Amazon "Hunters": How to find a Nazi? White people
So when is this shit gonna stop? Are Americans still allowing this rampant white hate propaganda go unpunished for so long?
All the bullshit that the "free world" comes up with is copied and regurgitated by our retarded third world shithole authorities, so noone is safe from this clowning.
For fuck sake, what did the Jews did to your societies that made them so confident about shitting on races with such long history.
t. Castizo with white ancestors that can't help but feel enraged everytime I read anti white bullshit

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Just stop watching it.

The message is that everyone bands together to help the Jews against their enemies. Blacks, gays and even a catholic nun somehow decide to join the team. Stopped watching as soon as the nun was introduced.

A fucking Catholic nun lol, and Christians still keep taking it lightly.

deracination is normal, it's called progress. the reason you're third world is because you unironically use the word ancestors, while in america it doesn't matter who you are, were or will be. only money. and what you can do right now. you sincerely think that what some people did 300 years ago matters, meanwhile the energy centers of the world don't remember what happened 10 minutes ago. you're in slow motion, glacial economically, industrially, meanwhile americans are thinking about ways to make money from debt, from undermining their own political system, from chopping off their own dicks, from inverting their entire society. and in the process you get the internet, and smartphones, and more comfortable pillows.

it's so irritating that you use the internet to complain about this type of stuff, when you should be thanking america for shitting on itself so hard that all you have left to complain about is muh jews.

Here's what Nazis look like today OP

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they are communists

i agree it shouldn't be watched, but ignoring shit like this is not going to help.. it needs to be called out for what it is. imagine if there was a show about old ss members getting together to hunt down jews who escaped, there would be pandemonium

I'm half way through episode one. What a load of Jewish shit propaganda this show is. Anti-White, Jew propaganda.

Weimarica continues chugging on. Hollywood would have gone bankrupt a long time ago if it weren't for Disney, Marvel and China. those three are subsidizing all those woke movies and shows.

>but ignoring shit like this is not going to help.. it needs to be called out for what it is.

That wont matter. They're going to keep making this shit either way.

So what you're saying is that they are fully evolved Nazis?

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kikes must be stopped

I watched the first episode, and about ten minutes of the second one. First part of the second episode is actually quite hilarious. Guard at Auschwitz is making some mini jew orchestra play Wagner, then they start playing hava nagiva instead. "STOP PLAYING THAT JEW MUSIC"....Then he shoots them

>deracination is normal, it's called progress.

good troll

...and Amazon, Netflix, and every Hollywood studio.

Here's a fun game. Pull up any semi-mainstream TV show or movie from the past few decades on Wikipedia. Click the links for the names of the main actors, writers, producers, etc. They're going to be around 30% Jews. Mind you, Jews are about 2% of the USA.

It's not going to stop, user. The best thing you can do is to boycott all forms of media, or at least all forms of media that openly display anti-white, pro NWO themes and messages. Don't go to movies, don't pay for cable, don't pay for netflix, etc; nothing. Don't give these people a cent.

Unfortunately, that's not going to put an end to this because many others will give these people their money. Even if these media corporations start to lose a major profit, they will not go bankrupt. You have to understand the NWO is entering it's final stage right now, and they no longer care about earning money. They are being funded by various unseen sources in the forms of other corporations, tax dollars, and philanthropic foundations, etc. They are willing to bleed money (which isn't even real anyway) in order to continue spreading their propaganda.

However, if the public stops consuming media, it will become increasingly obvious that these media conglomerates are receiving funding from unseen sources. Hopefully this will get the public to begin asking more question about what's really going on here.

Jews gonna jew man. What can you say at this point..
They'll keep trying to flood european countries with other people, and try to destroy the various groups of people untill the day there is not a single european majority country left on the planet. And then they'll probably still do it, because then if there's some successfull european left in that country that's not downtrotten. Well if he's not jewish 'white', then he's ofcourse pure evil and needs to step aside from a non european to take his place.
In norwegian constitution till the 1800's jews were banned from being in norway. Nobody ask what jews were doing to get expelled over 1000 times from various different countries..

For jews trying to destroy europeans are payback. And USA is european country or was till very recently. So it is getting absolutely hammered too.

They are going to do it no matter what anyone says.. This has been going on for the last 70 years.. More even, if you look at what they were doing in USA prior to wwII. And also in europe prior to wwII.. Lot of bad things they were engaged with of this nature.

