I'm starting to think this is an actual happening

Anons I'm getting concerned. Why isn't this nothingburger virus showing any sign of stopping? It's like everytime I look on the news a hundred people are getting infected daily, right now it's at 100k and that's not accounting for the hundreds maybe thousands of asymptomatic people that haven't even been tested yet. I went to the market today and saw that milk is nearly 5 bucks a gallon! Like holy shit since when was milk more valuable than gasoline!? I also saw many other overpriced inexpensive items, could this rise in prices be attributed to COVID-19? If so I can officially say that I've been flu-pilled. Starting my preperations now so that when shtf I'm gonna get the hell outta dodge. Cities will be the last place you want to be when it's boogtime, forest is where I'm headed. Good luck and godspeed gents.

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What, like the flu every year?

The regular flu kills millions every year. This will be no different.

You suffer for fagititus. Take 2 aprazalam and get a good night's sleep.

Sure OP's a gay LARP, but just imagine how many normies are exactly like that at this point.

>Didn't start prepping in January
>Didn't hole up two weeks ago
>Will have to go outside in less than 6 months

Poor NPCs about to be deprogrammed en masse.


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I’ve visited 4 different countries in the past two weeks ama
>yes I am from lombardy

faggot little virus will be forgotten after the summer.

Who the fuck came up with the term 'nothing burger', so retarded

WuFlu is 30-80 times more deadly than the regular flu

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difference is the media is pretending its different and its destroying the economy.

>is coffee good for you

It’s a fake meme designed to fish out the unoriginal faggots who will repost anything they think is popular or cool.


I ask you to kindly come back in 14 days when your go symptomatic.

That means the flu is normally not very deadly at all. That's how you can do say something this stupid and pretend it means something. hurrr when 2 more people out of 1000 people die, and the standard was 4 people out of 1000, it's a 50% increase OMG. kek. So many brainlet here.

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It's been stated that it won't even peak until July you mong.

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>guys it's just a regular flu
>symptoms are basically überAIDS
>overheating until your brain cooks
>bleeding from every orifice
>shaking like a slut with a vibrator
>just like the flu guys

Fucking hell..

Exactly, not to mention billions get infected with the flu every year, possibly even 90% of the worlds population and the mortality rate is pitiful, like .13% or something like that. It’s a joke.

no it isnt. usually nobody gives a fuck what specific virus or bacteria or cancer is specifically responsible for killing an elderly or invalid. panic about the chink flu comes with billions in govt money that incetivizes tying deaths to chink flu.
we need to gas the kikes and get money out of medicine

According to heavily tested regions/countries the mortality rate is slightly higher than the flu, around .06% in Korea for example. Unless you have health issues or are over the age of 60 you'll likely be fine. Wash your hands and cough into your arm.


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>That means the flu is normally not very deadly at all
Except we've been repeatedly told by nothingburgerists how the regular flu kills millions every year.

>It's not even as bad as the regular flu, guys!
>Remember that millions day from the regular flu every year!
>Don't worry about the fact that the regular flu has an r0 of 1.2 while WuFlu's is 4-6! Seasonal flu is still just as bad!
>Don't worry about the regular flu have a 0.5% mortality rate while WuFlu has a 3-4% mortality rate!
>Don't worry about all the mutations of WuFlu! The regular flu is still worse!
user, so many insect shills plague Yas Forums

>The regular flu kills millions every year.
no it doesn't you fucking retarded nigger monkey. hang yourself at your earliest convenience

while that is true it is a bad comparison. The flu has a fast infection to completion cycle roughly 2 weeks. COVID19 seems to have a slow burn effect, it takes almost a month of you walking around spreading it before you know you have it, then another month or more of you being sick, finally as your symptoms go away you continie to spread it for another month. So with a mortality rate of 4% (which is crazy high for something this slow) we are looking at a lot of people eating up resources all at once. As these resources are depleated there is a snowball effect of more people dying, because rather than write off those most likely to die, we will try to save them first come first serve, this drains resources that could be used to save those with a higher chance of survival.
>sheer volume is gonna male this bad

>just the flu
Anything that makes the commies shit the bed shouldn't be taken lightly, unless you want to stop faggoting around and go catch the virus so you can show us all how flu it is.

we're already ded

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The WHO literally said WuFlu has a mortality rate of 3-4%, while the regular flu has a mortality rate of "less than 1%", which is actually between 0.1% and 0.05%. Do the simple maths and it's 30-80 times more likely than regular flu to result in death, you fucking brainlets.

