Reminder that Trump most likely can't beat Biden
Trump v Biden
>someone with even less clout than hillary
Wisconsin is gone too most likely if Biden is the nom.
It would be closer than Trump vs Bernie but Trump would annihilate him at the debates and subsequently win by 40 electoral votes
>2016 is 2020
people like joe, regardless of how senile he is
Debates aren't pointless. You're clearly pretty young. Bush Jr. won at the debates even though he's retarded
The biggest blow is that PA and Michigan are objectively gone
Your paint-by-numbers meme map has convinced me, I guess I’ll just vote for Biden now.
>wins anything
Trump will literally make push Secret Service and FBI agents to every single voting location in California. Trump will win everything even California.
the media will spin it as Trump losing and the sheep will fall in line
On Super Sunday I will win the Canadian vote and beat Donald Trump Jr by 6 gorillion electoral college votes!
t. Sloppy Joe
Hillary was ranked as 95% likely to win and still lost to Trump.
What is Biden ranked at? If it's not above 95%, he has no hope.
I think he's ranked at about 65% likely to win.
>people know biden even less now that he isn't obama's VP
>comparing a literal who to hillary
Wisconsin should be fine. The traditionally blue counties on the Mississippi are still looking good for Trump
t. Wisconsinfag
>Hillary was ranked as 95% likely to win and still lost to Trump.
Literally every time
Trust of the media is at an all time low. 2016!
people hate trump
it's an anti trump election
Yeah it is pretty much over magabros. Boomers in the rust belt decide the presidency and they love Joe Biden.
it doesnt matter
the influence sets the narrative
biden aint winning that, he's going to have ukraine asking to extradite him for arrest
There's still a 98% chance of Hillary Clinton winning the Presidency.
Michigan would go blue for Bernie maybe but definitely not for Biden
Biden is ineligible to hold federal office because he is guilty of federal crimes.
I'm saving this. I bet Trumps victory will be the biggest win in history.
Have you been paying attention? Trust in media is the lowest it's ever been. Their smearing hasnt been working so far, and it didnt work in 2016.
>Rust belt was lost to the Democrats because of people finally being disillusioned with Obama
>People still think it will flip back blue after 4 years if economic growth and record low unemployment
Anyone that thinks the rust belt is not staying red is literally fucking retarded.
I just signed over all my organs to the Biden campaign, you get them when i die. Use them well.
Like it did in 2016?
>Trump is going to lose the states he flipped in 2016, after they've added hundreds of thousands of jobs
lol ok bud
ITT delusional retards who believe
-that people "forgot" Obama's VP
-that people somehow missed Creepy Joe pics and will be shocked by them when reposted again rather than just equating them with "grab em by the pussy" and calling it "even"
-that Trump is "good" at debating
-that the economic damage done by Covid-19 won't be blamed on Trump
-that the DNC learned nothing from 2016 and will ignore the rust belt (where Trump barely scraped out his victory) again for some reason
-that FL giving 1.5 million felons (read: shitskins) the right to vote doesn't matter when Trump only won the state by 110,000
-that any amount of Biden "gaffes" can stack up to when Hillary literally collapsed in public and was tossed into a van like a corpse
Trump is very likely going to lose, Biden would have to fuck up REALLY badly and REALLY publicly.
>inb4 shill
If I were a shill i'd tell you that you're going to win so that you didn't bother to put any effort in and stay home during the election.
ok moishe
Watch the boomers on tv. They vote because they can relate to the guy. To them Joe is just like them. Why would trump risk impeachment if he wasn't scared of Biden?
Biden is on video talking about breaking the law yet democrats don't care.
Just like 2016
>how did that work in 2016?
extremely well.
Trump would not be president if the media had not spent months and months and months propping up his campaign with obseen amounts of coverage of his rally's and every time he even took a shit. We know this by the way. The leaked hillary emails straight up said it was part of the fix to prop up Trump's campaign as a "pied piper candidate". By the time they switched Gears to shitting on him, it was too late.
This time it has been nothing but 4 years or negative hate. Yas Forums continuously underestimate's the MSM's effect and influence on the sheep of the world. They set the narrative. They still have the control and sway.
try harder faggot
>Why would trump risk impeachment if he wasn't scared of Biden?
he didnt risk impeachment, what he did was not only non-impeachable, it was his duty as POTUS.
