How the fuck do you not get burnt out on life?

The problem is that you have to keep choosing between one evil or another, and no matter what you choose, they slice a little bit more off of you, until there's nothing left. At the age of 25 most people are finished. A whole god-damned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, voting for the presidential candidates who reminded them most of themselves, WHATEVER; doing EVERYTHING in the worst way possible. As for me I have no interests. I have no interest in anything.

So what's the point? Adopt a religion? I know it wouldn't be true; a comfortable lie at best. Have kids? They'll inevitably be absorbed into the consumer/producer globohomo communo-capitalist slave system. Go innawoods and become a hermit? I can't cope with loneliness, no one can, humans are a social species, that's why solitary confinement is one of the worst punishments most prisoners can get.

I have no idea how I'm going to escape. At least the others seem to have some taste for life. They seem to understand something that I don't. Maybe I was lacking. It's possible. I often feel inferior. I just want to get away from these people and their comfortable lies and their illusions. But there's no place left on this god-forsaken planet to go.

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read Evola

Sounds like you should kill yourself and just get it over with.

hey bro it could be worse you could have been born a hapa or something

think about it bro

Sounds like you're suffering from a bad case of positivism. The biggest illusion of them all.

>what keeps you going?

i feel you bro. the worst part is, my degree was my one way ticket out of this shithole, was planning on moving to poland, but i discovered Yas Forums one semester, got super blackpilled/depressed and lost motivation, barely failed and dropped out for financial reasons, now im stuck in this brazilian shithole called america. my life's meaning is fading away

>Adopt a religion? I know it wouldn't be true
this post is solid evidence that fedora degeneracy leads to suicidal nihilism

congrats, user. you got psyoped by the race that has conquered your nation through covert means.

do what I did... get rich, become famous, win presidency, and then troll all day on twitter. Of course everyone will just reply to this post "fake and gay" which is exactly what I expect!

I've come too close, too many times
That's a good point, I was born blond hair blue eyes, life could be a lot worse, I almost would prefer being a dumb African tribesman because then at least I wouldn't understand my own plight

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I agree with everything except not being able to cope with loneliness. I'm at my best when there's no one around.

Fake and gay

You need to go outside and get some sunshine. that is the life force you lack. Make yourself talk to people and invite them over for finger food and dominos. normies like that shit and you could have some fun

That's only because you have internet, without it you would be truly lonely

sometimes our internet service goes down in my area and the reality comes crushing back. I can only read books and such for so long before the sound of the family next door playing with their kids outside gets to me

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one thing to consider is that if you're willing to commit suicide, then you should be willing to live life in pursuit of a goal as if nothing else matters whatsoever

you just need to select that goal and pursue it without fear of failure (since you've already decided that you don't fear death, anyways)

men accomplish crazy shit when they have released attachment from life itself and focus on accomplishing a specific goal.

You get burned out and then keep going until you are further burned out and then you repeat this cycle until you're dead.

>Adopt a religion?
Go into Buddhism, but do it like a real mean with actual reading on old books and research, not like western do it with a guru that gives the sheeps a tl;dr. Learn about suffering, observe your suffering, meditate about it


Deletes chemtrails, emits life healing energy, and pisses glowshits off to no end

Work on the spirit and ascend from this shit world or get a hobby

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The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that people who make it never keep it. Everything is temporary, and it makes me not want to do anything.

Not being nihilist, Im just being logical. I can't help but do something, without feeling like its a complete waste of time.

There is also the thing where, at the end of the day, I don't care about other peoples achievements, and it makes me realise, if I don't care about other peoples great achievements, then why would anyone care about any potential great achievements I could make (not that I could make any).

It's impossible to become the next Alexander the Great - the world wont allow for it, and all the greatest people alive today will be forgotten in 100 years at best, their names wont go on like Alexanders name has for thousands of years.

Why even bother if you can't be the next Alexander? What's the point? The world wont let you be the next Alexander.

Listen to me user.

Pack a car with camping gear, food for a week in a cooler, hiking boots, and a hammock. Go to the chisos basin camping area for a week in big bend. Hike everything you are physically able to hike, south rim, Emory's peak, lost mine, window trail, grapevine trail, boquillos canyon would be bare minimum. Leave your phone only in case of emergency, use maps and dont listen to any music. Just be with nature. Trust me, it will do you a lot of good.

life just isn't this hard for most people. they don't think about these things too much and just go to work and get drunk at the weekend, or stay in and watch tv/game.

