Why won’t mainstream media outlets address Biden’s dementia?

Why won’t mainstream media outlets address Biden’s dementia?

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Trump will blast him for it once the primaries are over.

Who cares?

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Because they really want the deep state to be in charge

It's aphasia, not dementia

Vice President Biden spoke about how difficult it was to overcome his stutter in a 2010 appearance on ABC's The View. In 2011, he wrote an essay for People Magazine on his experience:

“I never had professional therapy, but a couple of nuns taught me to put a cadence to my speaking, and that's why I spent so much time reading poetry – Emerson and Yeats,” Biden wrote. “But even in my small, boys' prep school, I got nailed in Latin class with the nickname Joe Impedimenta. You get so desperate, you're so embarrassed.”

Vice President Biden is an inspiration to those who stutter, proving that struggling with stuttering does not have to hinder your personal success.

At a 25th anniversary gala for The Lab School of Washington, Biden told the audience, “God’s gift to me was my stuttering,” he said. But he also warned, “Don’t let your learning disability define you.”

As a child, Biden worked on relieving his stuttering by reciting poetry in front of the mirror while monitoring his facial reactions. Overcoming the disability and the outcast status it gave him made him that much stronger and more empathetic later in life, he noted.

“Time and time again, my parents taught me that being different is no barrier to success,” Biden said. “And the measure of a man isn’t how often he is knocked down but how quickly he gets up.”

In May 2015, Vice President Biden sent a letter to the Stuttering Foundation of America in celebration of the Foundation’s annual Lotos Club Gala. He offered up some valuable advice to those struggling with stuttering:

“If I could share one piece of advice with all of those struggling with a stutter, it would be this: When you commit yourself to a goal and when you persevere in the face of struggle, you will discover new strengths and skills to help you overcome not only this challenge, but future life challenges as well. I promise you – you have nothing to be ashamed of, and you have every reason to be proud.”

Immigrants and citizens have the same class interests so bring all of central and South America here to fight the rich.

the MSM hates Bernie and Tulsi and everyone else dropped out so they are putting all their hopes on Biden

Hillary will become president after his dementia “takes over” conveniently six months into his term.
This is what I am detecting

for the same reason they always cover trump's gaffs

I love how people here see it in Biden clear as day, yet are completely blind when it comes to seeing the exact same thing in Trump.

I love how desperate blue no matter who shills are.

vote sanders not dementia

Joementia is more than a stutter, moron. Stuttering doesn't make you forget where you are and what you're running for.

I don't vote for boomer scum. That's a cuck move. They need to fuck off and die already. They created the mess this world is today, and just keep looting us on their way to the grave. People who continue to let them keep doing it are enablers and traitors.

He's faking

Compare his speech today with 2016 and 2008. A few weeks ago he couldn't remember the word "equal" in "all men are created equal"

That's not a stutter, it's cognitive decline.

He's already started, there was a town hall yesterday where he mentioned a bunch of bidens dementia sentences and said "there's something going on there"

then you can only vote tulsi

There's videos of him from a few years ago speaking for minutes on end making no mistakes or stutters

this, it is a clear and open lie

Because that would acknowledge that the DNC has no chance at victory in the election.

I look forward to six months of these two senile fucks publicly shitting their depends and having repeated mental lapses.

Because they want the win no matter how dire the consequences.

Trump has charisma, though, so he is endearing even when he says weird shit. Biden is screwed.

They will, once trump gets his hands on him.

You can easily see how fast he has gone down hill just by watching this video from 2016. Here you can tell Joe is still aware and thinking. The Joe of today is a pile of mush compared to him just 4 years ago.

He's really not. He tosses out word salad like a methhead and is as big of a gaffe machine as Biden.

They will after he beats Bernie. Trust the plan

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I'm glad you base your opinion of Trump on a single clip you saw on the MSM

Fake and gay made up story. This guy is a confirmed liar and a plagiarist

I can see it in both men, and it's frightening that they may vie for the most important job on earth. Bernie is the only one of the three with his wits about him, and he just had a heart attack. I'll vote Bernie in my primary because he's the only one who at least goes into the job with his brain functioning.

