Depression and anxiety: do I fall for the pharma jew?

I've been doing everything I can to avoid pharmaceuticals. I have been working out 4 days a week for the past year and a half. I cut out all garbage food. I take alot of supplements, probiotics, and anything else that's beneficial for the body. I tried meditating as well.

But the anxiety and depression won't go away. No matter how many times I tried, no matter how many things I did to improve my life, I still have severe anxiety and decently strong depression that I can't shake no matter what. I feel like the daily stress from anxiety is literally killing me.

I saw a psychiatrist. She wanted to start me on pic related. Reason is, when I was in my early 20s (27 now) I tried the regular SSRIs and they made me feel even worse. Zoloft and Lexapro worsened the problems so I quit them entirely.

She said that effexor is a different type of antidepressant and shouldn't have the bad effects I experienced when I took Zoloft and previously Lexapro. Should I try to take this thing? I'm not sure what other options I have.

I also believe my major anxiety may have stemmed from a very bad mushroom trip I had years ago. I'm not sure, but when I was younger I tried a variety of recreational drugs. Molly, shrooms, acid, "fake Molly and fake acid" (research chemicals which were going around at that time). Maybe it all contributed.

But since quitting a degenerate lifestyle and doing everything in my will to better myself, I'm still plagued by anxiety and depression. What do you guys think I should do. I don't know what other options I have. I'm worried I fucked myself up permanently with my past behavior.

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I would advise against the pharmaceutical jew, but I'm not sure what to do in your case

no, never
never ever ever
if you're eating clean and good, working out good, and sleeping good, never ever ever ever take this shit
you want to be a sweaty bloated whale that everyone is worried about on account that you are all fucked up on pharm drugs?

sack up and make sure you've done all the obvious things to fix it, and you will have fixed it

I had anxiety. Luckily I had done a blood test wellness #2 that I ordered myself. Showed it to my extremely good natural pathic doctor, what happened was I had a thyroid problem. you could have this, or low T which also causes anxiety. don't do SSRI. Also I'm sure this is a shill thread but perhaps somebody else read this and tries this before jumping on the ssri hell hole train.

go to walk in lab, order a test (get wellness #2 and men's test with all the T). find a doctor who understands thyroid low T3 (hard to spot in the results if you are the 25% that have this, 100% of pharma doctors will ignore it), see if you just need some simple medication first. Or you could be gluten intolerant, cut out all gluten for two weeks and only eat meat if that works. Good luck

it didnt come from a mushroom trip you had years ago come on
you only mentioned that because you know for a fact that you haven't really touched all the bases when it comes to solving it. this is half from personal experience and have from seeing what these things do to people. do not. sack up, and do it tomorrow.

Yas Forums also isn't your blog so you can fuck off, but please take my advice. i know

Stop eating a low cholesterol diet. Eat more animal fat and less processed food. Make sure you’re eating yogurt. There is no such thing as “depression”

Try SNRIs or mirtazapine. It's fucking awesome.

The only approved Rx antidepressant that works well at all is bupropion, since it's a subbed-cathinone.
But no drug is at all a long term solution.
Doing psychedelics can help as well, as can dissociative anesthetics like ketamine(in both cases, only done once in a while at most).

Lifestyle changes are by far the best cure. Diet, exercise, changing who/where you live.
Sometimes, quitting your job or dumping a spouse is the answer. Diet tends to play a HUGE roll. Lots of people have a magnesium deficiency for example. Try taking either Mg-citrate or Mg-glycinate supplements. They're not at all dangerous and may help.

no, not effexor. it will fuck you up even worse.

>We would be lucky if Jews ruled over us Commrad

>But the anxiety and depression won't go away. Yeah because it's part of being alive. It's called fear.

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But the anxiety and depression won't go away.
Yeah because it's part of being alive. It's called fear.