The people that think deeply about these sorts of things are 1% of the population. And not even talking about IQ here, plenty of high IQ people just focus on their work and never think much about these things either.

Your escape plan is, since you are trapped, your own mind. Escape the trappings of your mind focusing on these things and not focusing on things that keep you in a healthier state of mind so you dont Sudoku yourself.

Additionally your parents have a large role in the burnt our feelings. If they don't take proper care of your emotions in the first 2 years of your life properly, you can go on to develop emotional, psychological and social pathology because of failures to integrated into social patterns in schools due to your mind being different from others due to neglect or abuse.

Sometimes two people born both with equally bad parents can have radically different outcomes. If one baby has dna to be more sensitive, he'll have a much harder time in life than the other baby born with less sensitive dna (psychological outcome when speaking of senstivitiy).

This then snowballs as everyone else gets ahead in their social/emotional growth and development while you try and keep up being years behind in some cases due to emotional issues.

In these cases you have literally done nothing wrong and life has dealt you a bad hand, and as an adult you realise what just happened to you. You see a 5 year old, a 10 year old and even a 16 year old and how young, vulnerable and sensitive they are, and what you or others went through at that sort of age is just horrific. You end up with huge amounts of anger and resentment, a stress destroyed nervous system and constant emotional pain.

Others can see your life as amazing, perspective from a mentally healthy person.

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Nah he already knows everything about life from Bill Nye The Science Guy. He has swallowed pseudo-empiricism hook line and sinker.

>everything os temporary
Not so. Everything is eternal and nothing is ever lost.

You are a soul playing a game in the human body. You’re set to hard difficulty and don’t like it. But you chose it. Probably because this was to be an intense period in human history. Rejoice in the secrets unknown. And do not despair for you cannot control others

You're fat

>Additionally your parents have a large role in the burnt our feelings. If they don't take proper care of your emotions in the first 2 years of your life properly, you can go on to develop emotional, psychological and social pathology because of failures to integrated into social patterns in schools due to your mind being different from others due to neglect or abuse.
My circumcision causes me extreme sadness alone. I feel like I never even had a chance. My parents didn't even care when I told them about it. They even mocked me.

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Hey dude... I'm in a similar funk as you... and I think I've figured it out. Just fuck it up as much as you can. Dont kill yourself what every you dont., Just go out there and yell what you think. Even if you look autistic doing it. Just apply pressure to the globo homo. Read Evola, Lift and fight globo homo.

I suffered much of this childhood and what really compounds it is nobody cares. Nobody wants to hear your story, even your closest friends. Nobody gives one shit, it makes them uncomfortable. Even you, user.

Nowadays I’m just emotionally dead inside, can’t really feel much of anything anymore. Not even anger. Just the aching nothingness. When I’m around others I put on a face since I don’t react to any stimulus anymore.

I’m working on it though.

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you get kids and then it all makes sense.
Life sucks basically, but it's fun to see new humans enjoy the shit out of it.

This is the same problem as that which comes to PTSD faggots.
It is the separation of 'over there' and 'over here'.
You'd like to believe that the thing you want is something else, somewhere else. It isn't.
You simply haven't found the means to interface with whatever seemingly bleak reality you currently ride along.
It could be better, it was better, it is going to be better.
If you are depressed but aren't channeling the knife to a new reality you should simply kill yourself.

Pic related is the words of a coward. Life may be shit now but how boring this dystopia is is up to you.

Sometimes I create petty drama just to spice things up. I never let it bother me (not that i really could) because it’s all one big soap opera in the end

Then those humans grow up miserable and confused until they find out why they are so miserable, then they get angry and then sad again when they realize that half of everyone else knows and they just don't care. Good job.

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Feeling less than others

Personal "social status" score in your unconscious minds records everything in your social interactions with others and gauges itself to tell where you are in the social hierarchy. If you get bullied, not popular, left alone and not many friends, your brain records this too.

At a young age this commonly happens to people who werent taken care of properly (mostly by the mother) and were not developed enough to fit in at school. This leads to rejection and loniliness and bullying.

Thus the snowballing of falling behind your peers at the same age psychologically.

"something missing in my brain"

Literally true. Yes, really, again, it is true. You brain wasn't ready for socialising at school thanks to your parents, and now you have not developed the same social and emotional pathways in the brain as most other people in your year group. They have well developed social and emotional networks in their brain so effortlessly fit in and socialise with each other. Without these networks, developed by a good mother, you simply don't have the right software in your brain to be compatible with others. Leading to being left out.

