Xer NPC brain got stuck in a loop at the end.
*unzips pants*
Damn this salt flows for days :)
He's forgetting that she was uglier and shriller than Hillary.
H 2.0
BUT SHE TESTED 0.00001% Native American.
AND she flip-flopped on nearly every policy to lift from Bernie's agenda.
AND she didn't even win her own state.
AND she dropped the fuck out.
Fucking white men gatekeeping the White House! That belongs to Women! I'm smarter than you!
I really thought that she shrieked so hard during the debates that she would run the table.
I mean, surely shrieking is appealing right?
To me it is.
Her entire platform was "beat drumpf". She never spoke about her policies
>didn't have baggage
literally committed fraud by pretending to be a minority.
And Flirbold Zlump completely destroyed her by jokingly calling her Pocahontas solely for keks.
>she didn't even win the (((marginalized wamen POC))) ticket
She made her entire campaign about nothing more than having a vagina and how shit men are.
Then bitches that men won't vote for her.
yeah but she isn't blumpf
And still she is neither genuine nor honest.
"Black trans and cis women, gender-noncomforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of the American democracy!" — Elizabeth Warren
If she believes that, she's a moron. If she said that just to pander to the LGBTQ community, she's a disingenuous moron.
She finished in third place in her own state. The people who know her best don't think much of her. She's as phony as they come and people see right through her facade.
She is and was a fucking idiot who tried playing the identity politics game and came out looking like what she already did.
A fucking idiot, she's lucky she didn't get sued or arrested.
>random cunt twitter screenshot
Nice thread
If the impulsive chronic lie witch was even half as good as this person claims then she would have gotten more votes. The (democrat) people spoke and she was found wanting.
You forgot the fact that she is a fucking liar. I trusted nothing she said. I would vote for Tulsi because she isn't a fucking liar.
Should've reached out to PoC instead of having a white savior complex. Can't win a Democratic nomination without them.
>AND she turned out to be a fantastic campaigner
Career politician, fake progressive, pretending to be a minority, stirred up outrage with a fake story about sexism, has never done anything noteworthy, even her own state can't stand her.
And still. and still. and still.
>Elizabeth Warren
>Pretends to be native American
>She finished in third place in her own state. The people who know her best don't think much of her. She's as phony as they come and people see right through her facade.
same with Bernie, Won Vermont, but he went from 86% in 2016 to 50% in 2020.
>fantastic campaigner
Why do they keep forgetting her Pocahontas stunt and how she doubled down+embarrassed herself by releasing her dna test results?
And still nobody wants a hole running the country.
Women are just horrible choice for leaders. One thing we can say about America is we never elected a woman as president.
I voted for Tulsi because she looks good and I want to be able to say with pride "I'd fuck the president".
And still and still no one liked her because shes a liar.
>Imagine making a speculative DNA test say .1 percent East Asian / Possibly Native American
>Being whiter than white
I am tall, blonde, with a red beard. It'd be hilarious if I started claiming native American status. I don't even know why I would since native American are just drunken, child abusing, thieving, trailer park, meth smoking retards.
Daily reminder that having women rule over you is literally a punishment from God as described in Isaiah
AND shes like fucking insane, how are these people missing it?
Women leaders are toxic m8. Last thing we'd want is a woman running the country.
If Warren wasn't a women no one would like her either. Women are REEEEEing because they're realizing that Americans trust nigger men before they trust a white women. Also, black people wouldn't have voted for Obama if his name was Tom and he was white. Identify politics 101
>Elizabeth Warren is sworn into the White House
>seconds later she passes a law ... 1/1024 = full blooded
>minutes later indian casinos pop up everywhere
>tfw Pocahontas makes Back to the Future 2 a reality
Lmao imagine Warren as a male. He'd be laughed out.
I don't understand the point she's trying to insinuate. Help me.
You're racist and you hate women!
Hillary's 'baggage' was her greatest strength everyone fucking owed her or she had shit on them.
He had to try
You're only saying that because she's a Russian agent.
>be democrats
>party is 65% women
>elect your leader by majority vote
>blame men for results
if they are really this stupid why did anyone decide to let them vote in the first place?
There should be no women in politics. They should literally be related to home life. Feminine rulership is like that of the womb, of the cradle, or that of the Stone age long house in which the matriarchy sits softly by awaiting the descent of conquering men while engaging in human sacrifice and witchcraft.
Male leadership is like that of the Mead hall. Men who are explorers, warriors, and leaders. They are born to rule. The patriarchal society sends people to space. The matriarchal turns humans into androgenous yeast and cry about fat shaming is the men and women end up helpless and fat because they were coddled too much
She did speak about policy but it has nothing to do with the country well being.
Mostly about muh gender equality, muh LBGT group, muh minority.
This, the only reason Hilldawg got as far as she did was by literally buying the nomination, had it not been for her massive wealth she never would have made it past the primaries.
You earned this
>They should literally be related to home life.
Yet another thing Hitler was right about
Fug, couldn't help but laugh
Why won’t you bigots vote for the unlikeable harpies? Clearly it’s you and not them.
Turns out you need to have charisma to be elected. Whoops.
top fucking kek
ok I lol'd
She had the baggage of being a fashionable progressive vs a time tested progressive. Being a female senator doesn't make you a progressive hero. Her campaign was shit and uninspired. These people live in a fucking bubble.
If Warren is smarter than Hillary and Hillary was too smart to win, why would you expect Warren to win?
Warren is also just as much of a liar but not as corrupt as Hillary. Give Warren the power and she will be though.
Entire news media tried to establish her as a president by writing Leslie Knope style female characters into tv. Just like they did by having wise black presidents in movies before Obama. She is so unqualified and dislikable she lost to an unscripted, non politician, who only spent 300 million while Hillary spent 1.2 billion
Not defending the movie but a Life Magazine photo op isn't reality either.
This. Elizabeth Warren was also just as much a liar as Hillary is. She wasn't genuine. She was band wagoning hard as fuck to remain relevant. And her entire schtick was still "HURR ITS CUZ I AM WOMAN". Tulsi, if not hated by the establishment, I truly think would have a great shot at becoming President. I hope one day she drops her open border and anti-gun views because I agree with her on diplomacy and foreign policy.
Maybe she should have murdered anyone who spoke against her.
Goddammit. Poor Jeb just can't catch a break.