Coronavirus infected black man deliberately spreads the virus

"Word. Mother fucking white people be like, 'Oh, no, that virus is gonna get me.' I'm gonna get chu! Gonna get chu! Gonna get chu! Watch out!"

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Straight up! I can hands that virus. Though I be trying to get that shit. So I can go smear my mucus on white people's door knobs, car handles, burger buns, chairs....word. This is our chance, my beautiful black people. This is it!

good, corona is a bullshit propaganda piece, wake people up to the moral fraudulence of niggers

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You best not use that n-word with me, white boi. I bust your ass up!

Word, my peeps. Lets get the word out! MY INFECTED BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Spread it. Smear it on the toilet paper packages and disinfectent wipes, cold meds packaging...spread it!

Is he /ournig/?

>tries to infect people
>uses ice cream


>Not licking the top so that the buyer doesn't notice
Maayyyn sheeit I be spreadin dat coronavirus errywhur

>This was in september.
>There is no source

Too many smooth-brains in Yas Forums these days.

Big time! One of my gurls back in Atlanta tink she gots it so she be spitting that viral into whitey faces on the buses! LOL she be so cute. THAT MY GURL!

>yesterday on pol
take the doorknob challenge to prove you're not a pussy
>today on pol
look at this nigger licking things

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

this ice cream lick meme was/is a real thing

but do you have any proof that the nigger has any more germs beyond the typical nigger ones? he plead guilty to criminal mischief, but i see nothing about corona virus

Whats wrong?
This has been the openly stated plan

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Someone ought to start hunting down and killing fuckers like this. Intentionally spreading disease should immediately qualify the offender to being ground down to fertilizer.

these black fuckheads always look the same

It's an obvious outcome/reaction from the hating niggers. Stories are floating throughout the stations and hubs that black folks are trying to get that virus to infect white people. Obviously, they don't care if it kills themselves.

Men like that are Negross.

>the nigger has any more germs beyond the typical nigger ones?

user...that's your biggest concern

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Haha imagine buying sealed food packages that are anything but, why isn't there anything between the top cover and the ice cream?

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Infecting others, while protecting yourselves!?

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This virus is targeting mankind. I would imagine, some group of people or man, himself, would enjoy taking responsibility, thus to manmade. But that's not the case.

It's coming from the ocean. Plain and simple. This is the consequence of dumping all that garbage there.

Covid-19 will be in every single home by June. Just in time for it to evolve to adult stage in July. The worst.

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This is why I hate Yas Forums you people have never spoken to a nigger so your larp is horrible

I don't eat. Nigger food ... I don't eat at restaurant

who wants ice cream after a nigger had his lips on it..? yea, nobody..

He dindu nuffin!

True .. I live on my land ... I don't talk to niggers... when I'll be 75yrs old I'll commit suicide and bring as much as possible with me ... see you in 2070

>eating ice cream
>eating ice cream in america where you know this shit is common
deserved desu

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>he thinks he there will be a 2070

>Exposing newfags: the thread
Keep up the great work, OP.

all niggers must die

Imagine letting a filthy low grade brown person care for your child.

I hate niggers

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Be quiet. This hub is used for other purposes. Most of you kids have the slightest idea "who."

I know people. This is in the back of their desperate and vengeful minds. "Reap what you have sowed."

stfu and kys

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little does this nigger know that BASED bill gates has created the virus to kill all buy whites

The world will not survive these people. They are more dangerous than any virus.

Mask. But funny.

No. Earth created this booger. China has been dumping a lot of garbage into the ocean. Research strange objects reported over the Pacific ocean and military's aware. "Russia know them as beautiful creatures."

Economy rapists keep their young parasites locked away in homes while babysat by technology. The virus will infect them as well as panic room environments.

you still have unsealed stuff in muttland? what kind of 3rd world shithole has this?

They think we eat blue bell. They can only approach this world from a position of poverty. Fucking pathetic.

Lesson learned. Don't hire nogs

judge dredd when

If the virus gets bad enough or there's enough social chaos from the panic. This is inevitable, anyway.

What evidence do you have for these claims besides pure schizophrenic delusion fren?

First thing, "my body, my choice!" So if I want to spread something from "my body," that's my gaddamn choice!

No, Eugene. We have plans already in place. We know where the guns are. We know the gun owners. And trust me...barricading yourself inside your home with guns will last so long. You and your love ones, "stand no chance."

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I'm not pulling the sources for your lazy ass. You pull them. Google! Start typing, my little weak boneless parasite.

daily reminder that after white countries have spent the equivalent of five Marshall Plans in africa, this is modern nigeria, a country awash in natural resources

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>blacks are 13% of Americans
>if they all left, obesity would only go down 10%
Wow, I guess white Americans really are the Amerilards after all. That's so strange though, almost every black woman I see is like a ball of fat, where are all these skinny ones then?

Feel very very angry right now

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In Nigeria they don't wait for a virus to kill grandma and grandpa. They just kill them themselves so they can take their house and possessions.

there was a long line at the supermarket cold cut section today, so I started coughing and acting sick. that place cleared out, like 12 people left and my number was called right away. this coronachan is coming in pretty handy.

This is by no means common. Thank god. But yeah people shouldnt eat icecream anyway


I am definitely demanding that my wife stay home and take care of the kids when I have some. Fuck leaving them in the hands of strangers.

Agreed. But it doesn't matter. I heard the homeless and street people are using this as triggers and retaliation. Something like...Based

That Aid money has done exactly what it was meant to: inflate the nigger population far beyond what they could independently sustain, then pour them all out into Europe and eventually the rest of the world

>almost every black woman I see is like a ball of fat, where are all these skinny ones then?

idk, but if you happen to live in a southern state, then non-fat nigger women are even more exceptionally rare there

He didn't have corona he was a nig in Texas who made a video of him licking ice cream back in August. He got a month of jail time and has to pay a little over $2000 in fines.

>in one simple glance, infant stupidly communicates its intellectual superiority.
>inferior worker loses it.

I used to believe that all people are created equal, and that racism is for the ignorant. Now I undoubtably believe that all blacks are subhuman, hang them all!