EBay is banning the sale of all face masks, hand sanitizers, and wipes to stop scalp hoarders

>eBay announced Thursday it is banning certain items associated with COVID-19, including Masks (including N95/N100 and surgical masks); Hand Sanitizer/Gel; and Disinfecting Wipes.
>The company cited regulatory restrictions and wrote, "These listings may violate applicable US laws or regulations, eBay policies, and exhibit unfair pricing behavior for our buyers."
>eBay had previously issued an advisory to sellers reminding them of certain policies related to such products - basically policies dealing with health claims, keyword spamming, and price gouging (see the February 28th eBay Announcement Board post).

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Wouldn't want to stop the spread of the disease. We really need some population control.

Good. Imagine some fag though he's so smart an bought thousands of dollars worth of masks and now stuck with them.


imagine being such a dirty rat kike that you would horde medical devices in the midst of a pandemic to profit a few shekels. You would literally have to have no morals or integrity.

Good for them. I still think all of this is a huge overreaction but scalpers are soulless trash, not human.

Retards keep stealing the wipes and sanitizers we have here at the office. Gonna piss in a canister of wipes and leave it out as a trap.


tfw ill just sell my shit on amazon.

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Good, regular masks, filter or no filter, actually make it much worse for you. The moisture in the mask turns it into a breeding ground for viruses. That's how asians spread this shit like wild fire amongst themselves.

eBay banning arbitrage for normies, only jews can profit off of hysteria

There are other platforms you know
Why not try Mercari
-Team Mercari

>use them because they need them
Get ready to die
Okay boomer
Hippity hoppitty, no white rabbit pedo cult saves you

Imagine letting the weak and unprepared live to further ruin the west

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I run a mold remediation company.

Moves by Amazon and Ebay to stop mask sales is absolutely grinding our productivity to a halt.

Beyond COVID-19 prepardeness, theres entire industries that need P100 tier masks to work.

The answer to shortages isn't rationing, it's ramping up production.



All our normal suppliers (Grainger, 3M direct sales, etc) are only shipping to hospitals and first responders right now. For a few weeks we could still order half masks off E-bay, Amazon or Home Depot, but now everything is either sold out or they aren't allowing sales anymore.

>what is Alibaba

muh free market

boycott jewbay


Yes, let me buy knock-off non NIOSH approved masks from China that themselves may be contaminated... OSHA would love that.

No thanks

>breeding ground for viruses.
You are fucking retarded. But the mask does stop working after about 3 hours because of mositure and if it has a vent it does fuck all for preventing an already sick person from spreading it.

i love our free market economy

Maybe I will ban my custom at eBay then.

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why does the medical community need masks if it actually makes it much worse
this is the most retarded shit i ever heard

>seaboard brothers
I want some cause im just getting into volatile 3d printer resin and alcohls
Shits nasty

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Magid will ship if you have ordered from them before not sure their supply right now though. Grainger is done though and 3M simply doesn't have enough supply.

It's not like a mask will do you any good, anyways

Unironically Based

((((Speculators))) blown the FUCK out

>to stop scalp hoarders
It was bound to happen. The just-in-time system is falling apart fast for those supplies and people are still in a panic.

>Imagine some fag though he's so smart an bought thousands of dollars worth of masks and now stuck with them.
I used to maintain a large stockpile of them for work. Very dusty and would clog up the filter media on a daily basis. Back then, you could get a 240 mask case of 3M 9210 for $50. After I quit that job, I sent the rest of those masks to family, knowing that stuff like this happens. They thought it was patently silly and gave away most of it. When the panic hit, they said it was very useful and asked if I had any more of them.

Oh well, I tried. It's not difficult to make a filtration mask, it's just really bulky compared to a commercial option.

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Based ebay

Cryptokikes hoarding supplies to price gouge during crises should be thrown off of cliffs.

you lacisct! aporogize .

That's why we need them for our medical professionals.
Good goy.

Exactly. Pure based from ebay.

Bro the factory workers are DEAD.

