Attached: the culling.jpg (1280x720, 93.95K)

show proof faggot.

This is me 100% prepped and ready to fight. Now I can't even get out of bed.

Attached: IMG_6349.jpg (1536x2048, 1.64M)

>leaf that owns a gun.
larping faggot
show test results

No snow on ground.
Not a true leaf.

i have that same dining set

Canada has more guns per capita than the USA.

I'm in BC but born and raised in the Snowy cold barren wasteland of Thundergay Ontario.

Are Condor MOPCs like, the peoples plate carrier or something?

the pic of the dude with fish antibiotics molle'd to his vest had the same one

You got it bro!

OP's testicles just flew over my house!

Not funny!

No Macy's in canuckistan.


>my testicles are falling off
Welp at least you'll save money on the reassignment

when the lesions grow on your balls, you better post a pic


op should post proof or stop larping as coronaleaf. it's a poor effort 3/10.

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The most important thing is whatever you do, make sure you don't go coughing on door knobs and handles and other surfaces in public places like public transit, jewish/muslim houses of worship, and places where liberals hang out. That could turn into a devastating tragedy.

Post wristband or GTFO.

>plate carrier
>bolt action
You aren’t gonna make it. Well.. maybe you’ll make it. But you don’t need the plate carrier. It’s fucking Canada eh. You’ve got 95% uninhabited land. Who tf is gonna be shooting back at you.

user can i have your shit when you drop dead? I need more supplies to prolong my inevitable demise!

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Empirically false. Canada has 34.7 firearms per 100 people. The US has 120.5 firearms per 100 people. Why lie on the internet?

I hope you actually do become infected for posting this gay larp.

>Empirically false. Canada has 34.7 firearms per 100 people. The US has 120.5 firearms per 100 people. Why lie on the internet?
Why confront a person who blatantly lies on the internet, it's the most extreme example of wasting your time.
Also, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, but most importantly; FUCK JANNIES

coof coof why does it matter we have guns too coof

also, what's with the fucking clown-shoes? they make the onions-legs look much worse. did your wife's boyfriend take the photo?

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Why respond to a person confronting a person who blatantly lies on the internet, it's the most extreme example of wasting your time.

Omg i love guns

Actually my wife's son did

because niggers lounge my anus fren, and I get paid for every shitpost I write and sometimes I get bored

I'll take shit that didn't happen for 200, alex.

Go to a Trump rally, dying fren.

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Assuming you’re not just a larping faggot, how are you feeling atm?

Bullshit. Howd you manage to see something so small???

Why confront a person confronting a person confronting a person who blatantly lies on the internet? It's the most colossal waste of time.

Attached: gaddafi.jpg (456x337, 119.57K)

Coofing. Sandy lung. Onions burger for dinner, no doubt.

I genuinely feel like my lungs are going to collapse. I feel fucking miserable. It wasn't supposed to end like this for me. I wanted to die in my late 70s or early 80s after having lived in the Mediterranean for a while. It's not fair it's not fucking fair

These are the faggots shilling the non-happening with lies and false information. Pathetic autists.

Attached: Gaymes.jpg (556x702, 125.02K)

Post proof you massive faggot

Attached: op-faggot-theater.jpg (425x301, 26.68K)

false. I see deodorant in that image.

Should have worn the mask outside, i mean you do living in a Beijing suburb.

Report and sage. Where da fuk are da jannies?

Your application has been accepted!

Attached: giphy.gif (250x210, 816.3K)

I'm in the hospital right now being pumped full of intravenous fluids.

Attached: IMG_6402.jpg (3024x4032, 876.46K)

Post clown-shoes on head as proof.

You look like a big retard

No just die already.

>10.0 ml
how many ounces is that

I'm too weak I don't give a FUCK if you dont believe me. I'M FUCKING DYING IN THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW.

Yeah that's not proof. Post timestamp with your id CwFqFqvH. Clown shoes are acceptable proofs as well.

Attached: op.jpg (642x1443, 88.02K)

> doesn't give a fuck
> help me

Pick one

vitamin c?

You're gonna pay for this!


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sodium chloride. Please someone help me

how you posting with 1 hand free?

This going to go down as one of the greatest memes ever
Congratulations Pol bro. You've made infamy.

ur not gonna die tho right?
you gotta pull through and tell us if there is any permanent damage or not.
you better keep updating us over the next few weeks.

Arm seems to match the same hairy lanklet wristlet from first picture. Still not proof of carona. Post paper with diagnosis and your timestamp next to it so we know it's yours and it's today.

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Post shrunken testicles

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You were fucking chinks didn't you?

A coronavirus groped me on the bus today


Oh, there's already permanent damage.
Probably not from WuFlu but damage all the same.

Attached: Screenshot_20200306-205353.png (2041x2048, 2.2M)

Idk honestly probably gonna be fucked. I'll do my best to update you lad

give us your stats
Underlying problems

Kill yourself before you spread it

Yes but it's not my fault that beautiful Chinese women desire the superior white Canadian cock. I fucked 7 from tinder. No regrets.

>perfectly young and healthy man wearing a bulletproof vest, multiple gas masks and carrying a sniper rifle to somehow combat getting infected with something that would do nothing but make him mildly sick.

Lmfao what the fuck is wrong with you? You're wearing a bulletproof vest in your own house? Did you think a gang of coronaviruses was gonna do a drive by on you in a car?

You autists faggots and corporate media is making perfectly healthy not at risk people spazz out and tanking the economy and purging the stores. Only the elderly and vulnerable needs to mildly prepped for their own safety.

Oh no you got the virus now? Just fucking stay in bed for a few days. Boom you're cured. Thank you idiots and the media turning regular people into a panicking mess I will going to need to over prepped myself because of the eventual rioting

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Help how? You haven't even posted proof.

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or... ya know.. don't and do..

go to israel

You are about to regret that when your shaft starts rotting and you throw up blood constantly while feeling like total death

> ballistic vest in Canuckistan

Lol. You must really be a burger.

Mental illness

They are not allowed to even set foot on 95% of the land, it's "Crown Land" and the queen will rape them if they even so much as look at it.

are you a cute grill

Attached: 1583459956888-pol.png (768x1024, 144.91K)

mental illness and a PAL?!
Not bloody likely.

>Mental illness
fuck us Yas Forums schizos aren’t safe

What strain you got, the one that turns you hot or the one that turns you cold?

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but are you ‘white’?


cool fan fiction bro

so how 'bout that image with timestamped thread ID, faggot?

Looks like the kind of dude to betray you in the DZ Tbqh

It's not like you were ever going to use them

but he tindered 7 hot Asians!

You do know a black market exists in canada and virtually every country in the world right? Canada is literally bordered with the most armed and gun abundant country ever.

Even in the fucking UK criminals could possibly find a gun to buy. Its definitely much rarer and difficult but it does happen. Human trafficking and drugs are abundant everywhere but you think an inanimate tool is something that's impossible to smuggle?

Where you think the occasionally armed muslim terrorists in europe get their guns? While alt right terrorists who has to resort to making shitty garage guns that jam 90 percent of the time they pull the trigger? Like that one german fag.

They are legal in most provinces if you have a PAL. Ontario has no restrictions at all on body armour.

Shut up nigger laughter is the best medicine
ID check