Those people who constantly say the flu kills millions a year are retarded. Seriously most people today are seriously brain dead in how viruses or basic biology works. The flu infects the majority of the population at any given time. And it kills so few. That’s what these people don’t get.

Take 90% of 7 billion and multiply that by 3.4%

If this is accurate, then I stand corrected.

Seattle here ama

for what it's worth, r0 estimates I saw were between 2-3.5
the real worrying factor of covid19 to me is the 14 day incubation. that's going to make reactive containment effectively impossible, and yet all western governments seem to be insisting on a reactive policy.

Agreed. It's getting silly now. I expect to see the uk media backpeddling massively by mid next week or when whatever goal they have in mind is achieved.

There's something odd about the way this is being shilled compared to how many have died.

Read my post again user, I was saying how ridiculous it is to say the flu and wuflu are comparable.

Not to mention majority of earth get infected with flu per year. People don’t understand basic statistics.

It was bad but China government managed mostly containing it. Now is burger bun, no meat.

Even if it's not millions per year, like the retards say, it's still up in the tens to hundreds of thousands. WuFlu is documented as being 30-80 times more fatal, and far more infectious.

Attached: 2020-03-07 15.33.48 www.globalresearch.ca e4b3d18b019a.png (715x198, 32.77K)


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she's fucking evolving even more!


because you've been mislead. It is happening. In all likelihood you will get very sick. You'll probably recover. If you have older parents they will probably die. The world isn't going to be the same post-2020. Or rather, things won't return to normalcy for years and years.

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Dude it’s being shilled 24/7 on local and national news

It’s all anyone talks or jokes about at work and everywhere. Paranoia is off the charts here

that 3.4% is an extreme number. It will go down a lot

Korea reported a .06% mortality rate and they have by far tested the most people. The mortality rate seems high because majority of cases go un-reported. This is not a "nothingburger" but its not the black death either. Calm down and come back to reality.

Please infect some prostitutes

That's because it's rapidly spreading and death counts in the west are only starting to manifest now. Things are on the cusp of getting very bad.

Haha nice pun mate

There is no vaccine
There is only reinfection

China outside of Hubei has a 0.7% death rate. The rates will end up being not much worse than the flu eventually.

This will be remembered as the great boomer purge, thank you Jesus.

>for what it's worth, r0 estimates I saw were between 2-3.5
Man, we can't be sure of the actual r0, because the incubation period and asymptomatic carriers throw it off. Really, It can be anywhere between 2 to 8.
>that's going to make reactive containment effectively impossible

It has already turned northern italy into a fucking huge RED ZONE, and from there it's spreading like a wildfire into all of Europe.

Austrian normies are like "even weaker than the flu", don't take any precautions, and thus there's no end to the spread here either.

I got proof of a handful of confirmed cases that weren't announced by the media yet, not to spread panic. Even my cousin might already be infected due to having had contact with a workmate on Monday, after returning from a skiing trip to Pontebba on Sunday. The 35 year old guy got tested positive in the meantime, and is hospitalized - in pretty bad shape.

Wannabe posh Schnitzelmichelniggers and their fucking skiing trips to northern Italy/ south Tyrol have doomed us.

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It's nothing, don't worry about it.
Huh what's that? Oh I just bought all these supplies because I might need them one day, that's all, you've always got to be ready for a major earthquake in NZ.

ill papa

And yet it still won’t hit Flu numbers in the civilized world. Lmfao at you panicking schizos

No one is saying it is retard, but it is fucking the global economy. We only have 65k icu beds in the US. What the fuck do you think is going to happen when the projections made today that 96 million will be infected and 1% will need icu care? Which is low mind you as WHO says that 10% need critical care.

It will be complete anarchy once the health care resources are spread thin. People will die then as no one will have access to care. Not to mention we will have no manufacturing at all for the entire world because China is shut down.

Think man, THINK. No one is saying this will wipe out humanity, it’s just going to make our society batshit insane Joker style.

Kill yourself kike shill.

I wonder if this is the precursor to why all of mankind gets chipped.

Chip in hand you goto the nearest checkpoint by globohomo police.
Swipe...citizen 43002 the chip says you havent been complying with the quarantine we are going strip you if your rations

Same here. There's an odd, strange atmosphere in my part of the UK which is fairly remote and not affected officially. Everyone I've interacted with has been taboo about it until a few mins passes then it all comes out. Everyone I've met with today has been in a foul mood, it was exactly like what it was when the very worst brexit scare stories or syria ww3 narratives were doing the rounds. No one wants to admit they're scared/stressed but they are so it comes out in different ways i.e. frustration.

If the govt here really wanted to assauge fears, they'd run stories about recovered and what plans they have for suppy chain. They're not. There's something off.