Honestly that stuff helped me immensely

THC for depression
CBD for anxiety
get a vape for both
and you can hope
to be in full propriety
CBD with .03 THC
is needed as a catalyst
Unless of course
you choose another course
like smoking or vaping
I have now provided
ample guidance
for to try and handle this.
Quentinfags will get toetags
for shilling propagandist

Fuck that shit. That shit fucked me up. The brain zapps when you try to get off it really suck too

>Sometimes, quitting your job or dumping a spouse is the answer.
Occam's razor my friend. I was in a similar situation. Went on leave at work over mental health stuff, couldn't handle being in an office environment even though I have always been a good worker. Ended up getting a NP to make a case to my company on why I needed to work remotely and my job ended up approving for me to do so. Usually my company gets a sore asshole over people working from home, yeah it's a really gay thing to be mad about - hence why I had to get it approved and why I couldn't do it in the first place. Anyways, the minute that was approved, I instantly felt a million times better. I had been going to psychiatrists, trying group therapy, seeing new doctors, new therapists, and all that shit to try and figure out what the fuck was going on. None of it worked. Then when I got that approval to permanently work from home, it just changed everything. Like I said, occam's razor. It could be a very simple thing in your life that you need to fix but you don't know what it is.

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I've been on 625mg for 7 years it blows. Miss a dose by an hour and you start getting "brain zaps"

The anxiety and depression aren't just coming out of nowhere. Tell us about how your mushroom trip changed your perspective on how you view the world.

dont do it. I know your feels, your story is my story. Dont take anything. Maybe welbutrin if you really insist, but still dont.
Quit weed, nicotine, and caffeine. Do fourfold breathing. Confront your childhood.
you're experiencing repressed anger, face it or let it go. Jew pills will turn you into a mass shooter.

Edit: you may actually know what it is and are just overthinking it

Your expectations for life are out of whack with reality. You are not supposed to be 'happy' all the time. This is an evolutionary trait designed to keep you aware and on your toes. You should experience happiness from time to time but mostly you should seek personal fulfillment. Perhaps you should consider volunteering time at an old folks home or something to help you with your perspective.

I know hemp is for degenerates but you should try, CBD, user. Look into it. It's basically antidepressants but without the jewry in it

Check your testosterone levels, depression and anxiety are major symptoms of low levels

Try CBD supplements first. I have a similiar story to yours and decided to try this before attempting anti-depressants.

CBD vaped has been one of the best additions to my life so far. I love the way it makes me feel. My only really strong vice right now is smoking cigarettes and I've been smoking a lot less since I started CBD. I used to be a half-a-pack to a full pack a day. Now I can go around 4-5 days before I need to buy another pack. Took about a month before it really started taking hold.

It takes the edge off like you wouldn't believe. I mean near instantaneous relaxation. Kind of feels like smoking weed except you don't feel stoned, just chill. There are tinctures and capsules as well if you don't want to inhale smoke.

Another good therapy tool is Floating. It's the sensory deprivation thing that Joe Rogan is such a fan of. Started doing it around two months ago. I float about once every two weeks and combined with the CBD it's made me feel a lot better. The CBD brought me to a "new normal" and the float helps to keep me reset/refresh after a long week (especially since I work two jobs right now).

Can't recommend those two things enough. You won't regret trying them out.

Also, it is important to take time to appreciate the small things in your life. Small moments. Insignificant conversations. These things actually matter. Think about the times in your life people have showed you that they care about you.

CBD works pretty good if you're elated. I find it just emotionally flatlines me which is what I hear antidepressants basically do but without any of the side effects.

Stop jerkin off

Someone probably cursed you.

A final word of advice is for those really bad days. When you find yourself really depressed and your mind is running full of self-damaging thoughts and negativity, try to step outside yourself. I'll say in my head to myself, 'self, you're really beating yourself up pretty well today. Look at what you have been thinking' Ibtry to focus on this outer level that is looking in and after a couple minutes, I can convince myself that these negative thought processes are not helping anything.
t. major depression, no drugs

Hey user, do a little research on the effects of mushrooms on anxiety and depression, then try eating some in a safe setting. It's helped me a lot with endless anxiety, ptsd, an depression. I don't have depression anymore

If you have good diet, no missing nutrients, get enough sleep, and exercise already, go for it. Drugs like Zoloft, Lexapro, and Prozac have been shown to make monkeys more alpha. They do raise estrogen though, so maybe take an anti estrogen with it.
>t. someone whose on Lexapro since they 5 years old

I had used mushrooms prior to that last time. High school graduation was one memorable time. It was a great experience in some sense. I felt an inner peace, I felt a light inside me, and a sensation that the future was going to be alright, this was also the time I abandoned atheist due to the fact that during this experience, I felt a connection to something otherworldly, divine. It made me realize that there is something more to life and existence, and that atheist was a simplistic deconstruction of a greater, cosmic machine, if that makes sense.

