Is there actually proof that they actively try to subvert this place or is it largely just memes?

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show this man how this board was during WW3 shitposting

>or perhaps their wondering why shitposters would praise a man, who still sucks kike cock

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If you had proof then they are not doing their jobs very well.

I work for CIA. Ask my anything. Not even joking.

That makes your claim unfalsifiable

Glownigger screenshotted his own post on halfiechan. (You) was in the screenshot. He was praising Tarrant and encouraging more

Just what an Agent would say

They tried. I remember in december they were shilling blacked threads.
But, when Iran went hot. They began shilling pro-trump and Israel.
I think they failed as /blacked/ threads aren't around anymore and they got btfo real quick when they did it. They probably moved to Yas Forums.

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U r gay.
Why r u gay?

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im convinced this board is a giant gaslighting operation.

the amount of hysteria and trannyposting is designed to make you question your own reality, making you wonder if its actually you thats crazy instead of the people chopping their dicks off and transitioning to women. +immigrant invasions, +coronavirus +stock market collapse, +pedoshit, +cuckshit, +redditshit, +incelshit

its all fucking shit designed to make you crazy



Yea I’m pretty sure cia is deebly goncerned about a couple of larping autists on a Vietnamese basket weaving board

I think its happening right now, look at all the anti reddit threads....

Of course it is user

Digging. As long as the thread stays alive I'll post it. Going through 3000 screenshots. Time to organize them again. Also, Wal-Mart shooter's manifesto was posted after the shooting started

how's the food there?

how many CIA guys are needed to suck a cock?

Resident glownigger here, checking in. You people are fucked up beyond all subversion already.
The consensus worldwide is to monitor and do not interfere. We used to fuck around in here but the consequences were undesirable to say the least.
Have fun kids.

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OK schizo

When are you going to get that lump checked?

>Designed to make you question your own sanity
That's why they fail. I don't question my own sanity. I'm the only one in this world I can trust


Thanks desu

These boomer retards were literally putting their IPad on the copy machine for the shot used in the warrant

>Is there actually proof that they actively try to subvert this place or is it largely just memes?
Pizza gate is a good example, I'm taking an educated guess that it was the CIA or FBI that were actively providing false leads to the boards here.
Then there was the gun guy at comet ping pong where the only thing shot was the computer right in to the hard drive and the street camera was for some reason pointed away when for the 5 years before that it had always been pointed at the street in front of the pedophile pizza parlor.
Then there were the grainy fakes released here by (((russian agents)))....

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it only makes you crazy if you're already schizo. if you can't hold on, go somewhere else

CIA and FBI actively work together to cover up their crimes.

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why do you guys do the most evil and controlling stuff, like why not make the world free and beautiful?

None whatsoever. Carry on with your planning, anons.

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I wonder if the new jannies will have dicks or not.

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Checked. I haven't been around too too long, but I can see lots of shills, or questionable posts where it's like "why haven't you gone out and honored our st. Tarrant". Fuck trannies, jannies, chinks, dune coons, poos and joos. And FUCK GLOWNIGGERS!!!!

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Well that explains it but I'm here forever

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Fuck I'd need to be a alcoholic too if I worked for that shithole subversive mossad pedophile puppet CIA.

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big if true

>its all fucking shit designed to make you crazy

...isnt it crazy that only the crazy ones realize this.

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Why does your organization love faggots and degenerates?

>not secure

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They are the easiest to manipulate.

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Except it hasn't made me crazy, I have gained some redpills, and from studying the patterns in the glownigger shilling I've not only gleaned valuable info about our enemies but also about psychological warfare tactics. As with everything else they do, it fails arguably more than it succeeds, as it is borne from evil.

That's how I browse, too, fuck glowniggers, what are they gonna do? I'd laugh if they showed up "concerned about my online activities"

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>not secure
The fucks I give,
Maybe the people taking advantage of insecure connections open themselves up?

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Have slide threads always been a thing, there are so many!

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>You people are fucked up beyond all subversion already.
Most true comment ever posted on Yas Forums

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8cunny FBI poster was proof. They used their own agents comments as evidence in a case and you could see he was a shill that we're all familiar with.

The FBI was caught red handed shilling on infinity, if that counts for anything.

That's right, this is Trump's house. kek

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This place has no structure to subvert.

No idea about the CIA, but we know feds and Police lurk on this board daily. Most of them reveal themselves when someone posts how dumb they are. And we have plenty of proof of this.

Some niggers can be educated. Scary innit?

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Anyone have the posts in question ?

you think she takes it doggo style?

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A study of basic propaganda, programming, and manipulation techniques shows that someone or some group applies those methods here for influence if not subversion. Which people or groups exactly are less certain.

Where do you think all the gay and bbc memes come from ?

Either some NSA funded or Russian troll factory

>Is there actually proof that they actively try to subvert this place or is it largely just memes?
At one point they probably did. Now they're just regulars.

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Google "fbi caught (8)chan" it won't let me post the link.

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That or chinks/kikes. Mutts Law would dictate that mutts be included in the list as well. Also checked

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>This place.
You mean Earth?
What are you, stupid?
If you can't find those sources, you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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>The consensus worldwide is to monitor and do not interfere
Hence the consistent honeypot threads.

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>This was posted by one of the shills that
knew of the shooting prior. Notice screen shot is at 20:00. That correlates with ukraine and western russia if you do the math
>Seriosuly, one of you has to dig on this. Please review this thread. There is some russian/ukranian involvement.
>No. Not mossad. Stop attacking the board and sliding this thread. Sloppy job putin. Dick
>Its balls. Let putin know your psyop worked, but you fucked it up with your shit english.
Some of the posts by the glownigger.