Is Fat America about to End?

How will Fat Americans fare with the Coronavirus? Half of them can barely breathe as it is. With a projection of 98 million Americans expected to be infected (see Business Insider leak today), and 10% of cases requiring ICU ... yet only 5,400 ventilators exist in America... will this result in far more than the projected 480,000 dead in America? What about factoring in the new L-Strain of the Coronavirus and how much more deadly it is?

Is this the end of Fat America? Just how fat do Americans get?

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Corona will mostly kill off the sick and old, like other viruses. As long as you're not a Boomer whose body is breaking down, you have little to worry about.

God I hope so, I'm tired of walking eggshells around morbidly obese people and their fragile feelings.
A smoker, a drinker, a junkie can take words better than a fatso.

The virus is also known to transmit by fecal matter.

Attached: So I was at the gas station today and I saw this guy getting out of his big rig.jpg (720x960, 56.41K)

They are going to spread it faster than any other group.

Just Googled "Fat Americans". Holy Hell!

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Hopefully fat america dies.

t. american

There are actually 62,000 ventilators in America, and each one can be used for two patients at a time.

I'm so sick of biggers "walking" around like the world owes them something. I fucking hate fat people. Fuck biggers.

Still that's not nearly enough for all the fat asses here.