This is your future, boys

>Millennial women are hitting the wall
>a whole generation of childless, unmarried roasties that fell for the feminism meme
>lonely and unhappy
>can’t cope with traveling, cats, and anti-depressants anymore, wants a husband
>but not just any old husband, a rich Chad like in the movies
>Chad wants prime pussy, not a post-wall roastie
>knows they can’t compete with zoomer girls, so they create a fake moral panic of “creepy older men dating younger women”, which will be the successor to #MeToo
>The definition of “pedophilia” is changed to 32 year-old man dating a 21 year-old woman, all while tranny story time is still allowed at kindergarten
>simultaneously push for the normalization of “sex workers” to allow girls to make money off of sex-starved simps and coomers as the incel rate continue to rise among men
>feminists won’t call you a creepy pedo as long as you’re paying up

It’s gonna happen user, the only way to stop it is take women’s voting rights away.

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>older men going for younger women bad
>women have no agency or responsibility
very sexist, thots should be allowed to milk every cent out of boomers

there is nothing creepier than a male feminist

You forgot
>But rape manipulation beatings and pedophilia is okay if you’re brown skinned

thats sexist

I see a lot of easy pussy on the horizon. Not quality, but quantity.


He was raised by a single mom.

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>her body her choice

refute this.

My father at 39 dated a 18 years old girl for 6 years, she fucked up when started college
mid-30 man and young woman is the best pairing

Its ok fren, we don't have to listen to women anymore

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I'm 27 and several girls nearly a decade younger than me have said they would rather have mid/late 20s guys than ones their own age. They don't see this as weird at all.

Also switch the ages around and loony leftists would be fine with it.

Women near 30 are not worth it. Ok going to date outside my age range because it's just less grief.

This is and was the mgtow endgame
Just wait till your economic peak and then go after younger women.

it's over. the chinks are lying

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Yes. Literally.
Feminism is all about women having no agency and needing men to guide them. But by virtue of the fact that women need guidance they are not capable of explicitly asking for it.

Ready to bleed?
ready to breed.
Only jews want to prevent whites from procreating with the most fertile of our population
Age of consent should be more like 14

She can't make good choices

What I find sad is a 25+ exclusively going after 18 year olds for serious relationships. These bitches are way too young mentally. Basically, pump and dump but don’t try and put a ring on a thot.

legal means legal, if it pisses off roasties that means its morally correct.

More like just wait until total global economic and political collapse bro

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>Morally Correct

remember 10-15 years ago when we were slamming Christian Conservatives for imposing their moral beliefs on others that just wanted to live their lives how they wanted?

funny how SJW subhumans have decided to switch that around and start acting like a cult of their own.

>soilord Faggot is mad that he can’t pull prime pussy

>good choices

what else is new? women cant even decide where to go for dinner, regardless of how old they are.

This is probably true. It's only in the 20th century that we've become so prudish about the age of a couple.

Wrong. Marriage is the goal when seeking young women. Older women who've already had their pair bonding ruined are ok to pump and dump, but it's immoral to ruin fresh women.
18 is not "top young" for a real relationship because women aren't gking to get much more mature after thay anyways. Not.until they are forced to. Which would be your job as her husband.

Love is love

>legal does not mean morally correct
You mean like killing babies?

>without religion
lmao they better be ready to build their philosophy from the ground up

>he thinks the future is with some white used up roastie
>still caring about what women think

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don't force your morals on others

Seethe more roasties. I was 32 when I started dating my 20 year old future wife.

this is what you get for not hitting women. thanks a lot western culture!

>Muh morals
What happened to muh victimless crimes?
>Muh age gap is unfair
Not as unfair as the bodycount gap women want to force upon men.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with 26 yr old virgin men prefering 18 yr old virgin women over 26 yr old women who have spent their youth fucking the most alpha possible Chads.
No self respecting man is going to want to be the follow up act to the 10/10 men fucking you during the horniest period of your life.
Everything that comes later will invariably be compared negatively to this.
Men want women they can relate to, and differences in bodycount effect this far more than differences in age.

I see Pol is still ignoring that hormones in birth control destroyed the pair bonding ability in these women years ago and now they all get to suffer because they were lied to...and make everyone else suffer their bullshit while they're at it.
Hint, it's always the Jews.

Kek. 3 years ago when I was 36 I fucked a 20 year old chick for her first and second times.

based boomer

That’s completely right though, legal does NOT mean that something is morally correct.

Let the bitches do their worst. Shit is already fucked. The faster we accelerate to outright absurdity and collapse the sooner things can start getting better.

