No, he will force LGBT, ban the family as is in Marxist literature, force race mixing, send police and secret police to torture proud strong independant white men and confiscate their glory and spoils.
Sebastian Reyes
It's honestly kind of sad. Bernie tries so hard to avoid burning any bridges, but his supporters are such raging assholes that dems hate him anyways. Which leads to Bernie catching flak for his "divisive retoric" despite being such a raging cuck.
>>warren supporters on board now fat chance. he knifed warren in the back.
Justin Brown
>Not a commie
Sure keep telling yourself that, although he praised Castro and Chavez in his time.
> Only taxing above 5k
So then whats the point in striving to earn more and grow economy wise if the govt will punish people for earning more? Guess you guys just love taking out your frustrations on everyone else but yourselves
Never said you didn't know him, but he's the reason many policies have gone full welfare
>Age argument is shite
The guy already had a stroke and 5 years is a large difference when you are talking about old people.
Try harder kid
Ryan Gutierrez
It's over, no refunds communist man, sort Bernie tards.
I mean they can't even prosecute a wannabe orange dictator, it's hard to take them seriously now a days.
Aiden Fisher
We also have as much international influence as all those countries combined. Russia and China are only relevant because they're able to slightly fight against US control in the countries immediately surrounding them
Nicholas Gonzalez
>I think the establishment is getting nervous you guys >2 days later >Uhhhh hold up Obama really likes me black people please vote for me
It's done, we're going to have Biden as president, and there is nothing I can do.
I yelled at my wife, I kicked my dog because he looked at me stupid. I sent my stepson to bed without dinner. I'm a wreck. Complete mess. I don't know what to do.
If we keep donating will that help? Would he run as independent or start a socialist / marxist party? I can't believe this fucking shit. I don't have much to spare, but i'd be willing to take out a car title loan or something.
Would anyone match me for a thousand or so? If enough of us donate large enough in mass quantities maybe he will see the people believe in him and don't want this corrupt system speaking for us.
It's such bullshit. Fuck this whole earth. I hate my life, This makes me feel so pathetic for scraping my family by while giving money to Bernie, he can't quit on us. I know he wont, we just have to believe.
I'm serious about matching, anyone in for at least 1k? I'll go get a loan tomorrow.
He’s actually saying that Biden is more likely to beat trump. He’s given up. I’m not here to troll you. I’ll just share my observance and quietly leave. You don’t seem like his normal brown shirts supporters, so I won’t treat you like a savage. Sanders needs the youth vote. 13% of them voted in the primaries. Nobody is reaching out to them, from his party. Most of the threads here are SUCK IT DUMPARINOOOS BERNIE IS GOING TO WIN. That is not out reach, it’s just spam. The same format is used on Facebook, Twitter, and any other form of social media I can find. The people that are pushing him, are actually pushing people away from his campaign. The DNC doesn’t like him, it’s staffed with Clinton loyalists. His own campaign crew is exceptionally rude, while sharing almost zero facts. I wanted it to be trump v sanders, personally. I don’t see it as realistic anymore. Good luck, brother. Keep up the good fight.
Levi Richardson
>muh vote splitting Bernie got btfo the second the field shrank. If anything, vote splitting was the only reason he was ever considered a frontrunner. >muh corporate money Bernie has spent almost twice as much as Biden >muh DNC rigging They don't need to, Biden is +16% of the national popular vote.
The only thing holding Bernie back is that nobody wants him to be president.
Parker Edwards
Jacob Jackson
Yo Bernie bros, better handout that free weed and onions in Ann Arbor soon lmao