Heart attack when?
Heart attack when?
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lube yourself up buddy, 5 more years
Keep doing these photoshops. We need more Democrats defecting.
It's called coronavirus
Sick Democrats said they'll attend his rallies so be careful Trumplads
>going to a rally during a virus outbreak
you get whats coming
Someone do that thing where you swap the mouth and eyes
Good maybe his cult will think it's real then
I like casual Trump, reminds me of my grandpa.
>saturation +40%
3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible.
It's not a photoshop.
It is the news oversaturating the picture to make it look much worse than it is.
This guy is throwing off alpha particles like a kettle of popcorn, call radiation control!
I'd almost like him if he wasn't the most powerful man on the planet.
Why is a straight guy wearing fake tan and make-up? Just very feminine, small hands, fake tan and always crying on social media. Plus he is hiding his balding.
So photoshop. Newsflash retard, photoshop allows editing of images. Yes, that includes changing the saturation
Ginsbirg and Biden will have them by the end of year. Bernie already got his.
I was hoping he'd contract the corona virus in India. No Luck
>Omg /ptg/ thread yaaay
>Duh dums libturds
>Five mo years huhhuhuhu
He looks like a Cheetos on that pic
>Because nothing exemplifies peak masculinity and chadness like a Bong
>Why is a straight guy wearing fake tan and make-up?
He is an actor.
>Boo-tiful babies
>Muh chemical attacks
this is now a hand thread. post your hands or you're a limp-dicked small handed faggot
this. goodbye orange kike
He knows how bad it's really getting
So mad this is the pedantic drivel you faggots resort to now. It's glorious. Yet also pathetic. Britain used to be such a great nation...time to hang up the hat Grandpa.
They need new jannies because the current ones are too busy spamming slides to do their fucking job.
Not photoshop. It's done during broadcast.
Trump hasn’t done anything for Israel at all. He moved a building, drew a circle on a map, and that’s it. No war with Iran, no Assad removal in Syria. No Kurdistan. No 38 billion. Yet the 90 IQ Israelis (look it up kek) are erecting statues to him and even naming streets and towns after him.
Yet he has done less for Israel than any President in history. It’s a fact. He talks big, but does nothing.
So of course I’ll vote for “Zion” Don in November. And he will win the popular vote, and even California will cast their electoral votes for him.
hair not on fire... are you even trying
Why is he dressed like CIA?
Cool spacing and lies about the 38 billion, and glossing over the fact that the embassy move is a huge gift that they've always wanted
I bet your sub misses you
In 1976 Nasa's Viking 1 sent back an image of Mars with blue skies
Nasa claimed image had yet to be calibrated with right colour balance
MIGA my fellow pede, truly based Donald Trump will lower black unemployment and my wifes boyfriend can finally get a job! Yaaaaay!!
High blood pressure from all those mcdonalds.
Change channels or turn the contrast down. CNN and MSNBC go out of their way to make him glow. They LOVE him!
>Liberals make fun of someones skin color
Nobody cares
>Me, an intellectual, makes fun of blacks (NIGGERS) skin color
Everyone gets mad at me
Retards don't get that before 2016 every normie everywhere defended Israel. Now the sentiment is the opposite.
4 more years
gotta admit that kike song is kind of hype
But seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
Why the fuck do you care biscuit nigger?
You gotta loicense for that post?
Trump has mad multiple heart-attacks behind closed doors.
What’s he wearing? Where’s his suit and tie?
He's stressed because the people who designed coronavirus for the CIA just told him how bad it really is.
Photoshop it is then
learn to meme, make your own mascot first
It's a fucking knob on the camera. You'll notice he looks normal in all the wide angle shots with other people, if they dare show any.
You’re flag shows me you’re not even human. Mind your business bong
>Lube yourself up buddy
Why are Drumpfkikes degenerate closeted homosexuals?
Create a UK thread so we can simply ignore it.
A spoiled rich brat is a panty-waisted self-centered pussy?
Who knew?