People end up 60 years old and still feel the same way as they did when they went to school as a 5 year old, because they never got help from therapists/psychologists and maybe even medication to try and get help to, maybe for the first time in their life, walk up to someone as an adult in a bar and have a conversation.

It seems an impossibly high goal to reach, yet others do it flawlessly.

It sucks, it isn't our fault, its like having a disease. But even diseased people can have better social lives, better emotional regulation and high quality of life.

In the animal kingdom you would get left behind. This is the importance of good mothers. Its death sentence to have a bad mother.

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And you are nothing and no one!

Remember that being redpilled is not being enlightened.

There are higher levels.

I used to be a nihilist Op, but then I realized how naive and stupid it was and found a new way of looking at things and operating. Everything I do now is out of contempt for the modern world and hate for the more animalistic urges like being slothful, falling to social pressures, and falling for shiny toy consumerism. My contempt for the modern peasantry/lower classes that I currently belong to empowers me to work hard and to not be blinded by the naive morals that lock the way to wealth for so many others.

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Why are there so many doomer threads today?

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I’d go to a therapist if they weren’t stupid plebs that would be A OK with me chopping my sons dick off and having my wife get an abortion

I’d take a redpilled therapist but most redpilled people are just edgy assholes who are contemptible irl

Try jerking off to people screaming. It gives me a bit of a head rush.

This. Any other answer is a devil on your shoulder.

Good leaf.

>stone vibes heal soul
Take your meds

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fkn too real

and yet you are still alive. I feel your pain it brings a tear to my eye. Because that sort of mocking by parents due to their failures is a trigger for my wanting to just fucking die thought patterns and emotions. Stay strong and maybe some luck will come your way. Even flipping a coin 100 times might never show tails and always heads. Shit luck bro. But I bet if we could connect irl we would be less alone etc, but our social connections would be weird as fuck because we both suffer from social deficits thanks to not developing in school due to being excluded, rejected and bullied without a chance of developing our emotional stability and social systems.

Then as adults we have to come up with ways to manage all of these faults in the brain. You realise just how fucked up your childhood was no matter what your parents or anyone says, you know it, and I know it so I can tell you its real just due to your writing I know because I went through similiar experiences.

But, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Help can be sought, but even as an adult I still cant social properly and its leading me to drug abuse and unemployment.

Medication for depression/anxiety and constant weekly therapy is all that keeps me going, and without the money to do this its a spiral of hell I just feel lucky to survive until I can find some way to get money to buy meds and therapy.

At this point I've redeveloped a religious side to me to stand this sort of pain and seemingly pointless suffering.

If we got the right help, and functioned somewhat normally, the amount of anger/resentment at the past can fuel us to do things normal people can't.

In my case, I can handle complex psychological theories and help others and myself sometimes, but I should be using these skills on mathematics degrees and employment.

But, well, whatever man. What will be will be. Good luck.

I don't know. Everything I really cared about died at age 12-18 when I finally grew up and realized I had to play some retarded game of pretend to pretend to be happy. What I really want and need from my life will never be and I just don't care about anything anymore.

>men accomplish crazy shit when they have released attachment from life itself and focus on accomplishing a specific goal.

Yes but if that means they have to shovel shit for fifty years to accomplish it...

Yes everything is transient. But everything you do influences the things and people around you. What you say and do reflects and ripples out from you. It becomes a part - however small - of the people you interact with.

And children, well, represent the obvious continuation of your existence, both as an individual and as an unbroken chain of life, back to the first life on earth.

Everything has a beginning, an existence, a decline and an end. Every bit of that matters, because it echoes in eternity.

Take heart. You're wasting time.

Particularly, they release negatively charged ions through the generation of piezoelectricity which resonates with your cells.


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I just kinda want to poison the well with my corpse user. This society offers me nothing and takes everything.

Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side. That idea materializes out of a perceived view that your own suffering is unique to a minority group you associate yourself with. There are qualities you see in others that you see as unobtainable and presume that you are too inadequate to reach those qualities due to circumstances outside your control, while there are exceptions that make that true it is baseless supposition to claim that your own experiences are on the edges of ordinary life. Everyone goes through it.



As a community, Yas Forums Yas Forums users regularly test out in well above average IQ ranges.

