Aus/pol/ - 4000 passengers exposed to chink plague on Friday

G'day lads.
I, for one, really enjoy hearing about how the average person is waking up to the threat of asians. The risk they pose to civilisation is immense.

What do we do about the Chink Menace?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What do we do about the Chink Menace?
Because we failed to do anything about them God has released Coriolanus to deal with them for us.

>police targeting white racists
What the fuck. Chinks are spreading death plague everywhere and RACISM is what we're hunting for?

who else here /infected/?
My lady friend has all the symptoms and lives in Randwick (chinky area with a major hospital).
I've self isolated, will drive over and bring her some TP and food, because I am not a retard and started prepping since Jan.

Bum rash

How do I get a job frens?

Based train user

mate you have 3 days to rope. And then stop posting here. It's fucking annoying.

Please tell me those last 2 graphics were jokes edited in.

>live near chatswood and a major hospital
>building is 90% chinks
>main job is in sydbey cbd
>do relief work at high schools during the day
>go to the gym 4 days a week
>not asian

>tfw 10/10 chance to get infected but know I won't die because I'm not chink or boomer


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It's real.

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the production quality has definitely been stepped up.

Holy shit the media is going nuts about white racism during this chink pandemic

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>Wynyard station
>only 4000 exposed


>the production quality has definitely been stepped up
Yeah, I'm not even mad that I almost fell for it. chink poster must have got hold of a pirated version of adobe after effects or something. Not bad for a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman.

Gimme a job faggots or I'll rope

How do you seperate out the symptoms from those of the common cold though??

China is the Middle Kingdom. Everything and everyone revolves around it. China's superior system of governance is the way of the future. It's technology and science is unmatched by any civilization. It's people are proud, strong and intelligent. The Han Chinese are the Gods of the real world.

While average IQ westerners care about surface level knowledge, like "GDP" and "elections", the Chinese care about maintaining and advancing civilization. We balance the natural shifts of world power. Without China, the Earth would fall into eternal chaos.

Australia? You mean 澳大利亚. America? You mean 美国. It's Chinese autonomous territory. Hope you know Mandarin, subhumans. Start practicing Han culture instead of your barbaric one. You'll still be a Class-B citizen, but at least you won't be sent to the Sino-African vassal states to do hard labor. You are merely pawns in China's rightful quest of world (and eventual space) domination.

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I can't stop wanking to the corona virus. Reading about dead chinks gives me a hard on. They deserve it because the only good chink is a dead chink. Is that normal?

made this for you

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All Austra*ian ang*oids must die. Anyone from that piece of shit island that is separated from the true Europeans must die. All men, women and child will eat a bullet or be burnt to a crisp like their (((relatives))). You and your lineage will die out. I will make sure of it. All ang*oids must perish and be wiped out from existence.

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whats the deal with weed in sydney, i often see it advertised as 'hydro', as in hydroponically farmed
do Australians not have specific weed strains? what a joke

Thanks fren i fucking love it

How many do I need to get?

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let her go kevin

Chinks can't even get their own women to stick with them and are universally one of the least attractive

A mate of mine has been working near the uni hospital on the gold coast that's filled with infected and says that he's not concerned because the nurses aren't wearings masks. He said he sees them all the time going in and out and if it were bad they'd put masks on first before the rest of us would as they're working on the front lines.

He also mentioned that both him and his very young song are sick with a pretty nasty cold. They're all going on with life like it's no big deal.

It's been fun shitposting with you cunts. I think it's time to go steal a boomermobile and go back out in the bush. Good luck to yas. Some of you weren't entirely shit and deserve to live.

Go to Nimbin or Canberra

Who would win
>"high iq" philanthropist thinks

>one two winged boy

Fucking lol dude, please.

just order online and get whatever you need. 100 rolls?

Impregnate their women; destroy them from within

Why are we giving Google, Facebook and Amazon close to the largest tax cuts in the history of our nation?

the firearm

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because we have no economy and need international business

spent all night getting fucking dumpstered in CSGO but ranked up on the last game before the lads crashed out
how was everyone else's friday night

get the fuck out if you don't have an ausflag

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G'day lads

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kek taking the bait.

OP is a legend!

he sounds like an Aussie on vacation to me

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hahaha third world SEAS monkey goblinos are supposed to trigger me? ang*oids gonna die out for sure hahaha

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I hate women

Graphic details were read out by Justice Judith Kelly in the NT Supreme Court in Alice Springs outlining how Corbett picked up the child without waking anyone and took her to the main bedroom.

After removing her nappy and raping her, he returned her to the living room and left.

A relative visited the house later that night and woke her mother when he saw the toddler was bleeding profusely.

She was flown to Alice Springs hospital and then Adelaide, and temporarily removed from her mother’s care.

She received a blood transfusion and stitches to treat numerous lacerations, cuts, abrasions, and bruising on the inner and outer parts of her genitals. Corbett also infected her with gonorrhoea.

