/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1666

► Detected: 101,848 ► Died: 3,462

Macron says epidemic unstoppable in France

French lawmaker tests positive

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

Indonesia police seizes 60,000 masks

Man tasered after fight over toilet paper

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

19:56: 1 new case in Yolo County, California, United States. Acquired through community transmission.
19:55: 7 new cases in Washington state, United States.
19:47: 1 new case in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
19:43: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
19:35: 4 new cases in Brazil.
19:15: 29 new cases in Switzerland.
18:46: 3 new cases in Contra Costa County, California, United States. Two are former passengers of the Grand Princess cruise ship.


Attached: CVG.gif (360x270, 300.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,576 (3,042) ► International 21,272 (420): S. Korea 6,593 (43) Iran 4,747 (124) Italy 4,636 (197) D. Princess 696 (6) France 653 (9) Japan 420 (6) Spain 400 (6) USA 267 (14) Switzerland 214 (1) UK 164 (2) Netherlands 128 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 63 (2) Thailand 48 (1) Taiwan 45 (1) Iraq 40 (3) S. Marino 23 (1) Philippines 5 (1) Germany 670 Sweden 136 Singapore 130 Norway 120 Belgium 109 Malaysia 83 Bahrain 60 Kuwait 58 Austria 55 Canada 49 Greece 45 Iceland 43 India 31 UAE 29 Denmark 23 Lebanon 22 Israel 21 Czechia 19 Algeria 17 Vietnam 17 Oman 16 Palestine 16 Egypt 15 Finland 15 Brazil 13 Ecuador 13 Ireland 13 Portugal 13 Russia 13 Croatia 11 Qatar 11 Macao 10 Estonia 10 Georgia 9 Romania 9 Slovenia 8 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Pakistan 6 S. Arabia 5 Chile 5 Poland 5 Indonesia 4 N. Zealand 4 Senegal 4 Hungary 4 Macedonia 3 Bosnia 3 Dom. Rep. 2 Luxembourg 2 Morocco 2 Argentina 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Cameroon 1 C. Rica 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Peru 1 Serbia 1 Slovakia 1 S. Africa 1 Togo 1

China +167 (+30) S. Korea +309 (+1) Iran +1,234 (+16) Italy +778 (+49) France +230 (+2) Spain +118 (+3) USA +46 (+2) UK +48 (+1) Netherlands +46 (+1) Germany +125 Japan +56 Switzerland +94 Sweden +42 Singapore +13 Norway +26 Belgium +59 Malaysia +28 Australia +3 Bahrain +5 Austria +12 Canada +12 Thailand +1 Taiwan +1 Greece +14 Iceland +8 India +1 UAE +1 S. Marino +2 Denmark +3 Lebanon +6 Israel +4 Czechia +7 Vietnam +1 Palestine +9 Egypt +12 Finland +3 Brazil +5 Portugal +4 Russia +6 Croatia +1 Qatar +3 Estonia +5 Romania +3 Slovenia +2 Pakistan +1 Philippines +2 Chile +1 Poland +4 Indonesia +2 Macedonia +2 Bosnia +1 Dom. Rep. +1 Bhutan +1 Cameroon +1 Vatican +1 Peru +1 Serbia +1 Slovakia +1 Togo +1 Total +3,574 (+105)

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0 cases

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Threadly reminder, unless you have gold & silver you're going to exit the collapse into poverty

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Cops n boomers getting ready for some SHIT

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Kek, have been reading up on what's going on in china, the CCP is actually trying to blame corona on the west.
These fuckers are even going to get away with it because of the average chinese being a massive sheep.



Is it getting worse?

who else here was also in #666

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Guys It's all been unravling in the west the same it did in China.
We're gonna learn this shit hides in the nervous system and induces mortal seizures in a few weeks.
Then they'll start welding your doors.

all is lost

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Be not afraid.


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The stocks are still going down

Attached: MuhEconomy.png (1920x1024, 1.43M)

>101720 infected
>3461 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

Attached: soy.png (600x800, 23.32K)

What’s a good amount of rice to stock? 40lbs?