We are not the regular folks. We aren't supermen either. Just overclocked brains. But we certainly perceive and understand the world in different depth and perspective than the normies.

It is our doom to watch civilization burn. And one day this place, or the internet itself, will fail. And once again we will just be weird individuals adrift on Darwinian arcs that burn brightly and briefly.

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>How the fuck do you not get burnt out on life?
The only real redpill is this; the way you are feeling right now is how they want you to feel. It's the way this place has been manipulated to make you- to make us, feel that way. The state of mind your in has brought you great truths but little to no progress- this is intentional. If you're wasting all your time and energy lamenting the past here, you won't spend it out there changing the future.
Good luck user

Some self-doubt and anxiety is normal, the difference is in degree. Most people are functional. People who think things like that (and I count myself among them) are generally not functional.

Theres no point in existing but there's also no point in ceasing to do so.

What do bros

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>How the fuck do you not get burnt out on life?
My job fucking sucks, I work for the government and Nothing I do matters or is even necessary. Im going to take all my moneys and start a business or something where there is atleast some sense of progression.

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>he replied

>resonates with your cells
Please tell me, at what frequency do my cells resonate?

I wish i had a goal. I dont have anything in life im passionate about.

Join a nationalist activist organization, network with like-minded individuals, work to improve yourself, buy some land with other nationalists and homestead, start a family and perform activism to reclaim your homeland and make your children not have to go through the same shitty hell we did.

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Best post so far. This vague sense of depressive alienation we feel is not something wrong physically or emotionally: it is something wrong SOCIALLY. You are not in control of how fulfilled, positive, and confident you feel under any circumstance. Your lizard brain doses out the appropriate amount of chemicals based on your position in the particular social hierarchies you reside in. The higher you are in the hierarchy, the smarter, funnier, and more attractive you become to other people. You feel the smooth calmness and confidence of high testosterone.

When you are at the bottom, you feel very little. You glide through life in a state of anhedonic indifference. You are full of guilt and self-doubt. You survive by submitting and appeasing those above you; therefore your testosterone will be lowered accordingly. The musculature of your face and throat literally MAKES YOU UNABLE to project your voice loudly and with force. Your brain knows that because of your position, doing that will get you killed. You are terrified of women because if you try to mate with one the alpha will kill you.

Welcome to 2020, now we all exist in the social media hierarchy. Think about that one and you know why everyone feels like shit.

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I guess the ancients knew this well

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That aching numbness is emotional pain built up and bottled. Before it got to the aching numbness stage I'd ask how much anger and/or anxiety you had, and if below all of this is just plain sadness. Sadness that is suitable emotion for your experience. Learning as an adult to somehow carry all this pain, have a job, wife, children... no one ever said it was easy.

For most people not caring its because most people dont have as hard a life as you. The vast majority of people have an easier time, and just dont get it. They never thought about your sort of pain, how to listen, how to stand and pay attention properly, and say things like "man up" or "grow up" or "get laid" or "everyone has problems man" trust me, I've heard them all. Just dismissing my pain as the same as everyone else so just get on with it.

I find the emotional ache to have a lot of anger around it, personally for me. And that anger resulted from my lost childhood due to the lack of development due to factors beyond my control. Not only that, but I blamed myself the whole time. Blamed myself for just not being good enough for others.

And once you realise it isn't your fault, the anger turns away to extreme sadness, and mourning your lost childhood is extremely sad. Just think about it, think about another kid that is fucked up like you, thats sad right? That was you. That kid is still inside you now.

So when I feel anger or anxiety (fight or flight) I pay attention to it (you can train yourself with CBT therapy, meditation and mindfulness) to just let the anger be there. And just watch what thoughts pop up inside my head. Almost always there with be a thought of self-blame, and then I'll know the anger/anxiety (stress) will be about me still mourning my lost childhood and what its done to my life.

Otherwise lifting weights and exercise helps reduce stress, thus anger/anxiety. But it won't help sadness much other than endorphins. Its something to learn to live with. It takes time.


Depends on the type. It’s how your cells communicate.

Now if you want to try make me look dumb kike go ahead, I’ll just keep sharing

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>How the fuck do you not get burnt out on life?

I for one enjoy every single day OP. It's all about philosophy/perspective. Find a philosophy that improves your outlook and you'll enjoy life much more.

I’m trying to find a way to release the pain. I remember there are exercises where you’re supposed to shake to let it out, didn’t work for me but I probably did it wrong