I don't know exactly what jews fucking problem is. Perhaps you should ask them. They ofcourse follow a very evil religion (judaism/the talmud). That could be a huge part of why they act this way constantly.

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>deracination is normal, it's called progress
Well when we talk about other animals, we don't talk about despeciation and extinction are "progress". What makes you so special?

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>Here's a fun game. Pull up any semi-mainstream TV show or movie from the past few decades on Wikipedia. Click the links for the names of the main actors, writers, producers, etc. They're going to be around 30% Jews. Mind you, Jews are about 2% of the USA.
Yep, jews own the hollywood production companies. Almost all the main cast and people you think are european or 'white'. Are really jewish. I love it in particular when they put unattractive or unappealing people in movies, and they keep popping up. Simply go and look up these peoples biography.. and ofcourse.. one of the tribe..They operate exactly like a mafia.. Telling others to distance themselves from their own people and for certain not help anyone out who is like you. Whilst they do the opposite. It's same thing with media in USA in general.. 2% of population control all top positions in 90% of US media.. How is that possible. WHAT THEY WILL SAY IS PLAY DUMB.. and go..
>well it's just because jews are better and smarter..
Yes, they will use ethnic supremacy as an excuse for why that happens.

I'd totally watch that show though.

At a loss too.

Jesus your retarded.
Are you still a teenager? You know the national socialist party fought antifa in the 20s, right?
Fucking idiotic shit

>imagine if there was a show about old ss members getting together to hunt down jews who escaped, there would be pandemonium

you peruvians are fucking clowns

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>don't know exactly what jews fucking problem is
Something something whites need to he killed for some jew proficie or something.

that show was pozzed m8

>Are you still a teenager? You know the national socialist party fought antifa in the 20s, right?
Actually it was ANTIFA that were political terrorists going around threatening and killing germans who would dare to vote for NSDAP or not vote for KPD etc. and lead to NSDAP getting elected. Ofcourse in their minds antifa were the freedom fighters. No they weren't. They were the frontline of a bolshevik style revolution in germany. Similar to the one in russia. The first one in germany had failed in 1918. Because german ww1 vets kicked their ass..
It was precisely their political terrorism of groups like antifa that got NSDAP elected. SA (sturmabteilung) or storm division in german, was a response to antifa, not what antifa was fighting. They would protect people at NSDAP rallies, against antifa political terrorism. So if antifa show up they would fight SA instead of the people at the rally. Like a security group.

>Something something whites need to he killed for some jew proficie or something.
Religious nutjobs are always great, especially when they are as insane and evil as jews are. They really are close to their cousins the muslims about this aren't they.

when us whites start blowing up the media building that are all run by jews, look up the fucking FRANKFURT SCHOOL. THAT is what the media and Hollywood is.
so kill them! kill the executives, burn down the media broadcasting stations, even local and rural.
its all part of the KIKE propaganda machine. burn it down, corona chan will give us our best opportunity.

They're rubbing redpills right in normalfag faces.

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So what happens when they encounter a non white nazi?

Shut up you fucking beaner, how are things going over at the border? Filthy pieces of shit.

>that show was pozzed m8

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>first episode the guy calling the yid kid a kike and beating up has a black girlfriend
even the evil wite ppl have to be stunning and brave, how progressive of him to racemix in the 70's.

I don't think they got the memo that the poison gas showers were soviet propiganda quitely shuffled out of the curriculum like the holocoaster, kids these days won't get the reference since they stopped teaching that in schools 20 years ago.

White guys are the bad guys in every movie now which is actually good for white men. White women wont think low IQ blacks are cool anymore.

I’m so disappointed in pacino

>white people declared enemies of all mankind by propaganda
>this is good

What i 'like' most. Is how seamlessly jews have just shifted from ofcourse saying that germans are the worst people in entire planet and should all basically be erased from the face of the earth..

What i like is, they have seamlessly switched to now everyone of european ancestry is a nazi and should be wiped from face of the earth..

American.. NAZI
German.. NAZI
British person: NAZI
Italian: NAZI
Polish people? Yes polish people.. hahaha
>take the refugees poland, why won't you take the refugees poland. YOU NAZI! WE HAVE NAZI IN POLAND NOW, i can't believe they don't want to be ethnically displaced in their own country..
>fucking nazi's..