>Anyone that thinks the rust belt is not staying red is literally fucking retarded.
The rust belt already HEAVILY flipped back blue in 2018, retard
Trump already has NC AZ and FL in the bag don't fool yourself like you did last time
You think this is bad. Just wait for bloomberg to put all his money behind Biden. This is a guy who had no problem spending money buying ads during the superbowl and putting a billion ads on TV during every commercial break.
He is going to kill Trump with ads and ads and ads.
That is before all the party apparatuses go into effect.
Trump is done.
Reminds me of Hillary beating Trump by a landslide in 2016. Wowzers
Stupid libshits are only going to follow the polls that have Biden 10 points ahead then not bother to vote because its "in the bag" like 2016.
Retard alert.
Trump wasn't on the ballot and the impeachment debacle has bit the Dems in the ass. The rust belt is staying red and the house will be bleeding red by November as well.
People hated him 4 years ago too faggot, I'll relish the tears more this time though
Biden is literally senile
And? Is Trump not?
Nothing in the midterms and recent elections point to this outcome.
Trump has lost a lot of the Suburbs to democrats during the midterms that helped him in 2016.
Govenorsships and congressional seats were lost during Trump's term that he carried in 2016.
A lot of the candidates he has backed have failed to win.
Because those ads really helped Bloomberg didn't they? Nigga everyone and they're mother was tired of seeing that fucker after a week, they'll feel the same about Biden if Bloomberg is retarded enough to try that again.
He does not have Florida mate, we gave 1.5 million felons their right to vote back after the 2016 election where Trump won by a margin of 110,000. If even 10% of these people show up it's over. This doesn't even take into account the flood of Puerto Ricans who're here thanks to the hurricane.
>Nothing in the midterms and recent elections point to this outcome.
>Trump has lost a lot of the Suburbs to democrats during the midterms that helped him in 2016.
>Govenorsships and congressional seats were lost during Trump's term that he carried in 2016.
>A lot of the candidates he has backed have failed to win.
They actually did help him. He didn't have to step foot in a lot of Super Tuesday states and he ended up in second in places like Texas. Imagine that money behind someone who is actually out there campaigning and the only person on the ticket.
Hillary almost won and she clearly wasn't physically well. Biden has some form of dementia. Didn't the Democrats elect a paralyzed cripple 4 times in the 1930s? Yeah they don't care if their candidate can barely function, they hate republicans.
all went blue in 2018
Hillary collapsed in public and was tossed into a van, why do you think people care? The average democrat would prefer a senile person they like in office rather than "Cheeto Hitler". How do you explain his performance so far? People have already seen his senility, they just don't care
Man, are you going to have a fucking meltdown on election day.
People HATED Hillary was more than they hate Biden. A lot of people who voted for Trump because they hated Hillary, will have no problem voting for Biden.
>ended up in second in places like Texas
Literal retard doesn't realize Bloomberg was third in Texas with 14%. 700,000,000 wasted
what makes you think he wins the rust belt? especially now that he supports suspending deportations.
face it libcuck, you abandoned white people to cater to twitter activists and it has cost you political viability for at least a generation
You mean like biting his wife's finger in public on stage at a campaign event?
Are you delusional all the time or just when you post here?
Biden will have to get through the summer gaff free while every thing points to his family's criminal activity in Ukraine and other countries.
He challenged a supporter to pushups and that was when he was 1 of 16....when it's just him, he will be full retard. And the US doesn't give a sympathy vote for president.
Biden is the democrats Bob Dole and will lose famously to an incumbent president that was impeached.
this is the most likely.
Florida will be the decider again
Floridian here, we're going red.
Third compared to Warren who did a lot moeny work for votes.
Also 700 mill is 1 percent of Bloomberg's wealth. His only goal was to make sure that Bernie didn't get the nomination and he jumped in because Biden was spilling spaghetti everywhere. He got out because Biden proved he can win now. Its also why he immediately backed him after getting out.
He already said he is ready to commit almost a billion dollars more to the nominee to defeat Trump. The guy makes 150 million dollars A DAY. 700 mill is couch change to this guy.
Not a presidential election year and Trump not on ballot, Homo.
warren who did a lot of work for votes*