/CNG/ Coronavirus Nothingburger General - Nothingburger Premiere

>South Koreas more accurate count of total infected produces 0.6% lethality rate

>Even leftist universities confirm lower death rate expected, as low as .1%
>Vaccine expert Paul A. Offit told us the rate could go below 1% as Trump says. “I think Trump is right,” said Offit, who holds the Maurice R. Hilleman Chair of Vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania.
>Offit likens the situation to the swine flu epidemic of 2009. At one point, he said, the mortality rate was thought to be much higher than the 0.01 to 0.03% it turned out to be. He thinks the mortality rate for coronavirus will similarly plummet and the “false notion that it is more likely to kill you than influenza” will disappear.

>WHO btfo
>Kike shills btfo

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Now panic you fucking sheep. Sell your stocks and buy up shit tickets and hand sanitizer.
Never believe kike leftist shills, not even once.

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>bbbut 3.4% lethality
It will be 0.1-0.5%, South Korea's early estimates are .6%
Only kikes believe WHO or CNN.

Everything's gunna be ok. Take a deep breath. Stretch out a little. Drink some water

Eat some food. Scratch your nuts

You should be prepped or prepping. If you aren't it's ok. But every little moment counts

Have faith

OH SHIT ITS 268.954.230

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Can we all agree that china should get nuked by now?

>B-b-but actual numbers are 2.5+ million in China

Then why dont you fucking add that instead of 100k on the /cvg/ shitheads.

This. But we need corona generals. I just get pissed at the entire catalog being filled with it. Also wonder if progressives haven’t been brigading with it

No. We don't. People that post them are kike leftists trying to panic people over a literal flu level illness.
Everyone replying to them is a brainlet for helping them shill.

I have kleenex and robitussen. My body is ready.

/cvg/ threads are kike leftist shilling over nothing to panic people so Sleepy Joe goes up in the polls.
The kikes are angry about trade deals and losing illegal alien slave workforce. Thats all this is about.

>Robotripping through Armageddon
A man of culture I see.

Duh that was obvious. The lethality rate up until now was calculated with confirmed cases vs deaths.
But it doesn't take unconfirmed cases in consideration. Now with the shortage of test kits everywhere they obviously will test only the people with serious, heavy symptoms. People with mild symptoms probably won't even ask to be tested and even if they do they won't get tested.
All of this combined makes it safe to assume that the lethality rate is lower


Not nuked. Firebombed repeatedly.

does the op pic have something to do with these absolute retards that denied existence of quantum physics on this board a while ago?

It has to do with retards not understanding the lethality rate is on the order of a severe flu and denying this scientific certainty and parroting WHO numbers known to be inaccurate

I agree but you must also factor in that it takes time to die from this disease, so the death count would be divided by the total number of cases as per a few days ago.

Not saying this will make it go back close to 3%, but 1% for healthy and 2-3% for no healthy seems reasonable

Look at the OP retard. This is a nothingburger general. To counter (((/cvg/))) ignorant nigger threads

Exactly. Pnly South Korea is waging a large testing campaign and coming up with 0.6% lethality and dropping.

This is a manufactured crisis

Fuck i just saw a pink elephant fly over my house

>they can’t be shil-
Guys I’m sorry I’m so sorry FUCK, why did I worry I stressed my girlfriend out over this shit God dammit. To believe I almost killed myself over this.

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How did they come up with all these test kits though. All I hear around the world is countries whining they don't have enough. Yet here they are testing fucking everyone they want

It doesn't help people are reading medical papers written by unverified sources and interpreting them however they please

can someone link me to a video, interview or anything from a recovered person besides that one bloke from uk that got it back in november?

South Korea is a 1st world country. Thats how. And also why I believe them.
Also consider there are several virologists in the US saying exactly the same estimates: 0.1-0.6%
I believe them over the pozzed globohomo WHO who thinks gender is a social construct.

This is going to cost Daddy Trump reelection and no amount of headinsandedness is going to stop it

Literal niggers don't get that the number of infected is far larger than reported.
This means a far lower lethality.
Exactly what hapoened in 2009 H1N1

Keep this in mind when talking about Corona..

China has at least 8,000 tons of gold, some say much more. China is now backing its digital currency with gold. Iraq tried to get away from the petro dollar. So did Libya and look what happened to those nations.

Between the swine flu and the CIA-stage Hong Kong riots and now Corona, looks like someone is gleefully rubbing their paws together, drooling over the thought of getting that gold.

Now who could that be?

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>(((Shill confirmed)))

Remind me how many millions were locked into their homes during H1N1.

The same WHO niggers and leftists shilling this as the plague

H1N1 is a strain of flu. They're unrelated.

Between November 2002 and July 2003, an outbreak of SARS in southern China caused an eventual 8,098 cases, resulting in 774 deaths reported in 17 countries (9.6% fatality rate),[1] with the majority of cases in mainland China and Hong Kong.[2] No cases of SARS have been reported worldwide since 2004.[3] In late 2017, Chinese scientists traced the virus through the intermediary of civets to cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in Yunnan province.

The W.H.O. has been downplaying the issue for months.

Ill be your huckleberry muhammed.
What was the lethality rate at the beginning of H1N1 you nigger?
Also what is the ACTUAL total infected? Not reported. Actual.

Answer those and calculate the lethality. Oh wait. South Korea is doing it now? Oh they say preliminary 0.6%.
Sounds like Orange man was correct huh nigger?