Posting template on more time

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Corona tongue my anus

reminder to stop wasting your money on gold and to buy a gun to kys instead

Attached: lol.png (696x151, 25.39K)

>50k chinks recovered
nothing burger

Is it an actual extinction event for mankind? has john campbell said anything about corona and cns?
why dogs then? I think you'll understand that pol
could the virus be here?

If we don't make it anons, lets hope we're Isekai'd somewhere nice.

Isoprophly 70% with 30% water, use a spray bottle and let it set for 1 min

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1000 + 666 edition lets get down with the sickness.

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who else here was too retarded to understand how STONKS work ?

you are missing the meme flag tho.

>40 S&W +410%
Top kek

Door welding won't work in the new world.


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We already know that though.

Fake and gay

depends on how much of a gook you are, always stockpile shit you enjoy eating, i got a shitton of pasta, flour, smoked meats and a million differend canned goods.

>more threads than new cases in Europe every day
you guys need to calm down

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+++ A policeman from Matteo Salvini's escort is positive for coronavirus. +++
>+++ A policeman from Matteo Salvini's escort is positive for coronavirus. +++

League sources confirm this. It is a man from the escort of the second car, the one accompanying the former minister's car. The same sources specify that the secretary is in excellent physical condition and that he is possibly available to undergo the swab if health authorities request it. Which has so far not happened

Source: (ANSA) - ROMA, 6 MAR

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That image is 10/10.

For an American? You'd eat that much in one breakfast.

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Attached: 1581538974444.jpg (1140x1039, 266.08K)

Do you have full access and can screen shot that bit? I can only see the first little bit.


Deaths from this thing are increasing at a linear rate but all you pussies are panicking because it's no longer solely affecting China. This will hurt the stock market for another month or two and people will panic a bit but that will be it. Hot weather stops this thing (cases in hot countries are virtually all from travel).

Diamond Princess full of old people 6 deaths 212 recoveries, that's all you need to know about how deadly it is.

It is also very flammable, retards in Wuhan tried it and the ACs set the mix on fire.

dow lowest than it has been since pandemic started
same week that interest rates were adjusted to curb fear of corona
captcha boss

where the fuck do you even buy non jewed silver and gold whenever i check local jewelry stores they want like 20% more than the internet says.

Dude. please stop. It's all so tiresome.

That's TWO medical screeners infected in LAX so far.

Attached: second.png (301x367, 36.7K)

#BREAKING: Two additional cases of #coronavirus confirmed in LA County, including another medical screener at LAX. Total number of cases up to 13.

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Five more cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in the Republic today.

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>over 100k infected
sweet dreams are made of this

Daily cases today are nearing highest level in the world, not counting the day in china where they changed the method of case gathering. We are witnessing the largest infection of the 21st century first hand, I am planning a trip to the USA to get stuff. Can I wear my gas mask in the US customs port of entry or will they shoot me?

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There seemed to be a wave of stuides about the virus that came out 3 weeks ago. I haven't seen anything since.

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germany at 688 now

You can't eat gold. If everything collapses, gold will only be useful when order returns, because until then nobody is going to trade food and water for useless gold. The best investment is in food, water, guns, ammo, basic medical supplies, and other useful survival items. After that, you could get some good or silver for trading after the great collapse..

Why, may I ask?
You might get shot on sight.
Wondering why Trump is calling back troops from Afghanistan?

sci-hub is your friend

cancel your disgusting soccer games already germany

Nothing is happening
Nothing will happen

Like a pyramid scheme fizzles out when theres no more suckers to scam - this will fizzle out as it runs out of low hanging fruit to infect

We have fuck all deaths in comparison to any other illness, disease or accidental way of dying.

The 'death rate is high' meme is because only a few get tested when its really obvious they have died from it.

Shut these threads down and do something more productive.

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>+3 new cases in Brazil
>1 in the ICU

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Bought 100lb for $100, pretty good quality.
Don’t skimp

Come now, you know in your heart. They welded those fucks inside and set the apartments aflame to purge the sickness.

How is Yas Forums handling the past month or so? They always seem to be sperging about a new coin every time I check on them.

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It's happening

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I use 99% alcohol and it evaporates quickly

You and Danny McBride poster both need to get the fuck out.

>6 deaths 212 recoveries
How many are hospitalized?
Hospitalized people cannot work and are a drain on resources.

