Reddit's been btfo'ing every subreddit that's been linked to Yas Forums now.
Reddit's been btfo'ing every subreddit that's been linked to Yas Forums now
Nobody gives a fuck
You know there is hope when [they] are forced to censor massive numbers of right wingers of internet. They're SCARED
shiieeet we dindu nuffin
i luv nintendo and keanu reeves
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
Time to shut plebbit down once and for all.I want to see
> Reddit CEOS behind bars
> Tencent money seized
> Reddit charged by FEC
> Reddit losing it's protection as a platform
> Reddit Ceos charged for enabling, and publishing child pornography
Get on it Trump admin and Lawfags
you have to go back
Why should I care
illegal practice
Who cares... Except Reddit fags
I made this for them
Navigation on reddit is as difficult and confusing as a roundabout in China during high traffic.
Fuck em in the ass to death.
reddit nuked the_donald some few months ago and nobody noticed. all past and present links to the_donald are unreachable to anyone who doesn't have an account there in good standing, and the replacement mods are banning everyone who utters an encouraging word for Donald Trump.
Burn it to the ground. It's replacement will rise from the ashes with an even greater power.
Make those agents put their running shoes back on to get a beam splitter in their office.
No, reddit needs to exist so redditors like you can be contained there. Go back.
the refugees will come here
>Why should I care
Because they will all come here.
Leddit thinks if they close a subleddit that means the people there will stop existing.
But that isnt true. People arent convinced to change their beliefs by censorship they will just go somewhere where they arent going to be censored.
Damn, I loved that sub. They're clenching for 4 more years.
They're already here. And besides, /ptg/ is far worse than any reddit migration or jidf. I'd gladly take in every single redditor if it meant getting /ptg/ the fuck off this board.
Die of AIDS, faggot.
reddit is a potentially big market for our redpills. Do you know what happens if we don't go to reddit? a Redpill business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without us.
>You will live to see reddit die
It's going to become a money sink like tumblr
Ivanka 2024
So gore them as we have always done or are you a first wave refugee yourself?
>hardest, most mentally demanding tasks
Imagine thinking this of a vidya
Checked those digits. Fuck these wasters. Bet they've never even climbed a mountain or fingered a Stacy.
>It's a pasta newfaggoy
U Kno wat u go back too fagg
Trips wasted on a guy who can't even recognize old goobergate pasta.
>They're already here.
So now they will spend all their time here rather than some time here and some time in that subleddit.
You seem to have PTG on the brain I think its a mental illness.
They already came here during the 2016 elections. This shithole is full of retarded conservative boomers and underage newfags
>Leddit thinks if they close a subleddit that means the people there will stop existing.
No it's not because of this, it's because censoring on popular media make difficult to a group of people with the same political view to organize.
This. 100% Trump supporting is a mental illness.
oh no not a reddit community anything but that
Maybe those absolute fucking faggots will stop scraping for screen caps and bringing more of their filthy kind here to shit every board up further
Yas Forums is exponentially more organised than any subleddit.
So they are going from some autism laden shithole where the best they are going to achieve is some 'up votes' to the final boss of the internet, feared by all legacy media because we get to decide who the president is for a laugh.
And the 2012 elections as well.
Doesn't reddit realize censorship will turn more people against them? More people for Trump?
>look at me, i'm a good goy and i do what everyone else does!
now THAT'S one spicy meat-a-ball.
The only reason this shithole still exists is because it's a monitored honeypot. The death of free speech on the Internet as a whole has been staggering and they're corraling us into this dead board so that they can minimize our influence and monitor us all.
We lost all influence, reach, and presence we had but tards like and others are utterly unable to see the big picture.
This is why 8 was killed. It was the evolution of imageboards, the true final boss. And it was killed because of it. This shit? This shit is just a demoralization chamber, a place for shills to shill and NOTHING else. It isn't even our board anymore, it is a nothing.
Not telling you where the bunkers are glowkun
Fuckin a, man.
