It's been just over seven years now. In hindsight, what do you think about Chris Dorner?

It's been just over seven years now. In hindsight, what do you think about Chris Dorner?

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fun chase at one point there was speculation he had bought scuba gear and gone out to sea

This man was a champion. Who was bricked in and burnt.

California will pay.

Can't be cornered.

he cant be cornered

Chocolate rambo.

He’s now living as Daniel Cormier

>seven years now

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Cant corner

Scouting Report: Difficult to corner

I notice black lives matter being COMPLETELY SILENT about him.

satanic ritual, sacrifice to fire

Can't corner the Dorner.

satanic ritual, sacrifice to water

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Attached: elisa-lam-water-tank.jpg (900x506, 54.91K)

Based king. 1213

Why her though?

Wow haven’t seen a Dorner thread in ages. He can not be cornered.

nerve gas showing extremes of behavior without going off-rail yet.

>almost in the right hand plane

some critical systems may be thrown offline in the case of another poWEr surge.

no power. naaaaada.None. Zip squat. its a definite no-go, sitting duck situation, user.

-party on

I dunno. Maybe the person doesn't matter so much and it's just the nature element to which the sacrifice goes that matters? Dorner was kind of a rando too...

He did the right thing.

Dorner was causing problems. Reminded me a lot of waco. Once you turn on the state youre fair game.

didnt want to play by the rules


He was the IRL version of the Navy SEAL copypasta. His final rant about having MANPADs hidden in the mountains was probably the most extreme hulkout anyone has ever posted online.

Based and redpilled

Cant corner the dorner.

He's good now, if you get my drift.


that he dabbed on the 5.0, ran circles around them, then frigged off to mexico on a jet ski or somethin
the cabin was a bs plant job to make the cops look in control, when it was the laziest and dumbest story they could’ve come up with
really? he was hiding under your nose the whole time? and his effects just happened to survive the fire? just like the passport on 9/11? give me a fucking break lol

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Unironic hero. Struck fear into the hearts of corrupt pigs. He should be praised.


This one fucked me up man.


How did she endd up in the water tank?

lol chink druggie who wanted attention. PAID

Fuck you posted that pic before I could.

rip chocolate rambo

>This one fucked me up man.
I've read about this several times, and I can't find a good explanation for two things: (1) How did she get on the roof if the roof door was locked? and (2) How in the fuck did she get inside one of those huge water tanks? Yet nobody is talking - not the fighfighters you see in the picture, the cops or even journalists. Not even the staff at the hotel who were on duty at the time. What a weird case.

The Fellowship of the Ring will be 20 years old next year.

Attached: Fellowship1.jpg (1904x797, 300.18K)

Based and Redpilled. Hope Dirty Cops and their families pay the Ultimate Price

Surely, he was King of the Negroes

Jannies deleted my post , you will die too clown

Who Cares About Dead Dirty Cops Honestly?

>I wasn't paying attention to the world at all at that point, qrd?

Seven years???? The fuck????

Basically he chimped out on the LAPD. But they completely deserved it , and they ended up shooting two women because they feared the Dorner

Too good of man for this world. Especially a corrupt shitheap like L.A. California deserves to burn.

>formal complaint investigation found that I was the one who stood up for Abraham Schefres when other recruits sang nazi hitler youth songs about burning Jewish ghettos in WWII Germany where his father was a survivor of a concentration camp. How fucking dare you attempt to label me with such a nasty vile word.I ask that all earnest journalist investigating this story ask Ofcr. Abraham Schefres about the incident when Ofcr. Burdios began singing a nazi youth song about burning jewish ghettos.

>I heard Officer Magana call an indivdual a nigger again. Now that I had confirmed it, I told Magana not to use that word again. I explained that it was a well known offensive word that should not be used by anyone.

Yas Forums btfo

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? he stood up for Chosen because he is smart

oh my boy it always gets weirder and stranger... the same hotel she was snuffed out at was home to famous satanist serial killer richard ramirez

Attached: ramirez.jpg (257x160, 6.67K)

>That day, the LAPD stated that it is acceptable for fellow officers to call black officers niggers to their face and you will receive a slap on the wrist.

He was black

Shit was crazy. We were listening to it live on broadcastify. Im pretty sure we figured the area he was in before law enforcement did. Shit was crazy.

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Case closed.

How did this crazy nigger get onto Yas Forums's good side?

Because he was in the right and is a hero for fighting corruption, most people on here weren't brain dead teenagers back then too.

>Claims LAPD is corrupt
>To prove him wrong, they lock down the entire city with military equipment for a week, fire over 100 rounds on a group of three civilians, ram another off the road, and then set the cabin he was hiding in on fire

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Underage b&