Digits and every user in this thread will survive.

Attached: AHHHH 2.gif (500x375, 181.45K)

But it's not mainstream.
People need to learn about cats FIP, because that's what we're looking at for humans.

>more threads than deaths outiside of China

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They’ll never say.

Germany is PewDiePie confirmed


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Mfw I woke up with shortness of breath coughed up some blood while brushing my teeth

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Is China actually no longer gaining infections? How bad is it really in NY and Cali?

Check JM bullion dot com

Apparently there are two separate Corona-chans; an older, milder, less deadly S-type strain and a younger, more virulent and aggressive L-type strain.

Attached: Etrian-Odyssey-X_2018_04-16-18_050.jpg (580x826, 109.34K)

The problem is if there is not enough medical assistance for so many cases in the future
People will start dropping dead way faster

Someone REROLL!!!


You can eat bugs if you have too. You can easily survive with ample amounts of fat and proteins.

America is full of lardasses and we will survivie.

>We have fuck all deaths in comparison to any other illness, disease or accidental way of dying.

Attached: 1583205922692.gif (600x600, 67.09K)

Bears are waiting for a crash, Volatility index is reaching 2008 market crash levels, bulls are waiting for an uptrend, delusionals think green is coming anytime now

Canada is at 51 cases


>270 and 10mm untouched'
Hyper accurate weapons with no noticable drop are my game

Should I go to church on Sunday? I’m in Toronto

Well I guess this proves I'm not immortal after all.

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>cases in hot countries are virtually all from travel)
Welp, not anymore in South America

Brief rundown on stocks for the mentally handicapped:
>Companies offer stocks as a representation of overall value of the company
>Buying a stock means you're effectively buying a part of the company
>The most stocks are bought, the more confidence people have in a company, so prices go up, and conversely selling stocks can indicate a lack of confidence (although in reality it's often just people cashing out to make a profit)
>Stock exchanges like the Dow Jones are composites of multiple similar stocks, in this case the 30 most important stocks in the United States
>The Dow Jones is currently going down, indicating that investors are losing confidence in the 30 most important stocks in the United States, and therefor the 30 biggest players in the US economy
>Loss of investor confidence can sometimes be caused by unfounded panics, but frequently correlate to economic downturns

Three more deaths in Washington.

We are fucking death in our shithole

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Fucking idiot. If you have to ask that question at this point you should just go.

It’s starting to spread in LA

before I eat breakfast I eat my first breakfast, a high volume cocktail of level 4 chink viruses mixed with traditional eastern herbs and western kike additives to achieve the perfect balance, the immunity. so when I heard about this corona outbreak in wuhan, I booked the first flight to chinkland. in no time i was there, among the bugs dropping dead, seizing in the streets, drowning in their own blood and phlegm. I tried my best to help them. I attempted to spread my unique immunity by rushing to seizing woman, white cock at the ready, in attempt to quickly inseminate them, injecting that pure cure into that stupid pussy. despite the success I saw from this practice (albeit days later), I did not know how to help the men, all of whom were dropping like faggots all around me. then I had an idea. after injecting my pure cure into the stupid seizing chink bitches , id force them to have sex with the male victims anytime one dropped in front of us. one time there was like 15 that dropped around me at the train station so she and I had a lot of work

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Holy shit lmao this puts it in great perspective. 5 weeks, around 50 times more infections, around 60 times more deaths

Oh noes...

(epileptic warning)

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Will be a urinal and plaything for a bic lighter and a can of tuna. Meet me in the janitors closet at the mess hall at FEMA camp.

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It's a big nothing burger.

Attached: Dude, trust me.png (500x300, 42.2K)

The WHO said that the summer temperatures won't stop the virus.

nobody know what the fuck is truly happening in China since they dont allow any other parties to report the news there

nothing will happen


L strain is what Iran has, yes? But that one is so deadly that it should kill itself off sooner, right?

>I'm ready to settle down now user, will you protect me during the coronavirus

Attached: settleDown.png (500x750, 264.71K)


>The infection of SARS‐CoV has been reported in the brains from both patients and experimental animals, where the brainstem was heavily infected. Furthermore, some coronaviruses have been demonstrated able to spread via a synapse‐connected route to the medullary cardiorespiratory center from the mechano‐ and chemoreceptors in the lung and lower respiratory airways. In

Uhh, how bad is this?