I know you're a hyper-sensitive man child but if you were actually honest with yourself you'd realize Trump is a salesman and he is used to talking to a room full of other executives where things move fast and you have to be convincing. Trump says some weird shit but if you actually broke it down you'd see he is communicating fully formed ideas he just doesn't bother with specifics. He jumps from subject to subject because he needed to retain attention and remain persuasive.

The media likes to pretend Trump is some kind of retard but they are just using his frantic style to create a false reality. The truth is anyone with half a brain who is paying attention to Trump can tell exactly what he's saying.

Quit being such a whiny little bitch and try to help instead of ruining everything you fucking asshole.

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Hes their only hope, he represents exactly what the democrats are to the world.

I love his dementia. I'm Ridin' with Bad Touch Biden.

Trump derangement syndrome detaches you from the obvious

We really have a dearth of leaders in the US who are in their prime years of about 45-60. The geezers just BTFO of them.

Because they're retarded too.

>bernie has a functioning brain

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So you're saying we kept the trannies in the school but now we also have lady maga and conservatrannies?

So humble. Truly a presidential quality. ififififififififififififififif

Trump is more aware than most people half his age.

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Yes, I came to that conclusion from a single clip of him. Fucking retard.

because who cares, its just a speech impediment, it doesnt affect his ability to think

You may not like his ideas, but they're his and he's consistent about them. He doesn't utter incoherent sentences and he has no trouble bringing up words. He's one of those few geezers who doesn't seem to have lost anything at his age. His physical health is more questionable.

He's really not, and it is sad that faggots like you feel the need to keep making excuses for the senile boomers who cuck you.

Why should they - they're ignoring Trump's.

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>he just sniffs women so what?
>he isnt groping little girls, hes just really touchy feely
>negro isnt racist
>its just a speech impediment
>its just a stroke, its not a big deal
>its just a day in the hospital, its fine
>plenty of people go to hospice and survive

You have to seriously wonder about Joe

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Why you he hell so you think op? The dnc basically is in control of all the media in this country.

What's with all these leftists acting like Trump has anywhere near the same level of mental decline as Biden? Dude is sharper than the average person, not a dementia patient like Biden.

Pick one. He slurs, talks in circles about nothing after getting way off point then compensates by emphasizing buzzwords and petty nicknames (does nothing to substantiate an argument but it makes his NPC supporters spazz out). Not to mention the endless lies, contradictions, and downright unsubstantiated assertions he makes on a daily basis makes him and anyone supporting him look like fucking idiots. About the only thing he's not a complete retard at is reading a crowd.

Biden lies about everything and has since day one, so please spare the us the "muh trump lies" you filthy faggot.

>B-biden lies too!
So the fuck what? Fuck Biden and fuck Trump. Fuck you too if you support either one.

Except Trump still has his fastball. Biden is walking into his own personal holocaust at the debates

>shills for biden
>hypocrisy exposed
>b-b-but i hate them both!!
Fuck off shillfag

he'll die of corona before the election is over. screenshot this

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Because they want him in office so that they can get reliable handlers who will effectively run the country for him. He will just be the face of the new regime.

Trump is a genius with it though, his simplistic trash talking style works and thoroughly rattles his opponents cage forcing them to lose their cool. Face it it's a winning strategy that comes natural to him after years of being a big talking showboat and salesman. It's all so American and awesome.

He's the place holder for clinton. She will be his vp nomination, and then resign due to health reasons after the election.

Did you just realize that the media is biased trash?

>criticizing my daddy Trump is a sin! It automatically means you're shilling!
Shut the fuck up. I don't support Joementia Cornpop Biden or your king of the jews Zion Don.

Why does the democratic party keep putting in people with obvious health issues? There's something else going on here.

meme material boyz

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They just want to push whoever reinforces the corporatist establishment status quo the most.

Based. We need more people like you, user.