Let's discuss pic related, I'm really surprised at how much fear mongering is going on with this virus even tho it's not that big of a deal. They are making it sound like if you get it you die.
Let's discuss pic related...
its the day of the pillow
Ok. But we did those other outbreaks affect China's production and export as much as Covid19? I don't remember any of those reaching 100,000 cases. This is a world pandemic at this point. You'd better quit living in denial and get prepared to deal with it.
Anyone who thinks Ebola is a dangerous virus is a moron. There’s only one place in the entire world where you can get Ebola and it’s not very contagious unless you’re rolling around in dead Ebola corpses. It’s deadly, but it’s not contagious enough to even care about. It could easily be wiped out by nuking the Congo
China pulls their economy back to 20% capacity every time there’s a nothingburger didn’t you know?
>its just the flu bro
>-- The Doctor
Yes... China shut down its entire economy and tossed 1000’s of people in ovens just to get back at drumpf on Election Day.
>female handwriting
Yes, that's what they did when SARS when came about, not just ignore it until it was too late and killed everyone
Oh wait
>every year there is a new out break
Ok and none of them caused China to shut down half their country and cause the rest of the world to go in to end of the world get in the bunker mode either.
That's how doctors write
basically nothing on that board is true. This is a fucking medical professional. And they haven't done any leg work on the research.
This is why appeals to authority are retarded anymore. There's no authority to appeal to.
>That's how doctors write
what doctors do you know who can write legibly?
Why the fuck are there hashtags on something handwritten on a marker board?
because this is what we've come to as a society. medical professionals who aren't professional telling people who are dying that a disease isn't deadly using a link related notation on a handwritten board.
2020, everybody.
kek this
Doctor here. I disagree.
Now what?
The ones who went to school in America and know how to properly write in cursive.
Some absolutely insufferable blue checkmark berniebro did this
Yeah doctors write shit with a hashtag and use different color markers? It’s for sure some stupid bitch that wrote it on the board and had to snap a picture to share with her friends on goybook
>This tiny virus caused China huge economic losses, far costlier than either the Asian financial crisis in 1997 or the flood disaster in 1998. Some experts conclude that SARS resulted in direct economic losses of 400 billion RMB yuan (48 billion dollars).
>David Ropeik, who was a broadcast reporter for 22 years, explained that one reason for this problem is that U.S. reporters tend to dramatize problems and overplay controversy to attract readers’ and viewers’ attention with headline-making news.
Disagree with facts?
it's word for word what that faggot migaboomer posted a few days ago. now what retard?
facts that aren't agreed upon? or facts, like the years listed here, which are outright lies?
Boomers get the pillow
Please, debunk them as lies then.
majority of /pol posters’ lives are so pathetic they have to attach the modicum of passion they have left to overreacting to this virus. fuck all you doomsday fags wash your hands and stop being so fucking terrified. You sound like women.
>baisicly nothing on that board is true
>what medical professionals have been saying the things on the board and cnn and daily mail have been debunking it?
>#coronavirus spread is leveling off
lol wut
>did those other outbreaks affect China's production and export as much as Covid19?
extended shutdown was a tactical strike right down the throat of the tottering western debt vortex
inured, as they are, to drought, famine, and plague the yellow man will stoically ride out the minor blip; water off a Peking duck's back
here in the west the hordes of mart sharters, blue rinsers and tip-snipped circumnavigators will be much less sanguine as they tussle over the final toilet paper at the local Target.
Oh wow look at that they have no fucking response.
Yea every winter I drive around town seeing sheet covered dead bodies lining the streets.
You can tell this was written by a woman, not just by the handwriting but by the insistent preaching tone.
Yas Forums can't even refute a whiteboard.
That's how many happeningfags flooded the board in 2016.
>Let's hashtag and color the hashtags!
This was made to be uploaded to social media
Did US cases spike big time today? Last I saw it was like 100 and now it's 300
Minus the hashtags, it's pretty sane for a woman
Source? And did China quarantine entire cities for that virus too?
We got a new r0 at 6something at worst.
Aside from believing chink/iranians numbers for whatever reason. Even if we assume it is that, what we also know is that cured people are also fucked from their lungs having permanent damage to their balls being all fucked up.
Stop trying to pretend you are smart by not preparing.
>over 20,000 people infected outside China
>number of infected outside China is doubling ever 4-5 days
>currently 3.4% case fatality rate
>10-20% require critical care (think intubation i.e. ventilator)
>number of open ICU beds and critical care nurses + equipment very limited
>if number of critically ill patients exceeds hospitals capacity to treat critically ill patients then the case fatality rate will increase from 3.4% towards that 10-20% figure
>expected to infect anywhere from 25-75% of the population
>western countries and their healthcare systems are not remotely prepared for this, normal flu seasons can already over stress them as it is
>this virus infects nerve cells, where the virus can remain, protected from your immune system
>other nerve cell infecting viruses like herpes and chicken pox result in re-infection later in life as you are never truly get over the virus
>no studies have been done on chronic symptoms following infection with SARS-CoV-2, though we know it can damage lungs and testicles (possible sterility in males)
>the virus has already mutated once; the original strain is designated "S-type", while a more virulent and deadly strain "L-type" has evolved
>both strains have been detected in the US, and it is possible to acquire both infections simultaneously
just the facts
>I'm really surprised at how much fear mongering is going on
Really? They have literally incited riots and murder in the past, but this latest virus scare surprises you? You are here forever btw.
