How is it possible that German and Russian communists built a functionin society while many European capitalist states...

How is it possible that German and Russian communists built a functionin society while many European capitalist states sucked?

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Meme flag


ddr functionin society
my sides

Are you really this retarded?

fucking americans

Communists kept out shitskins and degenerates while the West supported them

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do you consider north korea a functioning society as well?

Those numbers don't mean anything because they don't compare the economic power and households of both states.

Westgermany has 5 times more population than the east and the economy was probably 10 times stronger.

>functioning society

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Because Capitalism doesn't care about the future.
shut up nigger

In the end it doesn't even matter.

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DPRK is ultra based user

Capitalism is not about planning. It is about competing to get more money quickly. Feudalism will have better records than this shit, not difficult.

integrating east germany and unfucking it cost a shit ton. the current mama merkel east german cunt is the other reason germany went from annoyingly in debt to full blown globalist EU cucking shitstorm debt.

i would give anything to have fierce war like german/prussian nationalism return where we murder all the subversives, muslims, chinks, jews, niggers and retards/useless eaters. i would also welcome whites wester caucasians from anywhere subject to DNA testing who learns german and signs a lifetime no welfare pledge to come and enjoy the 4th reich.

our time will come again.

the white western europeans were 35% of the world population in 1900. we are now 15% and falling. we MUST rebuild our empire or we will cede the earth to niggers, chinks and their jew masters.

Tell me how GDR was successful?

explain mama merkel. the east shitted out that obese cunt.

Feudalism is superior to both capitalism and socialism, it's the perfect balance between planning and market, centralization and decentralization with well tailored bureaucracies like Roman empire or Qing dynasty.

Go back

nobody gives shitty east germany money, because noone trusts in its functioning as a society to pay it back.

>That is somehow proof of their functioning society

Have you blown your daily refugee today? #nohumanisilegal

There's good evidence that most of the accusations against north korea are CIA fabrications and that they actually enjoy a higher standard of living than South Korea which is a feudalist state.

Actually, wall didn't worked,shooting people who attempted to cross the border did.

it failed in every way possible. dirty, backward, ugly, brainwashed, population collapse, horrific police state, near zero economic output and Ceausescu levels of moron communism.

the one and only and singular thing the east did was to for a time preserve the uniform of the Wehrmacht so the new commies looked like the old patriots... the reality is the disgusting subhuman degenerate drunk russians raped everyone in the east so 99% of east germans are the russian half-breed.

What is inflation

Now post GDP per capita in 1990 of (ex)commie countries.

Why not post wages of workers in gdr compared to west Germany?

you know we still pay gorillions to east germany becaus they didnt even have roads and shit

Jewish plot

>best of both worlds

Pic related.

Attached: National Soc......jpg (1000x1000, 68.16K)

I'm guessing that DDR also had a much smaller GDP.

In east Germany you didn't have a lot. But you owned everything you've had.
In west you had a lot of bullshit and noice debt.

Also, hey, my uncle still has perfectly working tools from the era. Still uses them to this day.
In fact everything still works.

>nobody wants to lend you money -> low debts

socialism ftw

Die DDR war 1000x effektiver als die (((BRD))) es je sein wird

Attached: 70 Jahre DDR.jpg (678x960, 144.88K)

Umm... what?

you still pay trillions to niggers who just arrived and are raping your women, and nobody seems to mind.

Yes, you fell for the kike propaganda? North Korea is basically National Socialism, they don't want you to know that homogeneous societies can be successful. Does this look like a dystopian hellhole to you?

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DPRK is the only socialist state today

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can you imagine.

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>it failed in every way possible.
it didn't attract wellfare migrants en masse from africa

Counting debits but not credits: Yank (((Education))) at work!

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So great they needed a wall to keep people in. Kek

Yeah they're the closest we have today to National Socialism.

u mad?

I see unity is working very well I can see your respect for your fellow German is showing. Wessie degenerate ape.

und ganz wichtig: Ohne Ausländer, 99,9% Deutsch


>In east Germany you lived in poverty
>But you lived in 3rd world poverty

Massive gulags, state terror apparatus, genocide, falling birth rates, hidden statistics...what’s your definition of “functional society?”

Denkst du so? Wahnsinn. Verdammte Kommis

>functioning society
this is the kind of shit that you'll only hear from idiots on the internet who learn history through memes

Nahh, USA is pretty close to National Socialism.

DPRK is what the USSR looked like in the 1930's.

Attached: Right wing Social democracy.jpg (925x610, 241.66K)

Communist apologitics are complete imbeciles and only idiots follow their stupidity but there's a whole lot of stupid people, around 80% of the population is stupid.

Quads of truth, Eire Bro
numbers in the pic before 2015 invasion

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Authoritarianism is the only based form of dealing with political affairs. Muh freedom only got us where we are today slaves of usury and surrounded by lgbt

In your mind does having debt equal sucking?

Socialist Germany was so great they had to build a wall to stop people from escaping away from it.

today 100s of thousands of west Germans would go to the GDR if still in existence and 99% German. Something (You) don't understand

Good goy

Russia has 0 debt right now. And it's not a cummunist state.