Why is Yas Forums against the idea of a centralized Greek super state that would rule over the entire world?

Why is Yas Forums against the idea of a centralized Greek super state that would rule over the entire world?

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Take your meds schizo

This is a politics board you shitskin.

Yea politics, not fantasy


greek people are essentially turks themselves, that's why. some autistic guy at my work is half chinese half scottish and i mistook him for a wog for a full year

Garbage post by shitskin

Couldn't be any worse than being ruled by Jews/Israel, so I would support it.

We dont want to rule the world.
We want every roach and skinshit burned alive.
We want a Europe,strong , with balls and christian-pure.

Attached: roaches.jpg (125x125, 2.71K)

honestly look how brown the people in the picture are, if not for the flags i could mistake them for any number of arab ethnicities. Ancient greeks interbreed with nigger slaves and later in history the turks created many rape babies

If you guys start machine gunning down those parasites on your border, I'll gladly partake in your fever induced insanity of a Greek superstate

Go suck a kangaroo's dick niggerlover. You are retarded

You are weak minded

Greeks are pure and white
Austrakians are shitskins

t. Jew

Greeks are white.

Greeks are NIGGERS.


Europe is greece's child. A father wants the best for his child. Even if this hurts him. As a christian greek, i raised with these virtues

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they can do whatever they want AFTER they payed their debts

Europeans should be genocided by us

my sides
based kraut

HUH! being called shitskin by fkn memeflaggots, priceless. Send arm picture negros
skin picture, do it you kinky haired cunt

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Autistic joke

Disgusting greek kike

Traitor with a memeflag, trying to pit one brother against another.
Pure goatfucker rat , thats what u are

they are mongrelized just about as much as kikes


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Give me one reason why non-Greeks should exist

lmao this is a thread full of random crackers from all over the world, calling each other niggers, this place is such a fucking comical mess

Dirty nails , proves you are a disgusting sandnigger, goatfucker. GTFO gypsie

Says the Mutt of Mutts.

What is modern greek? Does he have something to do with the old historical greeks? Nope he doesn't. So shut your jewish mouth

i am a gardener, actually like work unlike you lazy nigger...speaking of niggers iv'e yet to see any greek or memeflag take a arm picture yet

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I saw this comment on page one. I will not open the thread or read the topic, but am sure this applies.


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Idiotic post

Lies, you are dirty scum, not even washing your hands. You prolly die from coronachan or your sandniggers will backstab you for 1 dollar

just as yours mate

ohhh come off it, just send the arm picture already, i insist

You are just jealous

>Nigger calling others nigger

of what


Im done replying bye

Greeks look like Arabs to me.

when i look at greece and south shitaly i'm reminded of the consequences of race mixing, you brown cunts serve as a warning to the rest of us

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Arabs are shitskins
Greeks are white

Greeks are white

Muslim migrant shitkin, poluting australia , say nigger things : Checked

circle with ms paint a single white person in OPs image

arm picture
i'm waiting you hairy ball of grease

Look this greek sandni.... ehmmmm

Attached: Ilias Avantiras.jpg (640x640, 81.13K)

I dont want the world to be run by mongrel turkroaches

>i wouldnt post a geniue pic, from my phone here.
>If u were smart filthy sandnigger, you would too
>If you piss me enough, i can show you why u shouldnt do it

he looks fairly white but his olive skin may or may not hint at a small degree of nigger,arab or turk admixture. there is a small percentage of white greeks but the vast majority are clearly shitskins, i bet you are too at the rate of your seething. ARM PICTURE CUNT, FKN DO IT

Thats why Greeks should run it

>look like arabs

Attached: greek_niggers.jpg (980x552, 230.4K)

Greeks are white you shitskin

Welcome to the club mutt brother

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That guy isnt Greek you dumb shitskin