Do you have anything against gay people who mind their own business?

Like, let's say there's a monogamous gay couple who live near you. Does this bother you?

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the best thing about two gay dudes is that they probably wont need an abortion.

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It's fine if it's cute traps since traps aren't gay.

aids pedophiles

Are they acting gay or does everyone know the gay couple lives down the block?

yes. they need to have their own communities away from children.

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That's like hating alcohol because some people drink and drive.

No because they stay in their own lane unlike those faggots in dildo parades and shitty pedo trannys in libraries trying to rape kids.

>gay people who mind their own business
Let me know when that happens

If they vote for normalization of homosexuality or try to bring children into their degeneracy then yes. If they truly keep to themselves and do not interject themselves on my world or community then I’ll leave them be and they can suffer and die in the misery they create for themselves.


Yes. The only homosexuality I "don't mind" is the homosexuality that is kept secret in the closet. Exposed homosexuality is exposed badness, and when a bad thing is exposed the correct response is to revile it for its badness.


I've yet to meet a faggot who doesn't insert themselves into other people's business like it was their single driving passion

I assume your father minds his own business

I've never understood people who think something can be normalized. Some is either normal or it isn't. In the case of homosexuality, it is by definition abnormal. If it were normal, humanity either wouldn't exist. In other words, it is literally impossible for it to be normal. The mistake people make is in thinking normal = good and abnormal = bad.

Thats because the normal gay people you did meet never told you they're gay. It's a pretty simple logical step you should be able to make on your own.

Based sky king

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It bothers me on an aesthetic level. It's like they're an alien species. I can't think of something more disgusting than men exploring other men's buttholes and that's the only thing I'm thinking of when seeing gay men. I'm a woman and I think anal "sex" is gross and being used as a tool for gay acceptance. The rectum is for waste, not sex!

Legends never die

Not really, as long as they're not obnoxious about it.

>I'm a woman

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>gay people that mind their own business
That's an unicorn user, gays never mind their own business, when they are not looking for cock they are causing troubles by spreading rumors and talking behind your back

>woman can't stop herself from mentioning her vagina in a post

tits or gtfo

Nobody cares if they’re cool about it.

>normal gay people
>normal gay

They're incredibly rare. Most gays I meet are just as ignorant as any other random jack asses. The whole "They suffer some sort of bigotry so they're clearly kind souls that have learned of the ugliness of hatred." bullshit trope needs to go away. Gays are mostly self centered assholes that are perfectly willing to have their world view shoved on others.

gays are based and women are retarded


Yes. They already have their own country. Its called Israel.

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If they're white then they aren't having white children. Suck it up and marry a woman, fags.


Being called a homophobe was one of the things that eventually led to me becoming full 14/88 but I don't have anything against gays that keep to themselves and aren't weak pussies.
Still shouldn't be able to get married though.

Aslong as they dont kiss in public and behave like total fags in public and keep that shit in their house, no i dont gotta problem.

Be as much of a faggot as you want, aslong as you arent doing it in public.

Nope, my best friend is gay but other than that he's like any other guy and doesn't make a big fuss about it. Most people dont give a shit about gay people/trannies aslong as they keep it private and dont make a song and dance about it.

This. In 2005 it wasn’t a problem. Now they want to make out in front of the kids bus stop

This. Faggots are attention whores

If that were true then this question needn’t be asked

It's off-putting, but so are most things other people do. So, I don't even give a shit even if they throw fabulous, faggot parades down main street. and all gays are deported to Israel

>its okay if they have parades that can leave impressionable children thinking they might he curious.

Okay pedo/faggot enabler.

It used to not bother me, but unfortunately, I see now what "we want to love as we like in our own homes" actually means.

That's actually not too far off of how I feel.

Social norms OP.

You don't HAVE to do butt stuff with a guy, you know.

Not personally, but as a society we have to discourage immoral behaviors. I don't believe homosexual acts (being gay without acting on it is fine) are any worse than porn, masturbation, prostitution, adultery, fornication, cheating on partners, etc (in fact, loving gay sex is probably better than most of those things 99% of the time).