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Dont worry, my numerals will save you.

Corona-Bobo alliance too strong

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What happened to the discord?

>source: dudetrustme

Still waiting for updates, user.

Saw a webm of it catching fire so thats why I advise caution lol.

They said 99% alcohol doesnt work as well as 70% apparently.

Please use what you have but be careful with it. Thats all.

REROLL for the greater good.


Going to church is the boomer equivalent of virtue signalling on Twitter. You can pray and read The Bible at home. Stupid cuck.

They're not taking it too well. At this point stock market general /smg/ has become like a second /cvg/, but with more pink wojacks and Yas Forums memes. There's also the "buy the dip" faggots who keep losing money.


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Shake em up shake em up shake em up shake em, roll em in a circle of niggers and watch me break em with a seven, seven eleven

>still no cases in Turkey
>barely anymore deaths in China

Turkey doesn't want to be a part of this happening. That's what the brawl in parliament was about the other day. China wants to get back to work. Vaccine should be scripted in soon. Scientist will be an Asian female. Script still subject to change.

No, I dont think I will
>only be useful when order returns
Its almost as if I used the word EXIT for a reason brainlet. Buy gold, say thank you for the good advice & stfu

China hasn't had much of a problem. If we're so incompetent we can't adjust then we deserve to collapse. All you need is more ventilators and some more manpower.

still no corona porn?

I would stay home, bud.

China is lying about infections, of course. It's worse than you know in every U.S state. That information isn't being shared with the general public or even health workers.

Attached: If only you knew chairman.jpg (686x526, 48.81K)

Remember: facemasks do nothing and doctors need them

This is getting a bit boring desu

based digits.

Remember the 6 gorillian!

Attached: hitler corona.jpg (704x914, 229.81K)

No they said they didn't know if it would.

>Colombia's first case confirmed

Turkey is now the only country with both a large population and significant ties to the global economy left that is currently reporting no cases.

Yeah I remember that stupid fuck, I bet he got sick again

Thanks user.

Why do you think China locked down half their population?

It was fake and gay so it got deleted. That's what you get for trusting a botnet spyware program.

>Macron says epidemic unstoppable in France

refuses to do anything

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The situation in Mexico is quite funny, we are running out of masks but seems like nobody is gonna prep, supermarkets are chill and social media is full of memes, it's like everyone is aware of the danger but still nobody is panicking, they even made a cumbia song about coronachan

Attached: FB_IMG_1583104788570.jpg (720x967, 65.91K)

thank you user adding it.
Template user is here

When you die can I have your stuff? For real though I hope you don't have it.


Nothingburger. This so called virus is only spreading in the most air polluted regions of the world (China, Daegu, North Italy) Its probably a flu mutation that wont hurt non shit hole countries.

Theyre gonna use this as an excuse to bring the market down to non frothy levels, kill off poor peasants, and give us vaccines that fuck our DNA.

Also viruses may not be a disease vector at all. Check out “House of Numbers” on Youtube about the HIV hoax.




No, they said that there was no evidence that it will. Who care cares what they say anyway. Just look the stats.

>coughed up some blood while brushing my teeth
that can be a lot of things like sensitive teeth

Where my nycbros at

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look at week result, this virus hype is bullshit, we are all being fooled, there something else happening but we cant see it

Teeeeeeeeechnically cashing out has the direct implication that you think stonks no go up no mo, but that's not necessarily true 100% of the time and ignores the concept of shorts.

Your assessment is accurate, though.

>Mfw there is one case in Colorado.

Soon. It will all be clowny.

Attached: 1582482209279.png (1062x1080, 511.74K)

They want us to get it. No one is doing anything about it.

Attached: settledown2.png (235x232, 95.31K)

digits and half of the anons in this thread will be killed by corona

Grab your popcorn. The number of cases will definitely explode

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>1636 new cases in Europe today.
You made me check.


Attached: AGONY.png (680x680, 818.15K)

Why the fuck don't the mods ban these spam bots? They've been running for more than a month, and they shit up every thread with their retardation, and further shit up the threads when idiots reply to them.