Digg it
they did that on purpose. it wss too popular for a public forum. remember when /r/fatpeoplehate got shoahed?
So what candidate do you suggest, fellow goy?
Who is the most based pede?
You sound a lot like a demoralizing shill.
What a waste
I remember seeing the first year of 4 chan then compared to now i am seeing it's end.
Still saw this coming from 1995 during the golden age.. this was always going to happen and come the end of this month Prepare for more nails in the coffin of free speech to be hammered in..
I got banned from the chapo subreddit. I wasn't even trolling. Mods are little hitlers.
Just let it happen, don't interrupt someone in the middle of their mistake
Shut up and go boycott pokemon again. Gamers are weak and do as they are told.
They're doing that because it's an election year.
This place is already a cesspool. Fake news everywhere (from both political sides) that nobody calls them out as long as it fits their narrative
private property sweetie
they can do what the fuck they want
This is u/BrazilianSigma.
This is the kind of person getting subs banned.
Tell that to Tumblr.. So much poor porn was struck down by verzion so they could sell their shitty shell company.
Fuck Reddit. Fuck you too OP. Stay the fuck away from Yas Forums. I know you and your fellow faggots will come flooding into this board now like filthy refugees.
so tolerant, so willing to have a conversation
>Navigation on reddit is as difficult and confusing as a roundabout in China during high traffic.
As much as reddit sucks, and it sucks a lot, this is not true if you have taken the time to soil yourself there and learn the system. It's kinda like a bunch of facebook groups in the sense that it can be hard to find the content you are looking for. Very few subreddits adhere to the leftist dogma enough to ever appear on the main page.
But within a subreddit, any one at all, if you can't figure out what a thread is and how comments are organized then you might be a dumbass.
It's time to redpill the normies. Reddit and other mainstream social sites are slowly putting the squeeze on right wing stuff for the upcoming 2020 elections in hopes to control all the info and elect a Democrat. Don't let them do this.
I hate reddit so much
>Deflecting to other people/candidates as usual
I don't have anyone I follow hard. I just look at if they are "good enough" to be president and don't care too much after that. Meanwhile you'd actually have to be retarded or have dementia to think Trump deserves the cult he has.
The smell of fear is in the air brother. We're big guys.
This is what happens when you do not gatekeep. The faggots come in and shit everything up.
What shit art
Hmm. Is this a recent banning? I ask because TheDonald subreddit is having problems with Reddit demodding their people and forcing their own mods in. It wouldn't surprise me if people were starting to congregate in the Gamer subreddit.
You should because of the refugees.
Oh my God, grow a pair and shut the fuck up. We are all still here.
4 U
Did Tumblr basically die off?
>chappo subreddit
Flag checks out
Don't you have some more jewcock to suck, migapede?
Tumblr ended up having something worse.
They canceled Porn on Tumblr uhh i wanna say December of 2018. There are still blogs there but it's pretty much a wasteland in comparison to what it was in the Promised age of Titties and Furries.
Here's a blurb about it.
Share All sharing options for: Tumblr's porn ban could be its downfall — after all, it happened to LiveJournal. On December 17th, Tumblr's ban on adult content will go into effect, meaning that all of the pictures, GIFs, and videos that feature erotic content will be removed from the site.Dec 6, 2018
Imagine this idiot!
They are not scared. They have the power. And the US right is dead and over.
I have a reddit account just to have another place to go and not be always here but I can't be more than 5 minutes in reddit. It is just boring.
So that means you'll be sucking dick here 24/7 now?
>let's censor and ban ourselves into irrelevance
Not seeing the problem here
I deleted my account because they banned literally all the meme subs I was part of. r/CringeAnarchy, r/MDE, r/frenworld, r/ZoomerRight, r/Coomer, r/Troomer, r/Average_Redditor..... They're absolutely demolishing right-wing meme subs, while allowing depraved pornography and only "quarantining" violent communist subs.
as long as they don't come here I don't give a fuck