No, they’re not. Take your meds

When people say that stupid thing of "it's like a flu" they're right, but only in the bad things.

>Extremely contagious, no country has the means to contain it forever.
>No country has the means to hospitalize all the infected either. That's why people are being told to self-isolate.
>Mutates constantly. Immunity isn't forever.
>You can get it over and over again until it kills you.

In that sense yes, it is like the flu. In everything else... the US CDC said it's thirty (30) times more deadly than the flu, it can cause permanent damage, etc etc. It's a pretty deadly virus that transmits as easily as the flu and may never fully go away. At best we can expect that it mutates its deadliness away.

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The panic is the kike narrative, brainlet. You are being played.

I get what you're saying, but if that's true, then the worst way to deal with it is by panicking the whole nation.


You sure about that? We already project 96 million infected and 1% will need icu care, and that’s a low number.

Milk more expensive than gas? Like in the 90’s when it was 97 cents per gallon?

if China is covering up millions of deaths, why aren't there also millions of people dying in Japan, Korea, or Italy? There's no way they could cover up millions of deaths in those countries because they have free open internets. So this is total bullshit. What, 1000 cases in America? 1000 people out of 300 million. This is NOTHING!

Check out this research that just recently came out. It's already pointing to signs it's evolving and lingering asymptomatic longer and potentially becoming more infectious. I posted it once but faggots don't like to read unless it's a picture.


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You dumb faggot. WuFlu only started two months ago. Seasonal flu has had decades to spread and mutate.

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>Wannabe posh Schnitzelmichelniggers and their fucking skiing trips to northern Italy/ south Tyrol have doomed us
based, i hate those posh leftard faggots

(((One post pretty poster))). Reminder to all user to doxx these JIDF kike faggots that have made this board worse than X.

>China outside of Hubei has a 0.7% death rate.
That's only because FOR NOW we can still hospitalize the grave and critical cases. Once (not if) surge capacity of hospitals is overrun the death rates will increase.

I've been here long enough to know your kind and your tactics now fuck off and off yourself. We watched this unfold for months and the media didn't say shit about it.

Dude chill out even the chinks are making jokes about it

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Except that 3.4% is a revision upwards of the expected mortality the WHO originally estimated of 2%.

There are numerous issues. The first is that Corona is vastly more deadly for those over 50 than the flu and we our population. The second is the secondary is the high rate of hospitalization relative to the flu. If hospitals are overloaded how many serious but survivable cases become mortalities due to lack of access to care? How many other non Corona related urgent care visits truly in death due to an overloaded medical system. The third is economic, what happens when large portions of the country shut down due to infections. What happens if/when supply chains break down and food is 20x more expensive?

That would be some faggot named obama

So what? You don't need a vaccine for the flu.

China is also lying the through their teeth

The day of the rake is soon, don't be hiding from us with your memeflag

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one thing that's very important to understand in a discussion of virus fatality rate is the difference between infection fatality rate (IFR) vs case fatality rate (CFR). IFR is the odds of a victim dying after being infected by a virus, even with proper medical care, including ICU. judging by the numbers coming out of South Korea, who has been autistically testing fucking everybody, I would assume that COVID-19 has an IFR of something like 0.5%-0.6%.

But seasonal flu doesn't have an IFR of 0.05% - it has a CFR of 0.05%. CFR is necessarily higher than the IFR, because infections that are asymptomatic, exceedingly mild, or otherwise unnoticed by medical practitioners, do NOT get added to the CFR. plenty of flu infections every don't become cases, for this same reason. so it's not accurate to compare the artificially low CFR of COVID-19 in SK (due to extensive testing) to the CFR of seasonal flu (where people only become a case if they are seriously ill.)

Under "normal" circumstances, the data I've seen seems to imply that COVID-19 will have a CFR of around 1-2%, which would in fact make it 10-40 times more fatal than the seasonal flu, depending on what measure you're using.

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No one said China is covering up millions of deaths, millions have been infected though which makes sense considering it’s the epicenter. Not only that the deaths over there are probably 250k minimum if you look at the actual response and crematoriums that have been going non stop for months.

Too late, you;'re no longer standing. You just got hit with a cytokine storm. RIP

Real talk, if she were a carrier would you take a chance and fuck her anyway?

OK doomer

The first case in China occurred in late October early November. It took a months to get as bad as it did. Japan and Italy didn’t start seeing major confirmed cases until February

>that 3.4% is an extreme number. It will go down a lot

It'll probably go up. The whole civilized world is about to get hit almost at the same time. The most worrying number is the case complication rate which is ~15%. For the flu is