Finnish Government will send dozens of border guards and few ships to get refugees into Greece

Finnish Government will send dozens of border guards and few ships to get refugees into Greece.

While Greece will not take any migrants anymore, the Finnish government has sent dozens of border guards to 'help' Greece. The Finnish government demands from the border guards that migrants will be taken in and not blocked.

It will be interesting what will Greeks think of fellow EU nations sending border patrols to undo their work to keep the migrants away.

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The Greeks should kill those Finnish troops.

greeks would be well within their rights to assassinate finish leaders if this news is true

roll for 1

how the fuck is this legal

this is a declaration of war. greece should fire on those ships and sink them. seriously

This new government of Finland has escalated very quickly. What next?

shes the pure marxist

so, finland is essentially positioning themselves as the military force of the invaders? very interesting choice here.

Thats interesting, Poland is sending our border security troops and riot Police to fight off the migrants.

Hey Greeks Shoot a few of those Eurocucks and they wont come back.

3 > 5 >> 1 > 2 >> 4

Resurrect Simo Hayha.

Women in politics were a mistake

Jussi Halla "No Allah" Aho is on the job.

Greece should sink every ship, kill every "guard" that does anything to help the invasion.

Scandinavia was a mistake.

wtf why are you doing us dirty like this?

Russia makes a lot of money from sneaking migrants into Europe through Finland (because who wouldn't rather have them go to the west than into your eastern territory). Finland is kind of Russia's bitch, Russia has on occasion briefly stopped all migration into Finland as a signal of power. I wouldn't doubt that Finland is doing this because they're bending over for Russia

I can change her.

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does she provide emergency breastfeeding?

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all you had to do was to pay the debts

They're doing as much damage as possible before they are inevitably voted out

will she let migrants into her childs mouth, vagina and anus?

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Do you see that picture of the women?
Imagine the fucking stench of their virtue
That's why

How is this not an act of war? The mind boggles at how warped and dishonest modern politics are.

Daily reminder that most Finns absolutely despise the government.

>Russia makes a lot of money from sneaking migrants into Europe through Finland (because who wouldn't rather have them go to the west than into your eastern territory). Finland is kind of Russia's bitch, Russia has on occasion briefly stopped all migration into Finland as a signal of power. I wouldn't doubt that Finland is doing this because they're bending over for Russia


Good, then show us next time you vote. Quit voting in globohomo while screaming 'RUSSIA!'

Perus are gaining very high

Then why did they elect it?

>Quit voting in globohomo while screaming 'RUSSIA!'
Yes, this is part of the problem. It's the boomer mindset.
The other part is shitlibs and bugmen.
Literally everyone else is based and patriotic to a degree.

The PM (#3 in pic) wasn't elected, she replaced the old boomer who was mentally incapable.

So Finland is siding with Turkey and helping them invade Greece? Is that not a declaration of war?

There was a 2% difference between our populist right-wing party and the social democrats. Social democrats won. Two weeks later gallups show the numbers flip, and the populists have a very strong lead even now.

Now the social democrats, whose base consists of mostly old boomer ladies and retards chose the greens and the hard leftie party to form a government with, they still didn't have the wamen government they have now. Later after some scandals in the leftoid leadership these woke wamens were elected as ministers and they've been making a mess of things since. Literally all of the comment sections tend to shit on them for their faggotry.

If the government doesn't fall due to their insane posturing, we'll have a strong populist government at last in the next elections.

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Finno-Hellenic wars incoming.
Torpedo the Finns.

It is an act of war, by challenging Greece's sovereignty. The Finns should mind their own business.
Women can't help sticking their noses in where they don't belong.

The one reasonably party, Perussuomalaiset, in Finland was second to social democrats by just a hair and therefore the SD had the chance to form government and keep PS out.

When are the next elections?


Ah the collapse of the EU.

The local greeks alreayd BTFO all the greek police and NGOs.

They will hopefully throw the finland people in the sea too.

Any Greeks with boats want to be National heroes? Molotov the Finns.
I don't know why this gave me an instant bloodlust to see scores of dead Finns.

Women in charge are never a good thing.
Fuck refugees.

Woman on the very right looks like an angloid. Is it? Or is it just the way she is smiling?

>Finnish Government will send dozens of border guards and few ships to get refugees into Greece.
This is actually false though, what they said was ambiguous on purpose. Finnish border officers are sent there to support Greece, but not in any unlawful way as per the "international laws and treaties". Our cuntment isn't willing to take responsibility, so no doubt they're giving these border officers conflicting instructions and then throwing them to the media wolves and putting all blame on them.

Was there and discussion with the Greek government regarding this? Did the PM just see hordes of Syrians and knee jerk sent in the troops to get them in?

Isn't this basically an act of war?

they all are very Finnish, except maybe for #1 and #4 who are fennoswedish

Three fucking years, but I wouldn't count out the possibility of a government collapse. As it seems only college wamens like the current one.