I can't stop wanking to news articles of women getting raped. They deserve it because they dress like whores. Is that normal?

>report racists to the police
Is this real? Are you fucking kidding me?

fuk u white dogs

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I wipe my bum on the cat then the cat licks the poo off, you can do the same with a dog or a big rabbit

if i was Chinese i'd be triggered 24/7
its crazy how their women have completely abandoned them. you see more abc chicks with white guys than you do with abc boys these days

>police targeting white racism
>report all whites with opinions


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I bet that shit happens everyday and no one reports on it, this is just abo mating

hahaha the cope is unimaginable with this one
austra*ian chicks sucking chinese dick 24/7 while the austra*ian man cries himself to sleep and is in a dead bedroom his goblino wife hahaha

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Shits fucked up

the great mass genocide happening will occur with the scum bri*ish, sco*tish, ir*sh, ang*oid piece of shits. everyone here in austra*ia will make sure of it.

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Dude he proves his point, the man on the
right is ugly but he still gets a 8 out of 10, dear God you're a retard KEK!

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got any cash bro?

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off the rails, you've gotta be a white troll
I've lived in Surry hills for 3 years now and i have literally never seen an white woman with an Asian boy
if you were really Asian you would not be happy with the current state of things

>8 out of 10
delusional auscrackers, can't wait for the mass replacement and wiped out existence of the ang*oid scum

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I suppose this is all our fault too.

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Haha true, and the gook is a hapa, not even full blood. lol

Chang here.

Not matter how unattractive a man is, he can still get laid. It's just a matter of money. You pay less (and even get paid if you are Chad). Somebody pays more. That's it. Stop insulting other man because of the attention of roastie you degenerate fat fuck.

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>The future direction of abos.

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They spelled black wrong and probably. Whites are literally giving their countries away, so.

By symptoms presenting early alone, very little.
Shortness of breath, muscle aches tend to be common differentiation points (33% of cases, n=99). Vomiting, diarrhoea, confusion, too, but the minority. But that's the flu too.
It tends to develop into non-pneumonia and bedrested pneumonia for the common (mild) case groups.
Get tested regardless of ambiguity.

>marrying/dating for the money
ang*oids are dumb as shit it seems

>ang*oid majority area
you are one stupid motherfucker aren't you?

all the asians are in and near the cities of melbourne and sydney in the suburbs, y'know, where all the shit is at? why the fuck would an asian go to a ang*oid trash town in the middle of fucking nowhere you dumb honkey LOL

that's some racist ass shit

>spelled black wrong
huh... OH REALLY? no fucking shit they spelt it that way you dumb fucking cunt

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How do I get psychological help frens? I fear I may do something that I will later regret....

Over my dead rotting corpse. Nuff said.

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White/european phenotype is wildly preferable among asian women of all races to the point they would rather be a single mother raising a hapa baby they got from a sperm donor than to have a child with asian men. The rate of AMWF to WMAF is incomparable. Plus any longitudunal study would find that over time, the hapa children of these relationships who exhibit the most amount of white features will have higher reproductive success, thus essentially bleaching the asian genes out of the gene-pool of all hapas regardless of the original pairing.

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Don't you have gambling debt to pay off filthy arrogant bug

>>ang*oid majority area
wouldn't they want to visit their supposed gfs?
supposedly not.

Acid attacks on women are unironically based

NK you boong.


Why are people such fucking retards?
Remember, their vote counts as much as yours

all their gfs visit their homes, not in the racist ang*oid areas. shit smells like trash there and aus*ies have no hospitality

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ID check

I can't stop wanking to Hannah Baxter's death. She deserved it. Fucking thot (^: Is that normal?

PS. Her daughters deserved it because they were whores in training.

non whites are a mistake

that doesn't sound like a realistic relationship.
Have you personally had a gf before?
even if you maintained platonic relationships you'd know staying home gets boring

Outing this jade chink whore super spreader
[email protected]
This former goth brit chink gook now in sydney is secretly infecting north ryde area around optus hq

Not really. I am a graduate student major in CSE and my Intern pay is 100000/year (in Captial One). I can make more after graduation.

If you put all your resource and energy into your personal development you can easily do better than your peers and stand out. Hiring some whores won't be any problem

btw I can do still this and fuck young thot when your wife turn into a bitchy landwhale.

The real things that make a man are power and resources, not how beautiful you look.

>What do we do about the Chink Menace?

Stop buying their junk unless and until they stop their face-saving culture shit and drop the LARP of being an advanced nation.

Firstly, checked.
Sencond, hows that fat fucking soiboy faggot
>i-im going to call the police
Non-whites AND soiboys were both mistakes.

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holy fuck that is very based.
Can you give us her fb or something like that? I'd like to meet her.
Very hot.

Based Pakistani doctor coofing all over Melbournian pooftas