you absolute scum, fuck you all. We could have had a utopia with free healthcare and college and BTFO all the boomers but you fucked it up because "muh racism". I put so much time and money into helping his campaign. Fuck you, seriouly fuck you all.
You ruined America
Other urls found in this thread:
lol jk, how's that knife in your back feel bernouts?
Go back to your NDP welfare cavern you socialist fuck
>free healthcare and college
Dat Shit is already free nigga
agreed OP, these magachuds are incapable of voting in their own self interest
Did the 2016 election also have wojak spam
>open borders
>free healthcare and college for white people
Choose one and only one.
Bump. Please post Berniebitches I need some salt. Lol
he hasn't dropped out or endorsed anybody yet.
Also friendly reminder that Bernie consistently opposed trade deals while Biden supported NAFTA and Trump still ships jobs overseas.
it had some but at the end it was a lot of Pepe because Hillary unironically claimed Pepe was a white supremacist symbol so Yas Forums ran with it for the laughs.
does anyone even read the thread before replying anymore?
Imagine having such a lack of self awareness that you think America wants commie yahuudi has POTUS
Why would i read Leafs E-shit i already know you didn't say anything worthy of attention
stfu chud
lmao widdle baby didnt listen when we warned him and now the big bad bernie is gonna walk away with all his money again lol, how does it feel to be such a cuck you fell for it twice? You have gotta be a troll if you thought your shitty idealistic utopia was achievable look up the origin of the word utopia ya retard
use a real insult, faggot, you seriously think anybody is intimidated by a limp wrist pussy like you who is too scared to use a no no word? lmao are you all ten?
Imagine believing that the entire primary wasn’t a sham. In current year, no less!
no fuck you leaf
>We could have had a utopia
There's your problem, utopias are not real.
I would have voted for him but when he talked about open borders and free health care for illegals he lost me. Blame him not us.
Commies never win you fucking loser
Fixed it for you.
Fuck off retard.
Fuck you
Why do you want to have your taxes increase to 53% in order to buy boob jobs and oxycodone for shiftless deadbeats?
You know you can just get health insurance right? It costs like $80-$250 a month depending on your plan. Just learn how to not buy garbage and pay your bills shithead.
LMAO stay mad when Bernie wins cuckfuck.
Imaging falling for 'free stuff'?
>it's not the jews, it's the boomers
>it's not the jews, it's the millennials
>it's not the jews, it's the zoomers
>it's not the jews, it's the liberals
>it's not the jews, it's the neocons
>it's not the jews, it's the rich
>it's not the jews, it's the niggers
>it's not the jews, it's the chinks
>it's not the jews, it's the Anglos
>it's not the jews, it's the Russians
>it's not the jews, it's the Americans
>it's not the jews, it's the zionists
>it's not the jews, it's the globalists
>it's not the jews, it's the chritians
>it's not the jews, it's the muslims
>it's not the jews, it's the freemasons
>it's not the jews, it's the jesuits
>it's not the jews, it's the reptilians
>it's not the jews
>it's not the jews
>it's not the jews
Why do Canadians care?
Dont you already live in the "utopia"?
>utopia with free healthcare and college
no, idiot, the play was to impose communism to destroy destroy healthcare and college
Can somebody do this but with bernie wearing a TF2 spy mask?
Based leaf
Wholesome Bernerino moment
They could just let the red states form their own confederacy. You would then be free to create your socialist utopia. Just let the south go were all rednecks anyways.
Nah they think Trudeau is some sort of oil fascist or something
Shut up cracker
>that body language
biden has 638, sanders has 563. They need 1991 delegates to be the nominee. its too early to start crying.
when will bernouts finally take the redpill and realize we could afford their socialist utopia if we got rid of all nigs and spics
>LMAO stay mad when Bernie wins
>This delusional
Literally every single Bernout I know is below the age of 30 and is just voting for him based on wanting gibs or "stick it to the boomers". I hope they all chimp out when the DNC nominates Biden and they kill each other off.
>the eternal waffle strikes again
I'd actually join them if they realized this. Until then they are doomed
If things keep going as is Milwaukee is gonna be mega-comf.
communism works. the goal of communism is to murder half the political class and it works.
>when will bernouts finally take the redpill and realize we could afford their socialist utopia if we got rid of all nigs and spics
Bernie to receive a beach house.
lmao. this one right here hits the nail on the fucking head. Niggers already get all the gibs they need. You can't buy them, because they're already bought.
Why do you faggots just roll over for the dnc
Ok, so before i begin, you need to stop using Yas Forums words that you learned from r/Yas Forums before embarking on this little “operation” of yours. You are a literal söy, and a bitch. Using those words just makes you somehow even more cringe than you already are. So, with that out of the way:
Nobody here likes you
Everyone hates you
You have not, nor ever will, convince people to vote for your kike.
Your debt will never go away.
You are a failure in life, and nobody is going to save a weakling like you.
Everyone here, is willing to be on any side opposite of yours, because they hate you and people like you more than anything.
Youve wasted your time on here, and money trying to convince people to vote for direct white genocide.
You arent “cool”, you arent “hip”. You are literally the embodiment of pure cringe and you ooze failure.
When you lose and run out of cope, youll realize all this and hopefully an hero yourself.
So were finished now. Go back, and remember: no refunds.
>utopia with free healthcare and college and BTFO all the boomers
Ok now tell me who's going to pay for it.
Hard mode: no infringement on private property (a pillar of civilization).
How is importing millions of scabs from central America to drive down wages "in my self interest"? Not a single one of you memeflag faggots have ever answered this.
Opinion immediately discarded