>not that big of a deal
Wait till people start missing work here, and boomer parents start getting whiped out en masse.
I really hope that’s true. I’ve got a lot of friends, a big family, and one final vidya I want to play in June. I’m prepped, but I’ll be more happy if I wasted my money.
>he doesnt remember swine flu
Whatever you say, chang.
It's not some gay election shit. The media should have been covering it weeks before the market crash.
There is a lot we don't know about the virus. People should not panic, but they should stay informed, be cautious and prepare.
Saying it is just the flu is ignorant and dangerous.
T. Have a boomer family member with hypertension and copd, keeps telling me it's just the flu...pretty scary
>It's just viral pneumonia you guys
That sounds fucking horrible.
>SARS (2004!):
First Seen in Nov 2002. Peaked Feb-Mar 2003 and then fell off to the point of non threat by summer 2003. Alarm raised over it disappeared before 2004. Calling it a 2004 disease is a lie.
>Avian (2008?)
Total non-event with 44 cases 33 deaths that year for the entire world. Not worth mentioning.
>Swine Flu (2010!)
First seen in April 2009. Peaked summer 2009. Vaccine available by fall 2009 but with so few cases it wasn't needed. Virtually concluded by Jan 2010. Calling it a 2010 disease is a lie
>MERS (2012)
Year is accurate but MERS was never hyped up in western media. At all. It simply doesn't have the infectivity for alarm. Only ~2000 cases since 2012. With 600 deaths. Obvious fishing revealed by even adding it to this list.
>Ebola (2014)
Outbreak almost entirely within Africa. 27 cases seen in the US, 0 deaths.
>Ebola (2018)
Never left Africa, ongoing. No alarmism in the west. Nobody outside of Africa cares.
>Coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2
Disputed widely. Some put it as high as 6+.
>Coronavirus has a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50.
Fudged statistics. Many below the age of 50 are still in serious condition. And it's far too early to make a conclusion like that.
There's no proof that reporting on these outbreaks was done to influence any election or that they even had an impact on those elections. Even if they they would be hitting both political parties equally. Regardless, coverage of global disease spread and management is exactly the purpose of the media. Even if it's not ideal for whoever is in charge.
Whichever idiot compiled this simply looked for any disease that happened to cross over into a US election year regardless of the size, duration, severity of the outbreak or the amount of media attention given. This is a shitty attempt at damage control by somebody (migaboomer Bill Mitchell) who sees that the spread, and not the reporting, will damage Trump's political chances.
>T. Have a boomer family member with hypertension and copd, keeps telling me it's just the flu...pretty scary
You are your family should be panning to be in complete isolation for the foreseeable future. Get supplies delivered. Disinfect before bringing them into your home. Don't have contact with other people. The good news is in just a few weeks the evidence for the severity of the situation should quickly become self evident within the next few weeks. Nobody will be calling you a crazy doomer then.
So the Chinese released a virus and killed hundreds (possibly thousands) of their own people to schedule this American election cycles's disease?
Uh yeah maybe the world would be better off with a few millions less burgers. I'm starting to become a big fan of coronavirus.
This. Fucking burgers are retarded and useless. Even your fucking doctors are MORONIC! You guys are fucking TOAST. This disease is going to blow you the fuck out.
It already has. The L strain spreads more rapidly than the S strain.
Damn dude, I want superpowers
You really must have nothing to do on a Friday night except type walls of text
Confirmed for being too poor to ever see an actual doctor.
I mean yes, but mr. "don't be racist hug a chinaman" up there is going to fuck yall just as hard.
>that board
Holy fuck people are fucking retarded. I would have erased that shit and drew a massive dick in its place.
>gonna go out and socialize on Friday night
Congratulations. You have COVID-19. Darwinism in action.
I deal in Emergency Management.
For people 0-55, it's more or less just another seasonal flu.
For people over 60 it's going to be an absolute fucking bloodbath.
Between the number of seniors that are going to need intensive inpatient care to survive this, and the fact that were in the thick of Influenza season at the moment, you're going to see Hospitals reach a breaking point within the next few weeks.
Survival rates for people under 55 range from 0.1-1% depending on what data set you go by. For people over 65, it jumps up to anywhere from 5-25%.
The US death rate is so high at the moment because the majority of cases that have been confirmed and hospitalized are senior citizens, either related to the Kirkland Care Center or Boomer cruises.
>¥0.50/$0.50 has been deposited to your account and president Xi/Trump thanks you for your continued service
It's not Medical Professionals spreading this shit. It's soccer moms on facebook.
Most actual Doctors i've dealt with recently understand the gravity of it... Their attitudes range from "we just don't know jack shit about how this will play out yet" to "holy fuck this is going to be bad".
Or bird flu
>left leaning hand writing
> woman’s writing
>”cure rate” even though there’s no cure
asians are super weird
>This disease is going to blow you the fuck out.
We can only hope.
its a nothingburger
it only hit china so hard because they're stacked 50 to a bedroom like a ant hive