Bernie Bros get in here, he can still win this thing

>most campaign contributions in the history of US politics, averaging at around 20$

>after all super tuesday delegates are relegated, bernie will be the clear leader

>warren supporters on board now

Attached: Bernie-Sanders-2007.jpg (682x864, 92.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not holding my breath for a win but maybe. I did my early voting.

What state you in user?


A lot of support out there for him?

You guys must be fucking retarded

all commies will hang

Why? He still has a very real chance of winning...

Bernie isn't a communist.

Among young voters yeah, but that's true everywhere. I'm not sure for older voters, probably a Biden leaning state.

>being this delusional

I feel bad for Bernie bros, the mental illness is off the charts



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The majority of the country wont support any kind of communist like retoric

The stuff he's proposing only works with increased taxes, like anywhere in the world where policies like that have been implemented

The guy is almost dead, if you vote for him you are pretty much voting for his VP.

Still dunno how people can be so dumb to believe the crap that comes out of his mouth, guess everyone likes free shit

Fuck off maga shills

here's how you dumb fucks

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yeah, you astroturf that shit to the max, and pretend he's a communist, yeah, keep spreading ignorance, you got this.

>your boot tastes so good Mr Biden sir. May I lick it again?
Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop

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Georgia also. Hang yourself rat.


Guess basic math is too hard for you son, nothing is free in this world.

he literally is

biden forgot where his boots are today, how is america supposed to lick his boots?

Keep telling yourself that

does anyone else think it's hilarious how kikes always look like evil rats when they're happy? You can just tell they're plotting something evil.

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joe biden, two former brain surgeries

Attached: biden brain blowouts covered up.png (723x632, 454.84K)

>The majority of the country wont support any kind of communist like retoric

Not true. He simply isn't a communist (not even close) and the only people who think so are senile boomers who lived through the red scare.

>The stuff he's proposing only works with increased taxes, like anywhere in the world where policies like that have been implemented

Your point? Under Bernies plan, taxes will only increase for people making over $5000,000.

>The guy is almost dead, if you vote for him you are pretty much voting for his VP.

Only a few years older than biden, and 5 years older than Trump. This argument is shite

>Still dunno how people can be so dumb to believe the crap that comes out of his mouth, guess everyone likes free shit

hurrdurr I have no idea who FDR is

we're going to take the money we spend from these senseless wars an spend it on ourselves. is that math good enough for you?

>warren supporters on board now
47% of her supporters had Bernie as a second choice
46% had Biden
It's over.

It’s so pathetic watching you nematoads scurry about

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Thankfully most marxists are clinically depressed and more likely to have mental disorders. When the kike loses or dies they'll fall with him.

>mfw bernouts alienated everyone
Lmao but they’ll still blame everyone else.

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Sure, thats the greatest idea in the world since nobody in the world depends on US intervention, guess they all are "senseless wars"

The Rust Belt will vote Bernie so will NYC

he'll be gone by Florida
and he'll fall in line behind Biden
dead man walking


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No, he will force LGBT, ban the family as is in Marxist literature, force race mixing, send police and secret police to torture proud strong independant white men and confiscate their glory and spoils.

It's honestly kind of sad. Bernie tries so hard to avoid burning any bridges, but his supporters are such raging assholes that dems hate him anyways. Which leads to Bernie catching flak for his "divisive retoric" despite being such a raging cuck.

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Latest poll of Florida primary shows Joe Biden with huge lead over Bernie Sanders

Poll included Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren, who have since dropped out.

ID check

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hahahahahaha holy shit memes are real

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>>warren supporters on board now
fat chance. he knifed warren in the back.

>Not a commie

Sure keep telling yourself that, although he praised Castro and Chavez in his time.

> Only taxing above 5k

So then whats the point in striving to earn more and grow economy wise if the govt will punish people for earning more? Guess you guys just love taking out your frustrations on everyone else but yourselves


Never said you didn't know him, but he's the reason many policies have gone full welfare

>Age argument is shite

The guy already had a stroke and 5 years is a large difference when you are talking about old people.

Try harder kid

It's over, no refunds communist man, sort your.life.together Bernie tards.

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Bernie bros will never learn

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we spend more then the next 10 countries combined, we have more then enough to be strategic .

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Why can't Bernie bros put their money where their mouths are?

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Bernie tards, quit your minimum wage job, learn a trade.


he should be carrying a chain

>Im so anti establishment.......
Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop Schlop

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Comrades unite!

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Wake up berniebros... get a job and pay what you owe you freeloaders

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won't happen. MIC runs this country. you don't know that?


How do we get these fucking niggers to vote for /ourguy/ bros


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Blacks voted for Biden and fucked Bernie

oh no no no no

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I mean they can't even prosecute a wannabe orange dictator, it's hard to take them seriously now a days.

We also have as much international influence as all those countries combined.
Russia and China are only relevant because they're able to slightly fight against US control in the countries immediately surrounding them

>I think the establishment is getting nervous you guys
>2 days later
>Uhhhh hold up Obama really likes me black people please vote for me

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SHe's a babe!

I don't even know what to do. It's fucking over.

It's over

It's done, we're going to have Biden as president, and there is nothing I can do.

I yelled at my wife, I kicked my dog because he looked at me stupid. I sent my stepson to bed without dinner. I'm a wreck. Complete mess. I don't know what to do.

If we keep donating will that help? Would he run as independent or start a socialist / marxist party? I can't believe this fucking shit. I don't have much to spare, but i'd be willing to take out a car title loan or something.

Would anyone match me for a thousand or so? If enough of us donate large enough in mass quantities maybe he will see the people believe in him and don't want this corrupt system speaking for us.

It's such bullshit. Fuck this whole earth. I hate my life, This makes me feel so pathetic for scraping my family by while giving money to Bernie, he can't quit on us. I know he wont, we just have to believe.

I'm serious about matching, anyone in for at least 1k? I'll go get a loan tomorrow.

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shut up maga retard.

Sounds like you need a rope.


Maybe stop giving your money to a communist and you wouldn't have to ask for a loan.

>He can still win this thing

No, he literally can’t. He’s losing badly in all upcoming states. Kys bernie tards.

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He’s actually saying that Biden is more likely to beat trump. He’s given up.
I’m not here to troll you. I’ll just share my observance and quietly leave. You don’t seem like his normal brown shirts supporters, so I won’t treat you like a savage.
Sanders needs the youth vote. 13% of them voted in the primaries. Nobody is reaching out to them, from his party. Most of the threads here are SUCK IT DUMPARINOOOS BERNIE IS GOING TO WIN. That is not out reach, it’s just spam. The same format is used on Facebook, Twitter, and any other form of social media I can find.
The people that are pushing him, are actually pushing people away from his campaign.
The DNC doesn’t like him, it’s staffed with Clinton loyalists. His own campaign crew is exceptionally rude, while sharing almost zero facts.
I wanted it to be trump v sanders, personally. I don’t see it as realistic anymore. Good luck, brother. Keep up the good fight.

>muh vote splitting
Bernie got btfo the second the field shrank. If anything, vote splitting was the only reason he was ever considered a frontrunner.
>muh corporate money
Bernie has spent almost twice as much as Biden
>muh DNC rigging
They don't need to, Biden is +16% of the national popular vote.

The only thing holding Bernie back is that nobody wants him to be president.


Yo Bernie bros, better handout that free weed and onions in Ann Arbor soon lmao

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Bernie needs to win, Biden sucks so much

biden is being backed by a billionare bloomberg.

You don't get to confiscate the firearms from the workers berniebros. You've tried this pitch before.

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