What is the most redpilled brand of crisps on the market? I spend 20 pounds a week on crisps and I want to make sure I am giving my money to good brands that are not left leaning. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.
What is the most redpilled brand of crisps on the market...
Are you looking to bootlick labour exploiters, or support your fellow common worker?
Those are chips you fag
hello mr based
that flag
u wot m8
Enjoy your cancer
Its chips you retarded fuck
i think he is an imposter, i wonder if he calls soccer football?
Have you never heard of a VPN?
Who fuckin cares
Are you talking about those potato chips you have there skippy?
Wait, where the fuck Is OP from that he calls them crisps?
Wild guess. Untz brand.
Pic only vaguely related.
Come on noobcakes. I bet OP would be PERFECTLY ok with a patriotic socialist bag of chips, made by real americans working together. Say nationalist AND socialist?
taytos crisps?
Nah, Taytos only do cheese and onion and salt and vinegar
I prefer a ready salted Walkers (Lays for Americans)
UTZ I want to fuck the loli on the bag
Making it yourself. Look it up. It's not that hard, and way healthier and cheaper.
In general, the DiY, self-sufficiency brand is the most redpilled.
Zappo's Voodoo chips
Fried potato chips are nigger tier food eat healthy white man.
Pol 2016
>7777777777: “trump will win”
Pol 2020
>what is the most redpilled chip brand?
Lays Sour Cream/Frommage have always been the thing for me
They are Zapp's you stupid fuck.
kys faggit
Who would do that? Just go online and lie?
Maybe you are a brainlet and OP is just preparing to buy snacks early for the election.
My tumour is salt and vinigar flavour!
Guys chips
>I spend 20 pounds a week on crisps
Unironically based brand
I have been eating a few packs every week for like 15 years. How fucked am I?
get on this nigger's level faggots
know how i know when you showed up??????
For me it's. the Jalapeno with a nice local IPA and some smoked salmon.
>20 pounds a week
>crisps not chips
explain yourself fake burger user
you mean chips?
Those are chips
Fat cunt
just eat baked potatoes you fucking lardass
Bapps chips with an ice cold Bangs root beer. nuthin like it
How about you buy your potatoes from the nearest farmer, buy some good spices tip the remaining 10 dollars if you want and presto you can make your own globo homo free chips and support a farmer that doesn’t get undercut by a supermarket or manufacturer.
>What is the most redpilled brand of crisps on the market?
Asking useless question again, I see.
Crisps are half fat, none are based.
These are chips you faggot
That's Freedom Fries you fucking retarded Britcuck
none, it's trash food with zero nutritional value
Fries are like 3 times thinner than chips.
chips are thin and cold retard, those a pommes frites
No mutt, you speak our language and you'll do as you're fucking told and speak properly. Got it?
>wants to call them hot chips
You're thinking of crisps mutt. Someday you guys will learn to speak our language properly, I promise.
>not Grandma Utz
These are still cooked in lard (as all top-tier potato chips should be) and are the best chips in all the land
based pasta yank
>eats kike shit
>posts with American flag
>talks like a retard.. pounds.. crisps
>go prep Sadiq Khan to fuck your wife faggot
>mutt flag
You mean French fries you uncultured swine.
Enjoy your Arteriosclerosis
Who eats that many chips? hell I'm fat and i rarely touch sweets or snacks. You must be HUGE. I do find myself craving something new and hopefully fresh. I find it funny, we have a massive selection of food compared to previous generations yet i am still not satisfied.
The bongs invented the word soccer, why wouldn't he use it?