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The elite want it to thin out the population while they hide out in bunkers or New Zealand.

Attached: 1528408321349.png (1400x900, 81.73K)

He just wants it to kill off his Skeletor wife so he can bottom for niggers openly instead of on the down low

>>still no cases in Turkey
are those roaches even testing for the virus?

Because our doors open inward and we own firearms.

Italy reporting that average age of the ones dead from Corona is 81

The majority of deaths 42.2% occurred in the age group between 80 and 89 years, while 32.4% were between 70 and 79, 8.4% between 60 and 69, 2.8% between 50 and 59 and 14.1% over 90 years.

There was that article going around about people shouting out "this is fake, fake" from their apartments while Chinese health officials surveyed areas. Apparently even Chinese media was airing the footage. Sounds like this is cracking China. Where is Xi?

it's ogre


>tfw have to go to the hospital today
>paranoid as fuck


Bases boomer Dr John Campbell dropping the thruthbombs

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I'm more scared of Mexicans than the coronavirus. I guess that's why none of your people are scared. They're the danger.

they're just lying or too dumb to make tests

It branched off in Wuhan, and the L type is actually more contagious and spreads much faster.

>coughed up some blood while brushing my teeth
if you only brush your teeth every few months what do you expect to happen

It went up from -800 to -700

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Son I am disappoint.

regardless, digits confirm we live on to shitpost forever.

Glowingnigger disinformation agent, please sucketh upon my cock.

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Kudlow the kike boomer waa on MSNBC this morning shilling for the normies to “buy the dip”, the US and most of the Western world are suffering from a massive case of cope.

May we hear the songs of our goddess Corona-Chan?

God will protect you


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But the insects have the virus. They got it eating bats.

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>REROLL for the greater good.
ok now we're safe

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Jesus Christ, yeah people were panicking when there were 2000 cases, and now there’s 100,000

Countries that hasn't got the virus:
>Central America except Costa Rica
>Iraq and the other sandcountries
>Almost all Africa
>New Zealand

Anyone got the webm of a bunch of guys in hazmat suits dancing?

Would Coronavirus really make things that much worse? Cartels getting the flu may calm things down a couple weeks

3 months from now
>899102349 infected
>6789347 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

Attached: 1581304750851.jpg (720x960, 110.82K)

This is not currently projected to be an Extinction Level Event... But it's definitely going to cause some fucking serious problems.

tfw corona kills off all anachans and feederfags

Good luck with that. Supermarket is gonna be empty anyways.

only if you are old fart 50+ yo


>2 medical screeners infected
>literally not one case caught by LAX screening
Such a fucking joke.

no wonder why your country still being a shithole.

Can't wait for the day when forced quarantines begin so I can play all the bideo gaymes without worrying about anything.

Coronafags BTFO

Meth cures this gay flu everyone is going insane about.

Just smoke more meth bro, the flu can go fuck itself


Attached: nope.gif (267x200, 268.33K)

My son yuo are a coofer now

I don't live there but what do I do when it effects my livelihood? Do you think my apartment would boot me out for missing rent because of quarantine? I've always paid in full on time.

Pretty sure it caught fire because they were cooking a few feet away and they use gas stoves

Cant be infected if you don't test

New Zealand has it. Some faggot went to a crowded Tool concert after traveling abroad.

It's right at the top of Drudge


user’s they have 197 deaths now over a period of two weeks, what’s the statistical probability that the virus could overwhelmingly kill such a defined population group??


>doing anything to improve the quality of the board

The fantastic thing about these bots is that--by repeating a single. fucking. sentence.--they have managed to refute their own point.

Incredible, this is the power of the glownigger.

Who team /666/ here?

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I don't know why everyone is so worked up about some minor bug going around. It's not even that big a deal.

Attached: I wouldn't worry about it.png (688x668, 38.92K)

How is this bullshit?

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turkey wont disclose any cases because that would instantly invalidate their migrant pressure politics on europe

Sheeeeit. I guess the price of coke is going to soar.

