
now, i saw this tweet before and gave the bitch a pass because she's a woman and that's about what you should expect when a woman is trying to make a point. the unforgivable shit is that MSNBC actually fucking ran with it. these are the same people straight-faced every night saying the math checks out on universal healthcare and shit. just one more reason why journalists dont deserve the pedestal they put themselves on.

Attached: 1milliondollars.png (1361x767, 940.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What exactly is this thing, Yas Forums?

Attached: CED91B5D-46EA-41A1-9AF6-7C45827ED6BC.jpg (400x400, 16.02K)

Well, it has every appearance of being a photograph

What can we do to make American education somewhat less embarrassing?

what race is this?

The original in HD:

When wagies are dumb and wrong and screw up, they get fired.
When reporters are dumb and wrong and "screw up," they get hired.

i guess based on the last name it's some brand of hispanic

Attached: 1487391982513.gif (200x200, 1.68M)

Jewish tricks

legalize weed and hire people based on their victim status instead of achievements

Remove all minorities

Attached: 1575638777232.png (597x597, 235K)


Filipino or Indonesian man idk

She's YOUR species, Puerto Rico

Look dude yea ok but id also fuck it till my dick fell off

>these are the same people straight-faced every night saying the math checks out on universal healthcare and shit
fuck off retard that a stretch the history is dumb MSNBC is dumb but you are too and you're a slimy kike at that

Mystery meat. Mystery gender. Basically one of the future people from South Park.

>What can we do to make American education somewhat less embarrassing?
basically impossible with diversity quotas. you've got a shitskin woman that made the retarded tweet. a shitskin woman that thought it was brilliant, without reading any comments below, and pushed the story. and i think brian williams is just doing what he's told and refraining from critical thinking to keep his job.

> 327,000,000 X $1,000,000 = ..
> .. = $500,000,000

>"don't get ahead of us on the math"
>assume they're about to point out the obvious
>wonder why they're fact checking some random idiot's retarded tweet

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Heads up: media kikes tried playing it off like she was joking. She actually doubled down before locking her account.

Attached: ESaM6o5U8AAokKy.png (562x370, 133.59K)

based biden wrecking bernouts

>someone on twitter said a thing
>lets take this immediately to broadcast!
This poor brainlet's internet life is ruined because MSNBC is more stupid than she is.

It's hard to believe she wasn't trolling

>this person's vote counts as much as yours does
That's the true crime.

The future Jews want. A braindead drone with no race, no culture, no responsibility, no self reliance.

That's how dumb the left is. This is a leftist position, that rich people can make everyone else rich if they just shared their dollars, they've got plenty, maybe if we cut rich people open there's more money inside.

Tickle Fetish GROWING...

Attached: 1580840508391.png (400x441, 267.55K)

diversity is our strength

Lets not forget that MSNPC actually let this go on the air. This is the level of journalism in the current year at MSNPC "some random retard on twitter said..."

Good point. Producers are constantly in these people's ears on these shows. Nobody caught it.

Angry Wuhan infested Asian FemNazi

Didn’t know Bloomberg had 327,000,000,000,000
327 trillion!
Greedy Jew! Where my money at?

I'd still rather have 152.91$ instead of some Mike bloom berg ads.

Everyone gets a buck and some change out of his campaign coffers. Even if he absolutely liquidated all of his wealth everyone still only gets about $150 each.

I guarantee 95% of the population would go back to being poor and bad with money within a year of being given a million dollarydoos

It was some dumb sheboon who actually said it on TV too.
Now lets ponder on how wrong these """journalist""" brainlets are on other issues.

The media is full of liars and retards.

Retarded faggot it would come to less than $2 per person. Kys

this tweet is a meme it was posted in early february or something by like some 17 year old dummy and people have been copying and pasting it

They're wrong about everything, they briefly browse through their twatter or facebag feed, pick out a few things that tickle their amygdala, then they've got the night's broadcast schedule set.

>be woman
>guys tell you you're so smart cause they're trying to fuck you
>mentor figures tell you you're so smart because they're afraid of discouraging women from doing what they want and furthering the patriarchy
this is the result. a bitch that thinks every thought in her head is precious so she never second-guesses herself. and when confronted with her own retardedness she automatically assumes she is correct.

The fact that they won't point out a glaringly basic ass math fuck up because the bitch who said it's black is all anyone needs to know.

Also we gotta stop putting airplanes on Hawaii or it's gonna sink.

If everyone had a million dollars, the value of each dollar would become nothing
Dollars would have the buying power that pennies have now
These people are literally retarded

Basically, idiot narcissists.
Guam might flip over if we put more soldiers there.

The human mutt. A filthy crossbreed of races. Like some horiffic island of dr moreau monster in the flesh.

Some people have bad luck but the poor are usually poor for a reason. I have met people that get 5k back on their tax return and its gone within weeks. Also know a person that got a 45k payout for something and bought all new shit.

Yes, on many levels. It isn't just about basic math, that's just the low hanging fruit.

I just call them mystery meat.
What are they, indian? mexican? arab? nah they're just some random amalgamation of whatever.


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Bush could afford to give me a few hundred and he was Republican. I'm sure the people loving Democrat Mike bloom berg could spare 2$ to buy every American a "coffee"

>Guam might flip over if we put more soldiers there.
Lol that's the one, Monica!



>I guarantee 95% of the population would go back to being poor and bad with money within a year of being given a million dollarydoos
there's a doc floating around out there where a homeless guy is given 100k to turn his life around. the doc follows the guy as he blows all the money and is back to being homeless by the end.

