Ebba Akerlund

How did people in Europe react to her death?
How did Swedes react, Swede anons?

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Her last memories were of the bbc bulls she never would've experienced.

As far as I know there was no reaction. No uproar, nothing, hence why Tarrant felt the way he did about her. The complete lack of outrage and the silent acceptance of a kid mowed to bits by a foreign, muslim man. It's sad, but what is there to expect after half a century of pure social conditioning and pacifying.

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Nobody told us
The australians were pretty angry if i recall

Germans can't even prevent their own country from getting split in half.

Everyone was sad, the papers wrote a lot of tear drenched stuff, nazis tried to exploit her death for politics and posted graphic pics of her corpse on Yas Forums saying she had been enriched, etc.


Who? Nobody cares about that little bitch, and you only started pretending to because of that sperg retard Tarrant. Everyone in Europe was far more concerned with that migrant kid who drowned on the beach

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Her parents have literally said to stop using her death for political purposes I think so please stop doing it.

they're also to blame for the shitshow of an EU and everything that came with it, many non-europeans fail to realize this

that's the same female who did that black hole picture.

People only care about her as means to virtue signal, outside of that you'd just pass her off as a stupid slut.

Not surprised when I look at the flag.

M8 I still have the Pic from the day it happened. Just because you don't pay attention until it's on the front page of your favorite sub doesn't mean other people aren't.

They did nothing.
There was no reaction.
The weak PERISH.

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Reminder that half of pol is shit skins being ironic faggots.

Her memorial is constantly vandalized

That alone justifies what Tarrant did

>How did Swedes react
Take a wild guess

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>Joke's on you I've cared the whole time
was this supposed to make you sound like less of a fag? Because it didn't.

Stop pretending to care about this goblin

Case in fucking point.

Isn't that a photo of a young Natalja Pokolokolonskaja?

Who cares?

HI Ackmed

Whites not shit skins.

Better men die everyday and get zero attention from you worthless faggots. Quit being such a pathetic simp you fags pretend like horrible shit never even happened prior to 9/11 or something

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you're the one that sounds like a fag lmao
>no value for human life
probably not a leaf but pic still related
>even if the leaves are yellow in spring

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The white thing to do is not get involved in what happens to people you don't know. My neighbour's house exploded last summer and I didn't even call 911

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Big Black Truck

>think of the children
>less habbenings pls, terrorism is bad
nu/pol/ makes me sick


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Leafs law.

Edgy. And your still a shit skin.

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Do you know anyone who read the manifesto?

Ohh your a nihilistic faggot not a ironic one okay you can go through.

Damn, anyone wanna play cornhole?

Absurdist ackchually, and "your" illiterate.

Not surprised. They are Swedes after all.

Rest in piss commie Krantz.

What’s wrong with not wanting your kids death to be used for political reasons??

I, my teacher and some of the people I know did. Not that it had any profound change on any of them.

She was twelve. Pretty sure she was a virgin

Fuck off back to Portland, you Godwin's Law spewing Antifaggot.


Forgive him, Americans don't understand the concept that not everything is inherently a commodity

Are you fucking retarded? There are incompetent parents all around the world. What some fucking dumb gen-xer faggot parents have to say about muslims mowing down an innocent child is irrelevant in the bigger picture.

Yeah, not the user you're talking about but Im sure you're used to not having commodities, after all, you do have luxury soups.

Haven't heard anyone mention Godwin's law in years. I hope it makes a comeback.

You have luxury soups too they've just been priced so you you niggers don't starve on an EBT budget

They should've used it to advocate closed borders. Would save swedish lives

What did they think about his environmentalism? I'm guessing they're just thick headed leftists?

everybody seems to forget the 25 slaughtered and dozens maimed in that nail bomb attack at that arianna grande concert.

swept down memory hole, user.

Yeah they are, and the environmentalism part struck them by surprise, it was as if they sort of stopped computing, which makes sense taken the NPC thing into consideration. The teacher did point out how his ideas were so "dangerous because they weren't outright hateful", I was just rolling my eyes, that's unironically why we have the whole optics thing.

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You know other people than the loli bitch died

Her parents don’t deserve her death being used for political gain.

Her parents don't deserve her in general if they truly believe it's fucking about her and not about the fucking mudnigger immigration problem destroying europa

>How did people in Europe react to her death?How did Swedes react, Swede anons?

no one fucking knows who she is, no one knows or cares about muslim attacks

Kallergi was a Jewish HAPA, much like a gentry-class version of Elliot Rodger. His EU vision of a mulatto slave class for Jewish banking clans was indeed written in German, but that does not make us culpable for you retards fighting to establish it. Go learn respect mongrel, all your people have to show by way of accomplishment are the whores our junkies fuck in Amsterdam, while at least we had to first be defeated.