This also shows clearly, that this was never about germans and how there was a german dictator that wanted to kick jews out for trying to do bad shit for the umpteenth time. No, this is about destroying every european peoples on the planet no matter which group they belong to..

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It's for niggers, not for you. Its literally "kill whitey he bad"

>all nazis are white people

Don't tell the nigger

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You have to look beyond the surface and look at the deeper message this subversive propaganda is pushing. In our day and age the word “Nazi” is casually thrown around to describe anyone right of center or any person who believes whites have a right to exist. This show is implicitly endorsing violence not just against literal Nazis but also against anyone PUBLICLY BRANDED a Nazi (most conservatives and most white people)

Webmd it for us user

Literally this

I do think a lot of it is nepotism. I think some of it is simply that they concentrate in big cities and have a cultural history of working with their minds rather than their hands, making them more able to get into big-city industries like journalism, tech, media, etc. I knew some Jews growing up, and like half of them were seriously trying to break into Hollywood (only one succeeded so far.)

its Hollywood. no one knows when the Jews will stop.

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Libertarians are Jewish controlled faggots.

It's also made to disrupt white lives, no matter what. I'm unwelcome at a favorite bar and grill because one of the workers asked me if I watch it and when I said no they asked why so I told them that the holocaust is a lie, so now I'm verboten there. What an NPC culture. I must worship TV or else, so they say.

Thanks, kikes. Thanks, brainwashed idiots. Also, don't fucking ask me a question if you're not ready for an answer that you dislike.

I can't tell if they are really desperate or really cocky?

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Imagine producing this and trying to convince people these things aren't true.

Young people hate Israel and globalism/corporatism and don't care about the holocaust because since the fall of the soviet union and western eyes seeing the "death camps" they've seen their textbooks go from "soap made from jewish children" and "auchwitz's holocauster" and "poison gas came from the showers" to "uh... diesel exhaust was more efficient than bullets" as the 6million stays but the individual camp death tolls have dropped yearly, easily seen due to learning about the holocaust every fucking year for 13 years.

They have to remind people of their original sin of being a goy and are panicking it's not working.

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>that clip
kicked out of 300 different countries and places. NOT SOMETHING JEWS DID. But just because people didn't like them. And why didn't they like them? Because they exist and are jews..

IT'S SO DUMB. There's no people on earth that dindunuffin and is kicked out from 300 different countries and peoples.. I mean you can read what they did aswell in many of these cases, attempts to assasinate kings, organized crime all kinds of nefarious financial schemes.. all kinds of shit.

And what is their religion? It has nothing to do with any god, it's them derping around in middle east, doing horrible things to other people. Inventing a god that hates all their enemies. And eventually this god of their own imagination doesn't help them. So they get btfo by the assyrians and lose their country for several thousand years. But it doesn't stop there.. Every country they then go to, they start doing shit that eventually leads to them getting kicked out. I mean top shelf nefarious shit.. And they never had managed to get so much control as they did with the federal reserve act and in the century prior to wwII.

Because they wanted control of the money so they can sit on top of the goyim and collect interests at anything the goyim does..

They are a massively guilty people through history of all kinds of nasty shit, including overrepresentation in every major slave trade in modern history.

And then they want to try to use other groups of people in the world to destroy european peoples, who they see as a threat. Whilst acting like victims. Meanwhile celebrating how europeans becoming minorities in their own countries, something they know they are trying to do on purpose..

Jews learned about that they play a victim so then people don't percieve them as villains.. Hence the eastern european proverb. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. Like punching you in the face, and then pretend you were attacking him. As an excuse to completely fuck you up.

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how to find commies little girl?
first tip, jews

money is not an object to these people

The only thing that allows jews to do this, other than constant propaganda. Is ofcourse, antisemitism. the idea that you can't critique or hate or dislike jews. Because of the holochaust. In a conflict where btw. 90% of the casualties were ethnic non jewish europeans. But fuck all those.. they are all nazi's.. right? Polish people nazi's swedish people nazi's everybody nazi's. Everyone jews don't like are nazi's, start to see a pattern here?

americans nazi's, british nazi's, french nazi's, hungarians nazi's, ukranians nazi's, russians nazi's.. iraqis? nazi's..

But anyways the primary thing that allows jews to get away with this crap. Is ironically christianity. Why do i say ironically. Because christianity till recently was massively anti jewish. But now it's pro jewish. I mean they let jews get away with EVERYTHING, because they think these evil fucking people are gods chosen, and they go to be tortured for all eternity if they aren't nice to jews and give them whatever they want..