Xi just appeared on the news last week I think, wearing mask and spewing the usual bullshit chinky propaganda
after that he disappeared again

The media and politicians are making so much bank from Kung flu they’re desperate for us to be worried. Fuck em.

thank you very much, frens

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>No evidence.
Can they no just do test were they turn up the temperature in the lab to see if is lives and spreads. Sounds like one of the easiest test to do. But what do I know.

no but I have this

Attached: hazmat suits were sold out.webm (368x640, 2.94M)

They're sending their infected to greece.

Iraq has it along with almost every country in the Middle East, New Zealand has it, and Ukraine has it.

+164 cases in the UK

+Facebook employee in Lodon has it, they close their offices.

Attached: facebook london.png (286x382, 32.36K)

Attached: hmmmmmmmmm.jpg (600x600, 46.61K)

yes you are, cunt.


Another medical screener infected at Heathrow Airport in London, expect them to all walk off the job in the week or so.

How do you feel about how our government is doing, regarding the virus?

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Same. Can't wait to lie around my house, getting stoned or drunk, listening to Townes Van Zandt cradling my cheap shotgun

>Do you think my apartment would boot me out for missing rent because of quarantine?
lmao you live in California, evictions take a minimum of 6 months if you just stopped paying rent and the landlord would have a hard time serving you, going to court and then getting an order from the sheriffs to escort you off the property during a pandemic

You sure you wanted to upload a jpg as a template?

>So, there are a number of total retards that believe heat will kill the virus and this is true, to an extent.

>Anyone that has taken a food preparation course would know that the minimum amount of heat necessary to kill viruses and bacteria is 170° farenheit.

>Your body averages 98.5° farenheit on any given day.

>A fever of greater than 105° farenheit threatens to shut down your organs if sustained for too long.

>Any higher and you run the risk of slipping into a coma and dying.

>Getting into a sauna when you have a fever is a terrible idea.

>Don't do that, retard.

To kill a virus or bacteria inside of your body, you will need to raise your internal temperature to a sustained 170° farenheit.

>This will kill you.

>If you have a fever and are fighting the virus, you actually need to manage your temperature levels.

>You have to be prepared to lower your temperature levels by placing ice packs on your head, in your arm pits and on your groin for five minute intervals.

>Cool baths or showers if you're well enough to get into them.

>Stripping down to your underwear and point a fan at yourself... and any combination of these techniques, as necessary.

>Excessive temperature caused by fever can cause organ failure, sterility, coma and/or death. In the event of sickness, keep track of your temperature, or that of loved ones, and be prepared to take action to lower it.

>If you have a fever, DO NOT attempt to raise it... Virus or bacteria will only die in temperatures in excess of 170° farenheit, so it would be pointless to try.

t. EMT

A moments silence for the fallen.

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ok, you're not.

thanks user
Still looking for one more.

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wait are you really too stupid to realize it's satirical/sarcastic making fun of the nonhappening fags?


doomed edition

It’s almost like investing resource making in a single country is a terrible idea for long term business.

No stopping the corona train.

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>Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"
This is a tweet. Why is this under the research header?

>Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"
This is a news article with no links to research. Why is it under the research header? The only mention of research is the mention that anal swabs are being looked into as a better testing method.

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>it's in the next city over

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I make qwiso all the time with 99% and it certainly can be dangerous, if you don’t have adequate ventilation you’ll definitely be sorry.

>The patient who has tested positive in Vatican City participated in an international conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Life last week, a local source has told the Reuters news agency.
>Participants at the three-day conference on Artificial Intelligence at a packed theatre close to the Vatican itself included top executives of Microsoft and IBM, Reuters reported.

Lads goin inna woods
Have good dogs

*if you

Still nothing in Bulgaria




I quit watching him last week. Sick and tired of his obvious attention whoring and obtuse bullshit, complimenting China for "strong action" and treating their numbers as legit.
He spends 90% of his videos filling time by teaching basic biology for idiots.
Also he drags out everything he says by REPEATING IT FIVE FUCKING TIMES. It's like a goddamn mental condition. He says something, then says it again IMMEDIATELY. Then rephrases it and says the same thing. Then one more time for good measure.

digits and we are all dead before summer

but muh profittttttt


>Poland still isn't checked

Lmao Happening Cancelled

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Cases coming in too fast now for any one source to collate them all


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>its in my city

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The wu flu dance, mexican version


It's basically a song about how to prevent the virus, the third world is quite surreal

1st infection in Columbia

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they cant fake it
either they start exporting
or everyone will know its all ogre

good thing is that we will be first to know people there are dying of reinfections and second round is starting

What is the song name, puto?

