Holocaust Memorial Month
>white people still get blamed for the niggers acting antisemitic

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You think they are planning anything? It's a impulse attack, you see one of your people attacking and go jump in. It's what animals do.

Try to imagine 15 white guys jumping a girl.

Just fucking try.

She didn't die, but they should.

15 white guys stomping a black girl*

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White men stay mad that they are real life cuckw and weak ass men, you gay turds are literally known by every race as bitches that cant fight yall get dogged on by mexican, asians, and Blacks. White ppl have the biggest glass jaws in the streets thats why you losers stay in ur gate communities but ur wife still be fucking black dudes in ur home while u out at work.

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The feds hid it for fifty years so his jewish handlers could establish a cult around him, you filthy gaslighting heebs. If you spout the 13/50 meme, then you are guilty of using info from the FBI, too.


The fact that white Americans have not simply killed every nigger on the continent tells me a lot. American tolerance for niggers permeates throughout the planet due to America being the globalization capital of the world.

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I'm thinking about this... imagine being a 15 year old girl and walking around the ape infested streets of New York City with no protection. Why did she relax?

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norf fc?

If rule of law collapses, they will.
Wouldn’t have to worry about a damn army coming after you bc you put out some chimp actively attacking you or your family.

little dick nigger

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>Why did she relax?
the (((media)))

I was thinking that. I just got my conceal carry. What do you do in that situation though, you can’t really just aim head level and start shooting. The white mans law didn’t have niggers in mind when it was created

get a load of this nigger

>whole bunch of monkeys jump one white dude
>white guy loses
uhh duHh its cause he cant fight

yet to see a one on one from u fuckin spooks, take one look at mma and u see a bunch of u shitskins crying in shit when they realize their fellow chimppals cant jump in

White people in America are willing to spend trillions on taxes, prisons, border security, and gated communities. They know the darkness waiting to tear apart their cuck bodies limb by limb. The survival of the beta hinges on correctly spotting and avoiding the alpha.

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Jesus christ lol look how they fucking swarm as soon as one nog starts attacking

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More like the rotten violent garbage you right-wingers raise – remember you are the bullies and cowards who seem to love supporting violence against children, nazis and housing babies in cages. Find human souls now, MAGA idiots.

>5 vs 1
>guy's still standing

Why are niggers so weak ?

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Dont get us started on the topic of niggers.

What race was that fucking girl? Answer the most important question you stupid fucking faggots.


What? Did you have a stroke?

This was probably one of the more tame videos as far as black on white street violence. There’s stuff really really bad. You eventually developed the 1000 nigger stare

So she's white. Kike MSM protecting their nigger pets as usual.

if its a minor they can't give personal details

Almost certainly a nigger. They stole her Air Jordans

Unless their name is Nick Sandman.


Definitely a black girl.

Do you really think the niggers would of jumped a white girl?

>Do you really think the niggers would of jumped a white girl?

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No.There's one negro in the vid as "Victim's cousin".But still niggers are fucking animals

Do you live in a world in which niggers aren't fucking obsessed with white girls that I don't?

Do you live in a world where niggers don't beat the shit out of and kill white women?

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enrichment for our jew debt

thanks jews

you think this webm proves your point? seven nigs and they couldn't take a frail white guy down. embarrassing. ask your african ancestors if white people can fight or not.

Wow American media are talking about black on white crime? Must have been really shocking.

I can't believe they're teaching apes English now. The modern world sure is amazing.

>Do you live in a world where niggers don't beat the shit out of and kill white women?

Are you really this fucking stupid to not read between the lines and understand the context of the situation

you don't mess with norf fc senpai

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coming from a retard who says "would of" and doesn't even know what "read between the lines" means this is rich.

tbf user, they're already amoral, but I see what you mean, the next generation of niggers are going to be worse, African tier

>coming from a retard who says "would of" and doesn't even know what "read between the lines" means this is rich.

You're just too stupid to understand that 15 niggers wouldn't jump some white girl because they are obsessed with white girls for number 1, they wouldn't have to jump her to steal her air jorden for number two. And even they did 15 wouldn't join it.

You don't know that because you're a fucking idiot and than you compared to actual rapes, murders, and robberies were the perpetrators were mostly a nigger acting alone or with another friend.

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WTF nigger stole 1 shoe?

Whats wrong with niggers, the last thing I would think of stealing is someone elses dirty stinky shoes...

Why are Niggers so obsessed with shoes?
Jesus fuck what a primitive brain