/POL Humor Thread

Funny Edition

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>Funny Edition

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Can't read shit.

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Roy's Peak in New Zealand, all the basic bitch wanderlust 'travel expands the mind' thots go on a mediocre walk up a hill, then take a scenic picture over the lake. so glad corona is preventing lots of tourists coming here, can actually have the space to enjoy my own country. I will say this, its not as bad as the chink tourists pulling over ever 100 meters on a fucking highway to take a photo then pulling back into traffic without indicating.

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italians are NOT white

is this scientology?

It’s a quote from the Voight-Kampf test in “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” the joke is that Zuckerberg is an Android

Made me chuckle. Read it in his voice and everything.

fuck off rabbi
oh yeah. Sounds like an engram. Not a scientologist but I blew through the books once.


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I’m sure they’ve already “corrected” the code to exclude them

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>has cum
missed it by that much

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my sides

Is it Africa Day?

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time to post picture of gorillas with made up black names all over the internet to restore the balance.

Laughter is the best medicine. You literally cured my chest pain, thanks.

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Think they go home, show that around and tell friends, "It was rough, I almost lost it at the summit."

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this comic is so flat and predictable,i unironically prefer the leftist original.