If they are truly 'minding their own business' and it isn't effecting anyone or causing scandal, then nothing against them other than their willful withdrawal from the greater good in preference for sexual pleasure

Yeah, you're rustled.

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No, anyone who lets kids see that needs to be shot.

No, you just lack perception and simple logical line of thought. You complain about faggots because they're highly visible. I agree. But its incredible to think that you didn't imagine you met gay people and never knew they were gay, because they appeared normal just like you (well maybe not, don't know what kind of person you are IRL). There are gay people who you will only find out about it if you ask. And since you weren't interested, you never found out. Come the fuck on, just think for a single moment.

yes. that's gay. and so are you.
Yas Forums

Nah not really, wouldn't bother me at all. They sound very considerate. Like, let's say... would it bother them if I write "Pooftas Fuck Off" on Yas Forums every now and again?

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>Like, let's say there's a monogamous gay couple who live near you. Does this bother you?
Not at all. I manage a couple fags on my team at work and they're both really good employees. A little inappropriate around the office occasionally (one of them jokes a lot about being a slut and tells wild parties about the clubs he goes to) but overall they're very cheerful and good natured and work hard.

Honestly as long as they're not trying to indoctrinate children or anything I find that regular old run of the mill fags make great neighbors. It's the trannies you have to watch out for.

A Friend from school came out of the closet to the boys recently; he said
“I figured you guys won’t care cause yeah I’m gay but I’m not a faggot”
Basically sums up how I feel.

First of all call them what they are.
Homosexuals, most all the homos I ever knew were far from being happy and care free (gay).
The other thing they can organize the most fantastic parties the world has ever seen since Roman times.
Here is the proofs

>Giving two shits about literal fags in 2020
The fake fags here are 1000x worse

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Even though as a straight white male, me and my buddies contantly talk about sexy women, boobs, pussy, fucking women, who’s a slut and much more i still find it ABHORRENT that gay males would do the exact same thing.
I want to talk in such a way that my heterosexuality is the forefront of my personality while accusing homosexuals of having homosexuality as the forefront of their personalitybecause they’re not straight


>gay couple

Pick one!

Lets say theres a mom son incest couple or a guy who fucks pigs who lives next to me.
Yeah it bothers me.

>needing to announce he’s gay to you
Why do fags always need to tell everyone they’re gay. I don't run up to people and go



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if I am made aware of it, yes

Race mixing was normalised

Lets say there are gay people who take a 2.26 to the throat. Lets talk about that.


>who mind their own business?
are there gays that do this? because every fag i met does the opposite

Stop being a woman.

>im a woman
opinion immediately discarded.

I go up to gay people and force them to admit theyre gay. Like sweet jesus, mind your own business, fags. Not everybody needs to know you’re gay. Stop waving your dicks at us

there's like several of us

a single crossbow bolt would take them both out

The ones that mind their business are the ones you don’t notice are gay

>there’s several of us
>wild fag outof nowhere letting us know he’s a fag

and we're the most oppressed. all the faggots hate us for not being like them, all the woke people hate us for not being sluts for bbc it's all so tiresome

kill yourself

>implying you can’t tell who’s gay
When i was in school i was 100% sure my classmate was gay. I even sucked his dick to prove ot. Fucking faggots

>look at me guys im gay
>the only thing i crave more than attention is cock

>wah wah im oppressed
>unironically tells me to kill myself
Fucking fags

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The replies here show why this board is dead. Prejudice is degeneracy not gay people who don’t deny their nature.


No, id sneak into their yard and watch them fuck through the window every night.

>t. Retards

I have no problem with room-mates who are best friends and refrain from making out in public.

>Do you have anything against gay people who mind their own business?

nothing at all except adoption

gay men should never adopt boys


gay women girls

this is wrong . tottaly wrong

youre the fucking reason white people are getting pit bulls now go kys

>The replies here show why this board is dead

no. just hibernation mode

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>fabulous parades
You have no clue what Pride Month is really about, if you did you wouldn't think it so harmless

I don’t make the rules.. YHWH does.