I grew up poor and my mom was always fretting about money, taught me to fret about it too. These people are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation welfare recipients, they've never seen their parents balance a checkbook, they've never seen their parents discussing what can/can't be bought when we go to the grocery store, planning out a week's meals in advance. These people are dumb lazy domesticated zoo animals.

And people are more upset over a dumb bitches shitty math. If you're so smart Yas Forums why aren't you a reporter? If your work is so good why do you do it on here for free? For people who talk about Jews 24/7 you sure do love working for free.

>It's an incredible way of putting it
>It's true, it's disturbing

>Basically, idiot narcissists.
like that doesnt describe most women?

>Blue Checkmarks
Are all people that do what they do because they failed math class. Newspapers have specialists handle the business and sports stats so they don't screw up, while the urinalists reporting on those numbers don't understand them. These are the people we rely on for cultural guidance and it's killing us.

How long was Bloomberg's campaign actually? He might have set a record for the shortest/most expensive campaign ever.

>If you're so smart Yas Forums why aren't you a reporter?
One suspects most of Yas Forums aren't female niggers that can't into basic arithmetic.

They failed basic logic, reason, and evidence too. They get the jobs they do because of what they are not who they are, these morons have no right to be successful but they're propped up for arbitrary reasons by other morons who don't deserve the positions they hold.
Look back through history though, it's always been like this, it ebbs and flows.


The absolute state of American education

Nov 21 2019- March 4th 2020
This man spent 500 million dollars in 3 months all to annoy you on youtube with him walking around saying boomer shit.

>If you're so smart Yas Forums why aren't you a reporter?
Tried it. You're constantly surrounded by manipulative, useful idiots that only do what they're told.

So youre a poor illiterate brit who blames blacks instead of rising up. Would you like one kebab or 2

Have you ever looked at a comment section on ANY website these days? They almost all look like Yas Forums lite. I remember 10-15 years ago it wasn't like that. Every comment section everywhere is full of people BTFOing journalists, the story the comments are attached to, arguing with retarded leftists in the comments. This is why a lot of places have gotten rid of their comment sections, they were tired of random nobodies deconstructing the story other random nobodies just read.
Hah, I use adblockers. I haven't seen a single Bloomberg ad, only others remarking on them.

>surrounded by manipulative useful idiots
So people who are better at the job than you? Implying you aren't useful or persuasive. I know you meant useless but you're not helping your case against Shiniqua Times greatest reporter
If anything you sound jealous of her natural superiority John.

Yeah the newsroom always felt like a cow paddock. It's a lot of high verbal people who think they are much smarter than they are.

>go read a news article on a topic that you consider yourself to be an expert
>count all the errors they make
these errors are in literally everything journalists produce but you dont notice it because you're not an expert in that particular field and the journalist is speaking/writing authoritatively. journalism was always shit but now it's even more shit because it's all women.

Joe rogan comments section is a treat everytime he has on a lying jew now the comments section is more savage than Yas Forums

That's exactly why I'm against race-mixing. In 90% cases the result is nothing but a pro-globalist mutt.

This guy knows

Attached: 22.png (760x848, 45.82K)

You sound like a sociopath.


Snapped into my laugh at american's folder along with all the school shootings.

>So youre a poor illiterate brit who blames blacks instead of rising up. Would you like one kebab or 2
I don't quite follow you good sir. Could you please write that in the queens english, there's a good fellow.

Better at following the editor in chief's politically motivated orders? Sure. It was shit work for a shit time.

Okay mr. incompetent engrish teacher, show us what you got.

stop listening to sub humans

He would have won had he just sent every registered voter a million dollar check

>what is yellow journalism for 500
People have been lying in print since before your dad could jerk off.

What you don't realize is that the country is run by a violent mafia. It helps you to understand the situation if you think of another example. Imagine you were in the USSR and you realized Marxism was bullshit. Could you just go "get a job" at the paper and calmly and rationally explain this to them? No, you'd go to the gulags.

The exact same shit happens in the USA. The only way you can not know this is if you are mentally incapacitated and can't think for yourself nor do you have any domain of actual competency. Literally the only way to go from where we are to a place of having people with IQs above room temperature reporting the news is a violent revolution, because there is a violent mafia enforcing the status quo.

Anyone saying anything besides Asian is a face blind retard

Currency is a way of storing labor and the Jew uses Usery to ensure they will never have to work an honest day in their life. We labor not just for our people but for all people. Never believe that good will, good fortune or even happiness are things which fall down from the heavens. Everything is rooted in ones own labor user. Only if we raise our people up through our labor, our industry, own endevor and own creativity, only then can we rise like in the days of our forefathers who despite recieving nothing clawed and carved their futures out of the unforgiving terrain of the muddy north...

>Promiscuous females display choleric tendencies x24

Bloomberg's job was to sow confusion and division among the Democrats and he accomplished that.

Reminder that these are the people who preach to you every day that you're too stupid to know what's good for you and that you must listen to them and do as they say.

I had hoped he would have stayed in longer, Fauxchahontas too. Now we're seeing a total repeat of 2016. I bet Killary runs as Bo Jiden's VP next.

>Somewhere in their head leftists believe uncritically that there are only 327 people in America because those are the amount of frens on facebook that agree with her, and the rest are probably Russian bots.

"Queens english"
Okay Charles my sweet boy. Will you and Jimmy Seville be fucking one child or three tonight?
"In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders"Sounds more like Yas Forums than her. Atleast she's getting paid. Whats worse to be a court jester for pay or a fat idiot for free?

Tiny useless peabrain, but A+ armpit game tbqh brehs. I want to lick.

My latest sex-robot