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What’s the Yas Forums gender ratio?

Attached: ED5E20D0-2DC5-4D0B-A0C1-10E960AA9B4A.jpg (800x534, 303.33K)

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100 incels to every dumb bitch

How nice, the woman is cleaning the gun for the man

>asks random faggots online shit they cannot possibly know

Rangeban Canada when?

Attached: 1583037636464.jpg (264x240, 10.68K)

Yas Forums is so oversaturated with males even the females are males.

99% male, 1% female, 100% retards.

1 man to 0 women

Hasn't changed since the 90s. There are no girls on the internet

100:1. It also depends on what board.

Statistics are already out their.

70% male

30% female

95% of its userbase comes from USA/Europe/Australia/Canada

3% Brazil

Rest are others.

Yas Forums gets around 70,000 Unique visitors a day.

Nothing like its glory days. Basically dead.

67% male
5-10% "females" (percentage varies with suicide rate)
13% bots, responsible for over 50% of the threads in the board
the rest are jews, which are not human

100% male.
even the "women" on Yas Forums are male.

It fluctuates depending on how the incels are feeling.

She could clean my balls too.

there are no women on the internet

90% male, 2% female lurkers, 8% tranny jannies.

You forgot the 0.05% trans that didn't neck themselves. Bigot

This. There are legitimately very, very few females here. The ones that are here are totally fucked.

>Nothing like its glory days. Basically dead.

Wasn't the election 4chans highest traffic ever? No way the site had more traffic in 2007.

i sexually identify as a fed

If it were dead then it wouldn't be attracting so many fucking normies and shills would it?

Okay Yas Forums
What is the most politic influenced board on Yas Forums(nel)

go ask your mom faggot

wait, I'll ask her for you, she's right here

Attached: 1579521841237.png (600x450, 188.06K)

I'm a lady, but I'm not sticking around this thread to see what you are going to say.
But one time I said it was my bday and I got like 30 Yous saying happy bday so it cant all be bad.
Plus this is where I find a lot of cool books and animes

Femanon here, you sad boys never ceases to amuse me. Please, continue to humor me. I'm waiting.

88% men
9% tranny
2% fbi
1% wymn

>Yas Forums gets around 70,000 Unique visitors a day.
Seems you're missing a decimal point on that

>Unique visitors per month: 27,700,000 Forums-statistics-facts/
>22 million monthly visitors
>Last upated 10/27/2018

(Apparently visitors has increased since then.)

27000000/30 = 900,000 uniques/day

25% peepee
25% poopoo
25% weewee
25% woowoo
10% teetee
10% doodoo

1/3 niggers
1/3 kikes
1/3 jannies

wait what the fuck
does it turn all Yas URLs into links?

And here's a screenshot

Attached: current_stats.png (375x262, 49.19K)

Neck yourself.


I’m not. I mean, I’m a little eccentric, but it’s a generational thing.
Have a nice evening, boys. Gotta get back to the party now.

based and rp & band

Yet every stat tracking site says 70,000+

Actually believing 700k people visit Yas Forums a day. Do you see how slow 99% of the boards move?
Keep living in delusion.

My guess is 95% male, 3% female lurkers, 2% trannies.

I believe this to be accurate

90% men, 10% glowniggers.

tits or gtfo

This, hirogook lies to advertisers
Even Yas Forums which is supposed to be the fastest board is pretty fucking slow

90% male. 1% female. 8% nigger

Never heard of sampling bias, have you?
IINM, Alexa gathers those stats from __people who freaking install Alexa toolbar__.

The source qualified to report accurate stats would be Yas Forums's server admin, or their data center.

These are Yas Forums official stats, intended for advertisers. It's __not__ in Yas Forums's best interest to lie to their advertisers, who can validate some of those themselves (statistically using embedded js)

Simply not everything's a conspiracy...

Attached: popcornowl.jpg (269x293, 21.8K)

What about the last 1%?

100 percent MOSSAD

>Simply not everything's a conspiracy...
Lurk more

>It's __not__ in Yas Forums's best interest to lie to their advertisers

Forgetting the fact no advertisers wants to advertise on Yas Forums and moot ended up selling the site because of it. JFL you idiot.

Don't have time tbqh, but if you want to summarize i'll be here a little while

Still no reason to assume they're lying.

Also, try turning off your ad blocker.
There __are__ ads on Yas Forums.
So your claim is false..

Those stats are from the Trump voting era.
Hirogook never changed them afterwards. Yas Forums viewership tanked hard after the election period.

Look it up.


20 bots per 1 human

We can't talk about them.

As you saw, the figure here claims to have been updated October 2018.
That was after the election period.

And they have changed since then. (notice the different number)

Sure, it is possible it's a blatant fabrication..
Just haven't seen solid reason to assume that..

I identify as 78 Ford bronco

>October 2018

>March 6 2020

New stats.

>I'm a lady,

tits or get the fuck out

How do they determine gender ratio?

Attached: 34.png (500x479, 478.29K)

>continue to humor me.

typical woman.
incapable of entertaining herself and need others to stimulate her mind

>What’s the Yas Forums gender ratio?
There more than 2 genders this week. (new list next week)

Facebook will also allow users to select between three pronouns: "him," "her" or "their."

The following are the 58 gender options identified by ABC News:

Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans* Female
Trans Male
Trans* Male
Trans Man
Trans* Man
Trans Person
Trans* Person
Trans Woman
Trans* Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Transgender Man
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
Transsexual Male
Transsexual Man
Transsexual Person
Transsexual Woman

That's what I'm saying.
22M in 2018 (claimed)
27.7M in 2020. (claimed)
So it's __not__ true that they were simply "never changed" See also

why does your comments have random underlines between them?

everione here is a anime girl untill proven otherwise

>How do they determine gender ratio?
Not sure, but I think ad network cookies can do that,
e.g. the user has an identifying account on another site.

Turn off your blocker, there's an ad here: Markup habit from another site, sry