The bad trip...however. I was with some people during my first year of college. We ended up at some very shady off campus house with alot of questionable people. As the shrooms began to kick in I felt a sense of dread. Everything seemed dark and ominous, and I was internalizing a tremendous amount of fear. I felt as though there were "dark things" around me. Nothing I could see obviously since shrooms don't work like dmt in the sense that you actually see some things which can be classified as being or entities, but all around me I felt like an energy or darkness, or of evil things, were around me.i managed to keep it together as I was around people but I left the house rather quickly and returned to my dorm. The rest of the night wasn't much better. I had the feeling of something over my shoulder, and all I could do is wait out the trip. After this event I developed pretty severe alcoholism, which lasted for the next few years. The alcohol seemed to calm the nerves, which is why I turned to it as my medicine, but it came with it's own problems. But since that trip, I've felt nervousness, apprehension, and other sensations that seemed to have persisted until today.

“‘Then shall it come to pass the saying that is written,’ a voice said. ‘Death is swallowed up. In victory.’ Perhaps only Fred heard it. ‘Because,’ the voice said, ‘as soon as the writing appears backward, then you know which is illusion and which is not. The confusion ends, and death, the last enemy, Substance Death, is swallowed not into the body but up – in victory. Behold, I tell you the sacred secret now: we shall not all sleep in death.’”

A doctor I went to never tested me for this. He just checked my tsh and that’s it. Fucking doctors man.

i don't do it anymore and i want to kill myself
have fun trying to build meaningful relationships with anyone. that part of your brain is now destroyed.

Fucking this.

Doc threw me on antidepressants, fucked me up. Anxiety much worse. Relationship suffered, antisocial, got fat.

Finally checked T, almost nonexistent. T shots, new man 3 years later. Fucking cure all wonderdrug.

Effexor is probably the most dangerous antidepressant on the market. It works well, but the withdrawal from trying to get off is inpatient psyche-ward tier shit. Know what you are getting into. I disagree with your doc on it being good for generalized anxiety. It probably only helps certain kinds of anxiety like social or agoraphobia.

I've had moderate to severe generalized anxiety disorder since I was 18. Only Rx I ever took for it was Celexa and it did help a lot, but I hated the idea of taking it. Took it for a year, got my shit together and stopped. Anxiety got slightly worse, but was still manageable.

Fastforward a couple years ago and my anxiety got extremely bad again. I came close to asking my Doc for another Celexa prescription, but instead I decided I try a more natural approach first. I started taking Folinic Acid (which is the bio available form of Folate) and well as CBD oil and it pretty much cured my anxiety. It works way better than the Celexa ever did.

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How often you take t? I’m thinking of taking it every month

>taking anti-depressants
Literally fucking WHY? I will never understand why people take these or consume drugs regularly.

How do people get this fucking pathetic?
You literally
Just need to man the fuck up.
You don't need to take a magic pill, you don't need to eat a magic plant, you don't need to stop touching your cock for exactly 276 days, you don't need to pick up something heavy, you need to MAN. THE. FUCK. UP.
How can you even call yourself a man when your sad and scared of EXISTING?! I can't get over how pathetic you people are.

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You opened door that needs to shut. You got to back to shrooms. Try low dose in nature and open another door.