Which ofcourse is bullshit.. This is how these assholes even get to play out their organized crime without any intervention. Because you can't be antisemitic. It's like a mafia making itself immune to critique. By gaining control of financial systems and media. So they can be top of the companies and especially media. And brainwash and indoctrinate the peoples in whatever direction that benefits the jew..

Now christians can be very nice people.. very very nice people. But my goodness they are an issue with regards to this! If they would get their fucking finger out of their ass with this it would solve so many problems.

Jews also follow the talmud and hate christianity so much that they would not even write an x on immigration papers on ellis island when they immigrated to USA. Because it's too close to the christian cross.. They wrote a circle and hence their nickname in usa became kikes, after yiddish kikel meaning circle.

Imagine if there was a TV show about Goyim that hunted down kikes they considered a threat...

no they hunt terrorist, and then a little asian girl explains how to best find em

jews see us as slavering monsters because they are that terrified of us. Because they attacked us and pushed us too far again and again throughout history. We have become like beasts of legend to them so they must dehumanize us and hunt us like we are monsters from a Grimm fairy tale. Their fear is such that there is no room to see us as people who just want to survive. The fact is that they created us with their witchhunts and planned genocides brought on by their neverending fear, paranoia, and persecution complex. The jews have long ago become the monsters they accuse us of being.

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They're mocking you

White Europeans are the descendants of Rome.
They are eternally butthurt that Rome kicked the shit out of them. Any hint of Rome is attacked viciously, and white people especially because they might recreate Rome.
Latin? Dead Language.
Christianity? Holy Roman Church.
Russia? Third Rome. Bolshevik time!
Nazi Germany? Roman salutes!
Fascist Italy? Roman Revival!
America? National symbol the eagle!
They're eternal crybabies about Rome. Hell, they have a remainder of their shitty temple in Jerusalem where Jews make pilgrimages from all around the world to stand in front of and cry about Rome. It's literally called the 'wailing wall'.
Imagine a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum in a grocery store. Now give that 3 year old complete and total power, authority, and wealth.
That's Judaism in a nutshell. Eternal Cult of Crybabies.

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>White Europeans are the descendants of Rome.
Ehh what..
Either way i don't care what justifications jews use about something something several thousand years ago. They are obviously even just by reading texts about their idiotic religion. COMPLETE ASSHOLE PEOPLE, which deeds involve human sacrifice, terrible things against people they don't like. And then eventually just to illustrate what assholes they are. They eventually get their ass kicked by the assyrians, and for several thousand years those people in the area don't want to give them part of their old country back later on.. BECAUSE THEY ARE ASSHOLES. Then they go to europe, engage more asshole behavior, get kicked out 300 times. So now apparently all europeans have to be made ethnic minority in their own countries because they didn't like jews in the past. Not to mention the shit that was going on leading up to wwII.. I mean this guy hitler that wanted to throw them out. It's not like this was the first time jews ever did bad shit in europe and was thrown out for it. But then a massive war starts because jews are very in control of USA and britain at the time, and things get completely out of hand..

And then after all this they keep fucking doing this bullshit. I mean. They're asshole people! It's the entire world is the problem not the jews..
>why doesn't the world like jews..
Why are jews such fucking assholes should be more of the question. Even with people going stupidly out of their way to kiss their ass, this shit is going on.

Oh not to mention. How did they finally manage to get their country back after several thousand years?
They after wwII use britain to carve out territory there, which they have now completely taken from the palestineans.. So after wwII they ended up doing exactly what hitler originally wanted, that the jews got the fuck out of europe and go live somewhere else. IRONIC AS FUCK ISN'T IT. The very people they are trying to destroy and flood with immigrants is the only fucking reason why they ever got their country back. HAHAHA

Can you say asshole any shorter than the word jew?

And about the video in the OP, what the fuck does africans have to do with nazi's. There was nobody planning to go to africa and murder africans. No, hitler accused jews of bringing in niggers into the rhineland, to try to mix them with germans to destroy germans ethnically. So hitler wanted those africans to go back and live in africa.

Everytime in this propaganda you have to have some nigger, and then some light skinned guy saying nazi's are bad, often polish guy, like they also do in those computer games of the wolfenstein series. And they both fighting nazi's together.

How the fuck does any of that make any sense?