How can we do to share awareness on the male rape epidemic Yas Forums?

Men are animals, this is not right.

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So why cant strong and independent women just say "no" ?

You know how I know you are a virgin?

If you are talking to an unattractive woman, are you going to call her "ugly" to her face?
Think again

Yes, I will. Especially if she's arrogant or bitchy.

No you wont

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I have in the past and I will in the future, filthy little cunt.

Dating sims doesn't count

If there's cause to give insult, sure.


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I had to sit there and think for 30 seconds to figure out what you erven meant by "Dating sims". Crawl back into your basement and post on plebbit about how you "pwned the bigots" or something.

You mean 4 minutes

Almost nobody acts like this untermensch in this comic. People get the social cues

Kick the non whites, non asian out.
Rape have been reduced by 90% at no cost at all.

Whites rape more than blacks

Per capita?

sorry mehmet you're not white

The comic is a fantasy scenario.

per history

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Get a hold of this cummunist faggot.

LMAO the obese gentleman gets me every time.


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Shut it t*rk

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why aren't you fighting back then you fucking whore!!!!

Says the Slav rape baby

Because there is clearly a strength difference?

if I dont see blood under those nails you secretly accepted his advances, slut.

Hmm if only there was something that could nullify that strength advantage?

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sorry, but men can't get raped by women

unless you're a weak, cucked pussy boy

You sure about that?


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>all she needed to do was just say “no”
>instead chose to say full sentences
Proof that women are childish and cannot make their own decisions

If she were really a nice person, she would cry rape.

sounds like a good time to me

God I wish that were me

>I will go on a date with a man who wants to fuck me
>I will go to his home with him where we are alone
>I will sit with him in a place where sex is expected to happen
>I will not be clear when I do not want his advances
>I will leave a very large amount of room for interpretation in my actions
>I will only resist in ways that are perfectly identical to the ways that all men know women pretend to resist in order to increase sexual excitement
>I was raped
>this is the same as being raped by a stranger at gunpoint in an alley
>I am a victim of everyone
>I have zero responsibility for my own behavior
>I will never consider maybe not going home with someone I don't want to fuck
>I will never consider firmly saying "no"
>I will pretend to resist to increase the excitement later with another man when I actually do want it
>the only difference between rape and play is if I like it
>I will never change my behavior or self-reflect
>I have learned nothing
>I enjoy the power I have to ruin men's lives when I regret letting them fuck me
>I am a modern woman
>I have no accountability
>I am everyone's victim

>pisses off the assailant and get beaten up even more severely

Ur such a sad commie faggot.

You know, as a man, if someone tried to rape me I'd just fucking kill them. Do women honestly believe they're equal?

this is why i dont date

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>I will only resist in ways that are perfectly identical to the ways that all men know women pretend to resist in order to increase sexual excitement
>pretend to resist in order to increase sexual excitement
So I wasn't just seeing things? This is real? I'm done. My faggot of a father failed me long enough. Next bitch is getting taken if she doesn't taze me dead.

Dont worry, no one wants to date you in the first place

I have been with many, many women. I have had experiences where the resistance was real and I felt like a monster for continuing, and I have had experiences where the resistance was false and when I gave up, she lost interest and mocked me for it later. "You couldn't even fuck me and I was right there," one of them said to me. And I said "you told me to stop" and she said "I didn't want to seem like a slut."

women are garbage. If you don't get "enthusiastic consent" then it's dangerous to touch one, but just realize that you're going to be losing about half your opportunities with girl who "wanted it, but didn't want to seem like a slut."

Why doesn’t this ever happen to me?

Same with you roastie.

It did

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Would befriend

I'm sure you will get along

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Why are you here? This isn't a muslim board

Internal misogyny

Not cool, Abdul

Seems like a cool and chill bro who likes his hobbies and makes no apologies for his interests. 10/10 would (play) smash (bros with)

See? A woman is NEVER responsible for her own actions.

>Why did you chose not to say "no"?

If you can’t muster a simple “no” you want it deep down

they say they were "afraid" to say no.

>I am so terrified that you will murder me that I will not even say "no" to you because you might snap and brutalize me at any second
>But also, let's go be alone at your place, I'm not too terrified for that

women are perpetual children

So true feminists scare me too

Cake and eat it too

There is nothing wrong with rape. It’s one of the best ways to put an annoying bitch in her place

Unironically yes

This looks like the stereotypical bad guy group from a kids show, you can tell they all even have their own little quirks

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Women like men who take what they want. No joke. If you're too friendly, you're just that boring nice guy. You have to learn to read when "No" means "I want you to ignore what I say and just take me". It's a thin line.

>If I attempt to try, I might fail

The female/cuck mindset, gentlemen. This is not unique to context, either. It infects everything. This is the train of thought of a loser that will never accomplish anything and always makes excuses.

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Based Olga

I’m not reading all that shit

Been a while since I last saw that.

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Women want a dominate man who doesn't hesitant in going after what he wants. Hence the constant so called shit test which many married men deal with on a constant basis.
They also have the social awareness issue of not wanting to look like a frigid bitch but also not wanting to be seen as an easy slut.

This is why men used to actually date bitches for a week or so before trying to spread her legs so that they would know enough of her character to discern when things actually go too far.

>gets caught robbing a store
>instead of spending years in prison you get to fuck an relatively attractive blonde for 3 days straight, become a victim get off scott free and can probably get legal compensation that would pay way more than you would ever get from robbing a shitty hair salon.

This guy has some sort of chaotic angel watching over him.

>Men are animals

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They should get married desu. Best how I met your mother story ever.

imagine fucking that qt twink in the hoodie with the glasses on the right
literally made for black cock
i'd fill my ass up with my cum and i'm not even gay

fill his ass up with my coom*