Atheism** sorry auto correct

Interesting story user. Thx for sharing.

how long since you changed your ways? i dont know what type of degeneracy you mean. i used to be an opiate addict technohead, got my shit together and still had suicidal thoughts for about a year after. body and mind needs time to recover. nevertheless i think you should just address the underlying issue, youre anxious about something in particular i guess. its the hardest part because it usually involves facing the fact that youre an awful person in some departments and you need to really change something in your personality

try weed and alcohol

2 eggs, 1-2 cloves of garlic. Cook your own food. Have a skill(preferably a trade type) or skills that you can hone that will net you resources. A skill that you are more likely to enjoy.

DO NOT DO EFFEXOR! I was on it for years and it fucked me up proper. side effects = cant get hard or nut and if you miss a dose you get mini seizures. not to mention you will never get off of it because withdrawls are worse than heroin

18-22 (23 maybe) I used basically any drug that was around me, minus the obvious "red line" things like heroin. But basically every other drug. Didn't get addicted to any of those, but I did get addicted to alcohol (parents are from Poland and dad was alcoholic) so the genes for that are there. From 23-26 it was alcoholism daily, all the time. The last year and a half I changed my life fully, quit drinking, and began all the self improvement methods.

PLEASE read about the horrible side effects of Effexor. Especially withdrawal. No need for me to drop a link since an endless amount of these stories are so easy to find. Good luck, user.

I literally quit the max dosage of Effexor cold turkey and didn't feel anything.

After I found Christ, I got off SSRIs and am actually experiencing true happiness. Impossible on those things.

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it took my cousin years to get off of it. She literally felt like she was losing her mind if she didn't take it, or even took less of it.

It's not "anxiety" brother it's schizophrenia. Or maybe you never learned with how to properly deal with your emotions so you bottle everything inside and it causes you internal grief. You can't solve the delusions you make up in your head, or you have a worldview or reality of that doesn't match up in the real world and it causes you anxiety. You expect other people to look at you or treat you a particular way or you expect them to behave a specific way but you don't know how to accept people's differences and you simply don't know how to function like a normal human being anymore. You feel like you can't make connections with anyone and you're like an inhuman robot, you do everything you think you're supposed to do but you simply can't feel human emotion. It's because maybe you're suppressing and you can't relate to anyone because you don't know how to honestly talk about your feelings so you're caught in this constant anxiety loop that you can't escape. You feel like you will be forever trapped in this self-deceiving depression you have created for yourself, but it's okay your parents never taught you to process feelings because they themselves were probably suppressing and they never knew how to deal with their problems either and because psychological states are contagious your mental state is just a byproduct of their problems they dumped onto you.

Stop consuming alcohol, drugs, not even caffeine and stop masturbating and watching porn. You don't fucking need Lexapro and shit.

Sobriety is the true redpill and path to true happiness.

>I also believe my major anxiety may have stemmed from a very bad mushroom trip I had years ago. I'm not sure, but when I was younger I tried a variety of recreational drugs. Molly, shrooms, acid, "fake Molly and fake acid" (research chemicals which were going around at that time). Maybe it all contributed.
This is why the Bible warns us to not do pharmakia. Opens us up to demons and demonic influence. I'm telling you, bro, you just need Christ.

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how much porn?

I honestly feel this is the case for many people and that's why they suffer. But this suffering is always self inflicted. It's like, you want to help but then they try to drag you down to their level if you make any genuine attempt.


Try adderall or weed.

None, nofap like day 130 or something. Kept a tracker.

it's dissociation not (only) depression, look into it

Your psychiatrist is a pharma-cowboy. Even GP's won't prescribe that stuff.

>It's not "anxiety" brother it's schizophrenia

Funny you mention that, because I was misdiagnosed with anxiety and ended up with Schizophrenia not long after.

The newer antipsychotic Seroquel stopped it all. Basically a magic golden pill for me. I just had far too much Dopamine, Glutamate and Serotonin running through my head. The SSRI they gave me for my "anxiety" before the correct diagnosis made me worst.

Only if you want to get fat.