This is just nature reverting to the way things should be, men should be older than their wives with their lives and finances in order. Their wives should be focused on having children early and starting a family, then focusing on some career for supplemental income. Encourage your bros to date young.

You forgot
>sex bots and shit like projekt melody is going to create hordes of men that simply don't interact with 3D wahmen anymore
Imagine being born right in time to never experience true love. No wonder places are getting shot up in broad daylight

It's going to get much, much worse before it gets better

SJWs are even worse due to the hypocrisy.
At least Christians didn't spend their youth criticizing the thing they self-obliviously ended up becoming.


Late 20s lmfao try 40s and 50s going after 18 year olds.

Oh man it was incredible she had big tits and her puss was so tight it crimped my dick into an oval shape for 2 days later

I've always dated younger. Last GF I had was 10 years younger than me and we started dating before her 19th birthday. The entire time I had my dick deep in young puss I never thought "Gee, I wonder what beta cuck onions boy faggots and eggless waste of space roasties think of me". Besides, these people don't know the first thing about morals. $100 says every single person retweeting this trash supports abortion on demand and killing white men. You guys need to stop giving a rat's ass what these retards think. Chances are if you're using Twitter then you're a retard and I don't go out of my way to talk to retards.

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What about mid 20s women who are virgin shut ins?
>inb4 impossible

Arguments of morality have little weight when the side arguing for them enables and encourages immoral behavior. Say whatever you want about the right, but at least when it comes to morals they are largely consistent.

the eternal Swedecuck everyone

This :DDDD

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>funny how SJW subhumans have decided to switch that around and start acting like a cult of their own.
Modern SJW's fill the role of what the Christian evangelicals of the 90s did. They're all just a bunch of busy bodies who only get out of bed in the morning to stop other people from having fun. If Hitler rose from the grave tomorrow he would fix society but these fuckers are purely just about turning the world into prison planet. I can't fuckin stand these people. Imagine getting out of school into a decent paying job thinking you're finally going to have fun with life only to still be forced to act like you're in a classroom 24/7. This world is gay and retarded

>Met my current gf when she was 17 and I was 26
>I'm now 33 and she's 24
Stay mad roasties.

We'll see the heterosexual AOC go up to at least 21 and the homo one to newborns within the next 50 years


Meh. Men just don't care.
Witches will be witches.

Soon I will have my ultimate revenge on my cheating highschool sweetheart when her supple and nubile daughter comes of legal age.

I'm 29 and look very young but have no idea where to meet girls that young. A 17 year old at work wanted me but I fucked it up plus her mom works there too which made it dangerous.

So you think that just because something is legal it’s okay? So you’d be okay with your girlfriend or wife cheating on you then because that’s legal isn’t it?? :)

What is morally incorrect about it?

The mall, stupid.

So abortion is “legal” but not morally correct?

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Big age gaps don’t really typically work well.

>muh morals
You can tell this is when they've lost an argument

how do we lower age of consent in our country?
Surely if we lower the voting age, then age of consent is soon to come after?

1. Stay out of my dating pool, boomer.

2. Proud of you. Nice job. Go get that young pussi

I just want a cute loli gf, is that too much to ask?


That has nothing to do with morality, faggot.

Women reeeeeing over men going after younger, more desirable women never fails to amuse me

According to what?

>legal does not mean morally correct
>illegal does not mean morally wrong
this is why we need a theocracy. Morals should be represented in our laws, which should represent the supreme authority on earth Jesus Christ.

Women never mature mentally, at least not enough to make it a standard.

>muh morals
No sex before marriage, roasties! It's the morally correct choice, not the legal one!

Maybe people have different moral systems. I'm sure Muhammed doesn't see raping non-muslims roasties as rape, after all.

Can't buy me loveeeee no

Do you wonder why swed men would rather import women then date there own?

>jr varsity

lmao zoomie telling me what to do

>morality and ethics are objective

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I’ve heard it said a lot.
Wait what, they don’t. Only boomers do that lol who can’t get Swedish women.

Another consequence of women falling for the feminism meme is that there isn't much social pressure for them to develop much of a personality when the majority of their attention comes from them dressing like whores and spreading their legs. So society ends up with these bitter, vindictive old droopy faced women with no sexual value and no personality value. So nobody wants them around. The only people who would tolerate them are other older women in the same boat.

To be fair user, those unfortunate brown youths grew up in a society that was in some way , somehow, some time affected and by the evil white man and his culture.
Had they been left alone they would no doubt have moon colonies by now

I wished I saved that headline from yesterday thread that said sweden has the highest incel rate.

Also post tits.