Incredibly efficient incredibly cheap medical system.

My $200 prescription costs one dollar here.

People talk about a hundred dollar medical bill like it's shockingly high here.

Attached: 59e6df0a5220280001bb45dd_sap-south-korea-2.jpg (592x395, 26.82K)

We can ride this deal out, don't "panic spend" on 6 months of supplies and water, but a modest approach would be to have 2 weeks of food water etc available if needed. This will also boost the food producers, who buy from the farmers, who use a lot of fuel and so on. If we approach this right it could be much better for America but not necessarily these huge multinational corporations that are heavily invested in Chinese manufacturing. If we can manage our exposure to the virus while being responsible and helping American businesses we just might come out of this virus scare better off.

I know that nigger. But the same WHO that claimed it was 3-6% in 2009 claims this is as lethal. Which is false for the same fucking reason.
>niggershill confirmed

>"Vaccine expert Paul A.Offittold us the rate could go below 1% as Trump says. “I think Trump is right,” said Offit, who holds theMaurice R. Hilleman Chair of Vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Offit likens the situation to the swine flu epidemic of 2009. At one point, he said, the mortalityratewas thought to be much higher than the 0.01 to 0.03% it turned out to be. He thinks the mortality rate for coronavirus will similarly plummet and the “false notion that it is more likely to kill you than influenza” will disappear."

>cnn and the daily mail don’t have plans in a situation like this to gain daily viewership and hook people right

Ahhhahha, knew it! Kung Flu was fake news. A slightly more severe version of what is already about!

Bullshit they just warned everyone to take it seriously and used a debunked 3% lethality figure

So much this.

NO ONE is talking about the fact their burning their cash and trying to make it all crypto while sitting on huge amounts of gold.

Can't watch cause I'm at work. Guessing it sucks but was fine.

Keep in mind however they look relatively fit and healthy where as here in USA 60% of us are obese and/or have a comorbidity, meaning it's gonna be harder on us as a whole

Based SK

>sourced information

>nothingburger gang
>experts say

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Cheers lads

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nice thanks

You clearly don't. H1N1 didn't result in the quarantine of millions and a cruise liner.

It’s shocking to me that more people don’t have a few weeks/months worth of food and water in hand. Are people this dumb and trusting of the government these days? My dad taught me to always have emergency supply. But then again I grew and and now live right against a major fault line in the US.

>18 posts by op

Qrd, They’re Aussie, dude caught flu A before this on the diamond princess, then they both tested positive for corona. Girl had a sore throat, dude had no symptoms at all. Both were cleared via tests and they went home.

>cvg cnn and daily mail and tabloid articles also are feds
>nbg genuine expert options
Color me surprised

You’re welcome. There’s more. I’m archiving them in bookmarks, not all videos though. Some just news reports. Supposedly now there’s more than 15 recoveries in the US according to I think CNN, but BNO still shows 9.

I like your boots




Nope and cope.
>believes WHO and nigger shills calls them sources

>New England Journal of Medicine:
>"Anthony Fauci,director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,took the position that the mortality rate may well fall dramatically. It said if one assumed that there were several times as many people who had the disease with minimal or no symptoms as the number of reported cases, the mortality rate may be considerably less than 1%. That would suggest “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza,” the editorial said."

University of Pennsylvania Virology:
>Vaccine expert Paul A. Offit told us the rate could go below 1% as Trump says. “I think Trump is right,” said Offit, who holds the Maurice R. Hilleman Chair of Vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania.
>Offit likens the situation to the swine flu epidemic of 2009. At one point, he said, the mortality rate was thought to be much higher than the 0.01 to 0.03% it turned out to be. He thinks the mortality rate for coronavirus will similarly plummet and the “false notion that it is more likely to kill you than influenza” will disappear.
>Offit believes there has been a “wild overreaction” to the disease, in part because it is new. “We’re more the victim of fear than the virus,” he said.

>Laval University Quebec
>Gary Kobinger, director of the Infectious Disease Research Center at Laval University in Quebec, told the health website STAT in February that it would be highly unusual if there weren’t mild cases that had been missed. The website’s article said: “He pointed to the fact that outbreaks have popped up in countries far from China — including Iran and Italy — because people with mild infections were not detected and traveled to other places.

They didn't use the 3% because they wanted people to be scared. They used the 3% because they wanted everyone to believe China.

It's the basic problem with every something burger fag on here. They scream "WHO AND CHINA ARE LYING" and then they use the Who and China's case fatality rate. Every single time.

There are two numbers that make up a case fatality rate. The number of diagnoses and the number of dead. We know China is lying about both of these numbers. And we know they lie about them at different rates because we've watched them do it. Which means China's CVR is trash. And yet every one of them keeps screaming China and the WHO's 3%.

Furthermore the only names I found from that nursing home that were deceased were asian names. Same with Italy.

Current lethality estimate 0.6%
In two weeks it will be between 0.1%-0.5%
Screencap this you feral nigger shill

AHHH! A Corona virus just flew over my house!

>nigger claims panic induced by disinformation is proof of reason to panic

I bet you plug your surge protector into itself and call it free energy.

Based SK bro. People here not believing chinese numbers but taking their research as fact is retarded.

Ah, thank you kind stranger

Yessir. Imagine being a /cvg/ brainlet and posting 50 shill threads a day supported by Bloombergers. All to be btfo by one dude that understand statistics and cites actual sources.