Buzz Aldrin goes off on black Delta employees

Buzz Aldrin goes off on black Delta employees

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I bet he had to ride the asses of those Hidden Figures women in order to get any work out of them.

>Sorry sir, it show's here your Moon module was a stop motion model.

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Maybe that racist fuck should shut the hell up. They are just trying to do their job and they dont need some loudmouth old fart riding them.
2nd place man on the moon, what a disappointment he must live with daily.

kys baiting nigger

TMZ is owned by a parasite kike and all it's employees are faggots and niggers. Stop posting this trash, you fuck

He is just an old fart. Why should I respect him for being the runner up on the moon? He should sit down and wait like the rest of us. It isnt 1970, no one gives a fuck about the moon

Even Buzz fucking Lightyear himself has to deal with useless niggers.

What did he mean by this?

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>It isnt 1864, no one gives a fuck about obsolete farm equipment.

> muh silver medal for being on the moon

>Doing there job

Pick one.
They are at an airport
Not mixing a tape and twerking to a toothless fatty covered in gold chains. Gold chains the perfect retirement gift for a really good slave

I love perdy nigger gals.

I'm gonna fuck that airline lady just to piss you off.

>They are just trying to do their job

That's the problem. They're not doing their job, they're just "trying" to do their job, which is meaningless. I can "try" to make a turkey sandwich all day, or I could just sit down and make one. Why can't a nigger understand this simple concept?

Because useless nigger.

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Kinda hard to do your job with Mr. Second place yelling at you about a 20 min wait. Everyone else was waiting patiently so why was Runner Up Aldrin bitching?

Houston we have a problem xD

I'll be honest with you, starting this year, I started to feel like the machine is almost fully built. & by that I mean we are approaching the time of the 1% no longer needing the working class


Because he has to deal with useless niggers.

They are trying their hardest to figure out artificial General Intelligence. Once that is complete we will be removed.

That coronavirus was invented in that pyramid

boomer who never went to the moon realizes that he lied to billions of people and that will be his legacy when the grim comes to collect

I feel bad for Buzz and all the others who went to the moon only to have America overrun with retarded niggers who have no desire to colonize space


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Also moon landing hoax fags are all retarded and should never exist for being such dumb niggers

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> We went to the moon
People have never been to space. Space is a hoax. Why else would NASA need to hire artists?

unironically agree

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my jewish shill command center boss says i have to call you a JIDF disinfo shill now, sorry


buzz knows the location of the final boss of earth?

>no one gives a fuck about the moon
The moon is a stepping stone to space fhaggot

didn't watch the video or read the thread yet.
let me guess. this was at newark.

i fucking hate this faggot
>hurr i walked on the moon
ok cool nigger but you still dont get to be such a entitled self-righteous faggot all the god damned time

Fake or not this always sends chills down my spine

>be the literal real buzz lightyear
>actually flew to the literal moon with your mates once
>shaniqua tries to school you on air travel

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it's fake

nigger are you for real?

Lying ass no-moon-landing-ass entitled BOOMER.

what a jerk. I was really surprised by sheboon's patience, nigger-bitches usually don't take that kind of shit

i can show you a photo of any earth mountain with a different foreground view, but the background itself looks identical.

moon landing deniers are the biggest fucking retards.

imagine actually denying our races greatest acheivement....

imagine being a lying shill or a low iq retard who believes we went

you seriously think that tweet is real?

Does he wear a fucking NASA jacket everywhere he goes...that drunk never left out atmosphere.


what every other race could only gaze at in wonder for millennia, the white man reached out and touched.
no one will take that away from us.

You guess right user.

no, but snopes cant be trusted on anything

It’s shaped like a Jews nose!

What's she supposed to do if he missed his flight?

What was the problem? Why couldn't this idiot fix it? Why does it take 20 fucking minutes to do her job? Why didn't she call someone competent to do it if shes so fucking stupid?

Oh shit alice wong Vancouver, buzz has Carona!!!!

>What's she supposed to do if he missed his flight?

he's drunk and feeling entitled. He's wearing a NASA jacket, he's an important man unlike you and he's used to having his arse kissed everywhere he goes
buzz litterally admitting we didnt go
>inb4 hes drunk
>he's talking about why we aren't going now
>he's saying that because nasa doesn't have the money anymore
nasa makes 52 million a day

I wonder what they're actually doing with that 52 million per day?

Didn't you play Crysis?

buzz was about to redpill her on the fact that social welfare programs destroyed any chance of going back to the moon, but then he remembered she is a child and it is 2020 now.

nice cope

whitey aint on da moon no mo


My mother in the 90s and 2000s worked for an Airlines. It mostly dumb to get mad at check in and gate agents who rarely effect the readiness of an aircraft.
> Govt regulations are really strict, if one thing is out of order plane is on hold
> Part fucks up pre check, plane is on hold
> Mechanic fucks up a part, plane is on hold
> Weather, plane is on hold
> Drunk pilot, plane is on hold
> Tower says plane cant go, plane is on hold
Very rarely does a gate agent fuck up something like the boarding ramp attaching to the air plane.
Stuff like this annoys me a bit. I work at a community college in IT. Students call up and bitch that a teacher sucks or the book store does.

when the mk ultra programming starts glitching

It's an abstract sort of feeling to realize that the concept of racism has evolved into this perpetual mindset that minorities are always a victim. The main point is Buzz getting pissed at an employee; race should've been secondary, but shitposts like this demonstrate that things are warped in an ingenious and insidious way.

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What the fuck does this have to do with race?


>it has to be fake because we couldn't find it in the deleted tweet archive twitter keeps

Fucking kek

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