What's her endgame

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50 man BBC gangbang

gabbard has a face like a flower
a califlower
her face...looks...like a cauliflower

Make enough waves now so that she could actually be considered sometime in the future. The problem is her party is moving away from her at breakneck speed, so this isn't going to work.

Wait for Bernie to cash in all his donations and drop out, then claim discrimination when they try and make Biden the nominee without debates.

To help Trump from behind enemy lines


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Wtf is Lou diamond Phillips up to these days anyway?

I agree she won't go farther with the party. So I wonder what she's doing other than trying to crash it with no survivors.

That she could easily Kamala the shit out of Biden or Bernie in the Arizona debates is captivating to me.

>It's funny to hear Joe talk about how much he cares about the African American community. Actually, when he was Senator....

So much potential for this to be hilarious.

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To become a moderate republican this autumn.

could be but she has a lot of lefty positions on guns and economics

That's why they're not going to let her any where near the stage. If Bernie gets on up there and doesn't do that exact thing, he won't deserve to win.

I think she's entitled to be up there due to having a delegate. But I suspect the moderators will essentially ignore her.

Hope corona reaches pandemic levels and it kills senile Biden and heart attack Bernie

Some slight modification of her platform will ne required. 2nd amendment and daca.

Entirely plausible. BUT, Hawaii. So it would have to be some admin job for Trump or something.

She's going to roast the fuck out of Biden during the next debate. She's Bernie Sanders' secret weapon.


Its a shame the Democrats are preventing the only female remaining candidate from debating.

Michigan votes before the next debate. Biden wins it big and it's over.

No more debates.

Everyone is flocking to Joe. This isn't like last time where Hillary was so toxic shit lasted for months.

Fuck the DNC lmao. How does anyone take them seriously? They just change every rule as they go.

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They'll just pull the "muh private corporation" card again and change the rules

In that case congratulations to Trump for another resounding win in November

Debate rules are being changed to exclude her.

lol of course they are.

Bernie is too much of a pussy faggot to go for Joe's jugular. Tulsi has way bigger balls than Bernie.

There is a place for her somewhere in the administration.

apparently they already did. Tonight, Friday, they changed them. Unreal. Fucking DNCCP

Good, she's clearly a Russian stooge

Tulsi really should pull the gender card here. After Pelosi and girlfriends started talking about sexism in politics they basically opened themselves up to getting attacked over this.

If the democrats were sane, which they are not, she would be the frontrunner.

Tulsi has bigger balls than all of them

Why do they even bother with the charade? Why not just have each candidate make a pitch video then just pick someone?

This only helps her lawsuit against Hillary Clinton

Stop, i can only get so erect!

she will win by a landslide victory

Military coup

Hopefully to get some clearasil

Buying all the proactive in the country


You're a faggot and your jokes suck.

I think the gender card only works as apologetics after the fact. One must already be towing the party line to play it.

I would gladly trade Mitt Romney for Tulsi, she is a warrior. 1/2

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Lawsuit was thrown out yesterday

Her game has already ended.

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The revenge tour is about to begin. She is not going to let this go.

I don't think Tulsi would stoop to puling that card.

i'm gonna drop her nudes on /b this weekend

This is exactly why she is electable. The sjw crowd is willfully ignorant of the corner they painted themselves into.

Live, love, aloha

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wew feisty

Nothing to lose. She's in this for a reason. I hope it's gonna be some crazy shit.

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She just need to hang in there a little more. Both Biden and Bernie are 70iesh males. Prime target group for Corona. If virus gets them both or just knocks them out of race she could take the place.

She really should just join the republicans and become Trump's Secretary of State

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Her enemies deserve everything that is coming to them.

Hopefully to sit on my face then crush my skull with her thighs

Why is she still a Democrat? She’s way too close to the centre for most Democrats. She’d arguably be able to achieve a lot more in terms of career prospects and actually making a difference as a Republican.

Correspondent on Fox News, also my tongue slave

look up her policy on guns

She's hoping both Biden and Sanders will die from heart attacks before the convention. It's a sensibly realistic scenario, no reason to drop out.

Would they even pick her or just change some more rules so she can't win

I've been to that park a few times. Lots of big (size and numbers) local families cooking out. Hawaiians are chill.

Faux Newz anchor job

Background checks, banning devices that speed up fire of semi automatics and some bullshit about domestic violence. Seems a fat sight from the ban and seize guns altogether much of the left support

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Wants to get close to Biden and take em out...
She's got a fucking vendetta against the dnc

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>Would they even pick her
Did you really have to ask, and do you actually expect an answer?

waiting for biden and sanders to get corona so she'll be the last one standing

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Presidential nomination after Biden strokes out at the convention.

the fuck is so funny?

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