Greekfags how is the situation in Athens? I must go on a business trip this days. Is there chance to get infected and shit?

Hahajajaaj awesome new evolution

>My mother said the family will be okay because she has life insurance


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Fuck off leaf, may your whole country and people become nothing more than the curiosity of an extinct civilisation for future Britonites to gawk at in museums.

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And don't eat them

It's completely over
Will be surprised if society is still functioning come Sunday evening

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He is trying to redpill normies. They need shit repeated over and over. They're a month behind us but he is bridging the gap.

Give him a break. He's an old man who is doing remarkably well as a youtuber.

Here’s hoping for maximum carnage among all those (((executives)))

Only a matter of time, user.
R0 looks like 6 at the moment.
They're shutting up about it, but this is bad.

stay safe Eire bro

Potato niggers will save Western civilization once again.

cities are doomed

Lads I was going to go out tonight drinking

>First case has unironically been confirmed in my town today

They are also ignoring the fact that if the healthcare system isn't critically overloaded, the dead are mostly over 60yr old individuals with multiple comorbidities. They think that western healthcare system will be overloaded because it happened in china, ignoring that the virus in china mutated around late november, jumping from animal to man, and the chinese basically refused to acknowledge its existence for month or possibly more, letting it infect everyone undisturbed for that long. But hey, if doomsday larpers want to larp let them do it. I will be there calling them fags when this is over.

That needs to be updated to 25k on the last slide

Because taking the fucking temperature literally does NOTHING. It's the asymptomatic sleepers that are killing the world.

Why are you faggots so one dimensional? It's not just the virus. It's the panicking retarded normies buying 25 cases of toilet paper and all of the ramen in a Walmart. It's the overwhelmed hospitals with full ICUs and at half staff because the half are infected. Same with other emergency services. They're all force multipliers with the virus. It's the chinese factories that make more than half of our goods still not reproducing anything which will cause chronic shortages.



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Oh god thats beautiful.

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2008 crisis and shanghai 2015 crash was much worse and not much changed since, it all will return back in year or less

Any guesses to why reinfection is possible? Is it because there are many different strains or does this thing just resist antibodies designed to fight it somehow?

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Hasn't enough misfortune befallen Poland


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Get rekt faggot , NEETs will inhererit the earth

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this is great kek

So, a good teacher, i personally like the biology classes, while I know most of it, its good to learn something extra once in a while


halfway down in the bulleted list in the summary.

and a cheerleader mom spread it to a bunch of cheerleaders.

>Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

Assuming this is true (which is far-fetched) then we should've been heading innawoods weeks ago.

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We're all going to die...

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They’ll sudoku when an old white dog shit is worth more than their stock values

an no human will survive

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does ice protect you from the coronavirus?

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Notice how time has slowed to a complete halt recently. Time goes slowly when you are in hell
Thanks a lot china you inhumane bastards


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jajaja el gumbal re duro

They can't evict everyone if nobody is paying. If they do try to evict, start coofing and spitting on them. They don't know you're not infected

Citation needed.

57 more in fance

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I've noticed a significant increase in the amount of people coughing/sneezing in my uni classes. One person started hacking so bad they got up and left. Anyone else noticed this? I'm in Midwest USA

the boomer’s are resigned to their fate, it’s quite surprising actually.

Try dormacy and lifelong complications , you are all being lied to
WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, ill defined

5-Mar: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

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I think they may be the immune population we have been whispering about

There is a lot of travel between bg and the rest of euro, especially Italy

And they definitely are testing


They should, there's obviously no point in fucking doing the screening since they're not catching anything EXCEPT the disease they're screening for

Cute girl! Cute boy! Cute Coronavirus! Cute dance!

Nice thread number

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4 additional cases of novel coronavirus confirmed in LA County, including a second LAX medical screener, public health officials say

Come on corona, SPIRAL.

We're all going to make it.

It gets in your nervous system.

If they do nothing, why do the doctors need them? Personally I'd rather the entire planet die if I can increase my personal chance of survival by 1%.