Attached: sanna marin psykoosi.jpg (455x498, 40.14K)

Holy league 2:electric boogaloo?

Not even Sweden has done this Finland bls stob this is not funny anymore.

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People shit on the two party American system but honestly we really tend to avoid shit like this. Thank god.

Nah Sweden will just bring the poor refugees straight to you with private chartered flights bought and paid for by swedish tax payers.

So get rid of them

Act of war. Imagine if another country sent ships to the US coast to circumvent a US action. We’d meet them with our own fleet and they would either leave or sink, and we’d be right.

west cucks always ruin everything

At the same time, Estonia is sending it's patrol ships and guards to help Greece keep out the migrants.

>all female leadership
>they all want to spread their legs for invaders
This is why women were kept in the house and beaten.

How would that work? Vote of no confidence or recall election?

>Act of war. Imagine if another country sent ships to the US coast

Jesus I'd pay good money to watch live on Television as a Finnish fleet gets sent to the bottom of the ocean by one of your cost guard cutters.

yes, this is an act of war

You're fucking scum.

Her piggy nose and cheeks and deep eye sockets. Resemble that of an angloid. Maybe danish (danes==angles). Just saying.

Indeed that has been going on for ages, But those are literally flown straight into Sweden, Those migrants in Greece would be forced onto Greece by a different state against their will, This will not end well at all.

This is why I hope the local Greeks attack the Finland security.
The optics will be that a foreign power has sent forces in to Greece to fight against the people.

Well Finland deserves to get bombed

Thanks Finland, you know godamn well where they will end up.

Terrorist acts against these people are justified (in Minecraft). Pipe bombs are easy af to make.

Why not just offer the soldiers asylum. Their tyrannical government is forcing them into literally committing war crimes.

Offer the soldiers a place to stay and start negotiations for their safe life upon turning to their authoritarian globalist nightmare country.

#3 Sanna marin is Fennoswedish aswell.

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Fucking cunts

His ass.

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They should absolutely kill any Finnish troops sent.

Just let them in yurop

Polish, Czech, Slovakian, & Hungarian coalition should steamroll Finland.

i am finxlnd hear me roar, can men take care of this pls?

They are looking for big Arabic cock

Dude since ww2 ended anything with VIRTUE AND MARXISM is allowed, its a clown planet, this is literally a declaration of war, 100% true, women are running the planet so war does not enter their psyche.

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>The age of men, is over.
Not just yet.
>the Finnish government has sent dozens of border guards to 'help' Greece.
This requires compliance from Greek government and president, otherwise it's literally an act of war. Roasties didn't think this through.


finland will get visegraded

The thing is, the greeks asked for Frontex to come and help, they invoked it themselves. Anyone that does so should fall in line and follow greek command with this, that's what is unclear at the moment. It's great actually that it's getting tested now.

Is Greece not a sovereign nation? Why can't they just block their entry if their goal is to undermine the efforts of Greek border guards?

It would be ideal if we can put boobs of 2 on 3.

According to the rules the Finnish soldiers must not comply with these unlawful orders.

More like they want a Europe brother war over migrants.
Women are pure evil.

Finland seem to go rogue from the original intended path
Maybe we need to return grand dutchy of finland back?

wow look, women undermining their own self interest.
they'll never learn, because these women are protected by guards, where as normal people have to deal with a bunch of sub 80 iq retards raping like every 4th person they find.

Yeah you can try, bitch, and see what happens. Russian military is a rusted-through paper tiger.

And the Finnish people
are ok with that? They can't just walz into the waters of a sovereign nation to impersonate Jesus.

Finngols are shit-cunts on Yas Forums and they're shit-cunts IRL. Who would have guessed?

>and so it begins
this is the 3rd time in the same century eurofags will rubble their own continent. THE 3RD TIME IN THE SAME HUNDRED YEARS. how is it that you act like you're so fucking smart all the time?

roll for this

Of course not.

Again, they were asked there and it's unclear what will happen because our ministers are too afraid to make a proper stance one way or another

she seems more jew than the others

Based V4 border defense league.

What the fuck? They demand that migrants be taken in? Sounds like a threat

Send Russian refugees to Finland, see if their opinion changes. If not, send in more Russians until the Mongolian problem is solved, they have experience with those steppe niggers.


many such cases, proves nords are the true cucks

>the local Greeks attack the Finland security
This is the best thing Greece ca do as a nation without fear of repercussions

she's not.

Greeks need to beat these faggots to within an inch of their lives. Traitors are the highest form of scum.


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Nice. Let's see how this develops.

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>too afraid to make a proper stance one way or another

They are afraid they took (((the money and power))) from the Faustian jews and cannot tell the people they are being powered by evil.

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They Definitly should shoot the Finnish troops.

The Finnish Troops know it's morally wrong to force Muslims on christian civilization.