Fear of the future ( anxiety) grief of the past ( depression)

dude look up niacin on doctor yourself d com it's very useful for anxiety and depression, also vit c, also get a trade like carpentry, something you can do outside, also earthing, a lot of nature walks, high quality animal fats nora gedgaudas, gut health natasha campbell mcbride, cold stress wim hof, get around better people, journal and burn it, dishes, wash pp, stay away from wifi if possible, get out of city

Fuck off with pharma jews

I've been in stim psychosis several times. You schizo dudes have it bad from what I've experienced. Some of you even see shadow people normally. day to day.

Do you eat meat and dairy? Get cholesterol and fat in your diet, your brain needs it.

Mm. I see. Well first of all congratulations, alcohol is a bitch to quit, used to argue with my buddy which one of us was having a worse withdrawals. Anyway look at the parents situation for example. There can be a lot of shit that is still in your psyche. Maybe a strong victim complex for example. I used to cling onto my childhood trauma and realizing the fact that i made it a part of myself and explained everything i did wrong by that was extremely hard. But also helped me more than anything. Maybe you still hate your parents, or yourself. Maybe you’re embarrassed about something but you’re dissociating. Think about it man, think about what you would never want anyone to find out about you. Darkest secrets, anything. As long as you have some shit within yourself that either needs to be addressed or accepted you wont allow yourself to progress. Make sure you arent holding onto something completely useless and negative before you decide to mess with your body. Drugs arent the problem. Drugs help living with the problem. They help the depression and anxiety the problem causes. Still, the problem isnt the drug and the problem isnt the depression, you know what i mean. And whether the drug is alcohol or a pill doesnt really matter, the problem is still there

good, have you had bloodwork done? Check you T, free T and run estradiol sensitive. I started treating low T (was 290) and when I'm up around 800-1000 depression and anxiety are way lower.

>do I fall for the pharma jew?

I'm in a similar position. My advice is to keep working at it and see a therapist. It takes time but view your anxiety and depression as bad habits or bad neuro pathways that are deeply ingrained. Over time you can fill in the ruts and build structure that benefits you.

All these faggots saying try cbd. I got ptsd, ocd, and anxiety and cbd did jack fucking shit. It's useless if it doesn't have thc. Effexor isn't too bad but watch out for food craving. It can get very bad. I was on it but I thought it wasn't working for some reason, but I was kind of ignorant to how it works. In hindsight I actually tolerated it well. I was off all anxiety meds until about a month ago. A few months ago I had a traumatic event and it drove my ocd and anxiety into overdrive. I am on buspirone right now and it seems to be working OK.

Honestly 1mg of an THC helped me the most. 1mg of that made me have 0 anxiety, ocd, and also helped my back pain.

>Some of you even see shadow people normally. day to day.

Unmedicated for me, yeah. Shadow people, giant spiders on walls, odd static noises and whatnot (not too many voices, though), but the anxiety/hyperexcitable state is the worst for me.

My brain is probably on Meth naturally.

I don't think it's schizophrenia, I don't hear voices or see illusions or anything like this. I have depersonalization episodes but that's about it.

Whatever you do user. Look into doing mindfulness mediation, it really helps. If you don't believe me look up academic studies on mindfulness meditations effect on anxiety.

Try meditating for an hour everyday, I do what's called a focal meditation where I sit in a chair, and stare at a stone/crystal in the middle of an empty table in my room. You try to concentrate your attention on the stone or focal point. This helped me tremendously with anxiety and depression.

these things take time faggot
i quite the nicotine jew and i still cry for no reason
it is getting better
stay clean and
cave to the pharmakike

if you think you have schizophrenia, 100% do this. Go get some Vitamin B -- hopefully niacinamide or Vitamin B3 , any of them will do it but this one is the magic bullet and ZINC.
9 out of 10 times you are just deficent in this and it will cure your problem.

Vitamin B + ZINC!

That and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Any book on CBT -- feeling well or any $5 amazon book on CBT. Only system scientifically proven to cure depression if non-chemical imbalance.

Mindfulness meditation, but listening to KJV or whatever in mp3 does it better for me.

If that doesn't work try CBD but it did jack shit for me. However other people swear by it and I believe them. Loaded with estrogen however. Check your T levels.

Ashwaghanda my dude. I swear by this shit. Get a good brand though, not the cheapo pharmacy shit.