Why wouldn't you vote for the first women president?
OK seriously
muh dik, the vote
There should be no women in politics. They should literally be related to home life. Feminine rulership is like that of the womb, of the cradle, or that of the Stone age long house in which the matriarchy sits softly by awaiting the descent of conquering men while engaging in human sacrifice and witchcraft.
Male leadership is like that of the Mead hall. Men who are explorers, warriors, and leaders. They are born to rule. The patriarchal society sends people to space. The matriarchal turns humans into androgenous yeast and cry about fat shaming while the men and women end up helpless and fat because they were coddled too much
Because women aren't rational. Every decision is about emotion and short-term gain, especially if it brings attention. Women also overwhelmingly support open borders and gun regulations. And no nation with a woman leader is respected on the world stage either.
women are not leaders, they ruin civilizations
she could literally beat you up
>woman does yoga
>"hurr she could beat up men"
>t. -s-o-y- boy that's never been in a fight
She couldn't deadlift my dick off of her dieing mother
I can literally overhead press more than she weighs. Like 80kg
Make America Yas Forums Again
Fitness goes hand in hand with greatness. Ancient Greece only let free men work out in the gym. Slaves were s o y boys
>Being a slave to men is nice and comfortable
But what about women like Hillary Clinton? She is cold-blooded and ruthless. "We came, we saw, he died... Hahahahahaha!" Jacinda Ardern and Theresa May would be clutching their pearls. If all women in politics were like Hillary, things would be a lot better.
to counter people like you who will vote for any woman just because you want nothing but a woman president
you have to be kept in check
She kind of looks like my ex, fit body and golden skin. My ex lost a lot of weight to get there though so she had a lot of loose skin. I bet she would look like this if she was fit her whole life.
Women are retarded.
Because I have standards.
this is a man who has sex. He slays pussy. When he comes home his wife, (who never leaves the kitchen) hugs him and sucks him off because of how irresistible he is.
>Why wouldn't you vote for the first women president?
>Woman president
No, I'm living in a country where a woman runs the executive branch that enforces laws. Not happening.
>woman support open borders and gun regulations.
no m8 thats democrats, i mean a lot of woman are democrats but nobody becomes POTUS without woman voting for him
Because women are incapable of basic reasoning.
Graphic from test that 40% of college educated women failed. Something your average 10 year old would get right.
if I magically gained American citizenship and if I registered to vote in America and if joe biden loses the primary to sanders and if sander then gets a heart attack and dies and if the DNC are fine with someone with two delegates winning the nomination then I would gladly vote for Tulsi Gabbard to be the first woman president.
Because I learn from history and recognize that once a nation elects a female to run it then it will perish shortly after.
also women instinctual seek to please men they perceive to be the alpha male, and women instinctual like to serve and not be served.
Putting a born slave into a position with near unlimited power and then surrounding her with nothing but the most psychopathic and dominant men this planet has to offer is literal suicide.
What do I win?
she isnt that attractive
I dont know why people pretend she is
You end up like sweden, finland or argentina
tulsi so nice
Shes one of (((them)))...
>eats babies=no vote
shit candidate
Waiting for AOC to become of age.
why did she record this? she comes off as any other millennial attention whoring retard. this is as cringe as Warren's beer drinking video or Beto's dentistry.
>voting for woman
because women aren't good at anything other than popping out babies.
Have a woman worth voting for run.
Until then eat muh dick, skirt.
Feminism is wrong.
she's a childless 40 year old tranny who wants migrants
i don’t vote for females ever, for any reason. never will. go fuck yourself
This same tired ass video. Does she not have other fitness videos?
This is how we get communists and socialists in power. Just be this dickhead, and refuse to vote for a woman, even if she is based like Condi or Hillary. Ever hear of the Manchurian Candidate? The whole plan went to shit, because Angela Lansbury had to depend on her dipshit husband and son, because closeted homosexuals refused to put an ambitious woman in power. So, the communists win, and women are still held in bondage, just the way the communists like it.
Chemical castration sorry
Because women can’t be president
>Power hungry woman
>Woman in the military
>Woman in congress
>Loves open borders
>Hates guns
>Far left on most issues
Nothing about Tulsi is appealing from a political standpoint. Some vid of her nasty ass working out doesn't change that. Makes her less respectable honestly.
Women are too unstable to be president. We'd be in nuclear war because putin said her pants made her ass look big. Have you never met a woman, user?
I dare you to unironically smell a woman’s asshole
I wanted to list the reasons, but I know what this is, and I'm just going to call you stupid and sage this dumb shit. Fuck you faggot OP.
>tfw 0%
Lmao she would rip you in two.
>bernouts 2%
>Why wouldn't you vote for the first women president?
Think of a man and then take away reason and accountability. Women are terrible leaders, not just of other women, but of everyone. They cave under pressure, they refuse to admit fault, and they're too lacking in confidence to seek council. Tulsi could be a good person, and a great woman. But she will never be a great leader. Hell, most men make terrible leaders. But there have maybe been one or two great leaders in the entirety of history that were women. And one of those might have actually been a man pretending to be a woman.
>But what about women like Hillary Clinton?
Self-serving, duplicitous, and extremely guilty of continued hubris in spite of regularly failing to deliver results. Her track record of positive accomplishments in the realm of politics outside of just making herself rich is nonexistent.
show us your tits, bitch.
>meme flag
fuck off kike.
You really can't drop your petty sexist for one second?
Fucking hell this board, fuck it, this whole shitshow site needs to be taken down already
This echo chamber spawns nothing but retards.
>Biden 88