>not buying water for when the treatment plant misses its train car delivery of chlorine because the rail system has been crippled

Don't worry, no one's going to be having strangers into their homes to sort out mold for a few months.

what a fucking shabbos goy. This nigga probably thinks diversity is our strength too. Probably a leaf using a VPN.

Then why bother saving them for medical workers?


KEK that is exactly it. Some asshole was whining on the GeeLpee forum about being blocked from reselling all the masks he bought at very high prices. Someone else was selling bottles of hand sanitizer for 120 bucks and stupid people were actually buying it.

Glad to see the greedy SOBs are taking a hit. Next up will be shady looking people popping the trunk and saying "hey bro I got some masks--500 each."

DIY masks


Yes and that’s why they are so desperately needed for medical personal right??? Right user???




Scumbag price gougers,probably 80 percent niggers doing it

I want to waterboard peppers with their own water rations.

Check out gunbroker the gun community acts like niggers

If a hospital gave you a $2.00 Mask and Billed you $25.00 you would think you were getting a deal. No ONE WOULD SAY A WORD. Look at the bigger picture. Big Business & government didn't plan ahead instead a bunch of 4chaners did and they are pissed. Dont get pissed at the little guy trying to make a few extra buck

>Get caught in a snowstorm, forgot to fill windshield washer fluid before leaving.
Stopped at interstate gas station, there's a display of 99 cent gallon bottles priced $5.00.
After Clinton/BushI gun ban, magazines that held more than ten rounds were selling for ten times their usual price.
Amazon sellers are doing the same thing with the same items, respirators, Purell, etc.
Price gougers are sordid little terds.
This is just a taste of the boogaloo.

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>Goy entrepreneurs not allowed to gouge through Ebay and other systems
>The Jew still allowed to gouge goys
Watch as (((3M))) and other (((industries))) tied to sanitation/sterilization, hygiene, and viral protection hike their prices.

Fuck ebay. I still have some masks to sell!

but being a landlord or house flipper is respectable? Housing is a necessity, masks are not.

The definition of a pharma company.

Disaster profiteers need to be put against the wall. Then distribute their stock where needed for free.

YUP and it's fucking difficult to find masks.
For my dutch anons, i got them from: gasmask.nl/nl/

WHY are People Even Mad About Masks being so expensive. The government told me I dont do need them because they don't work. Thanks government for saving me some money!

As much as I hate fucking scalpers, I was happy to at least be able to find some N95 masks on eBay. They are sold out everywhere in person. Now instead of getting ripped off your only option is to die. Sad.

>muh mask shortage
Shouldn't all your workers already have ppe masks and the only thing you need is a stock of filters? I haven't read about a shortage of filters. Why the fuck would you use disposable masks?

Anyone that says profiteering is bad is retarded.
>some autist on Yas Forums sees a leak 2 months ago and buys a shit-ton of masks because it triggers his schizo-senses
>stupid fucking normies didn't end up preparing, even though they knew about the virus a month ago
>most STILL aren't preparing
>most won't prepare even as people fall left and right
>it's the autist's fault that they die
>it's even more of the autist's fault that he's selling things at a higher price

Nobody stopped anybody from buying these masks early on. There was no restriction of information. There's no monopoly on buying masks.

You sound like the fucking kids that come to a birthday party 3 hours late and have the audacity to be butthurt that everyone else ate all the cake.

If the Scalpers didn't buy them all, the government would have come in a bought every mask as a state of emergency. Then they would have decided who was good enough to get them. If you did your homework you could buy 10 pack of 3m N95 mask for $60 with shipping. Retail is $22.30. Would have been well worth it buying them for than going to 4 home depots and spending 4 hours looking for them. Yes there were some people trying to sell them for $199.00 a box but those didnt even sell.

What the hell? Do they want people to die? I recently caught on that this is becoming big and can't find an n95 mask anywhere.. All the hand sanitizer is sold out..

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Come on People don't give up. There's Still soap. and plenty of Water bottles left. Be Crafty.

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Ok jew